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An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2017-07-...p0295217.shtml 中印边境对峙出现重大变化!巴基斯坦为何突然出手了 2017年07月09日 08:26 新华社 //d0.sina.com.cn/pfpghc2/201707/06/080030d6539441ad9a5b991bf07e9486.jpg //d9.sina.com.cn/pfpghc2/201707/04/1f7a715d26ee492ba4cc446c35ed1342.jpg //d1.sina.com.cn/pfpghc2/201707/05/153b5062423f4b90a5598d7a1e66c327.jpg 新浪扶翼 行业专区 //d2.sina.com.cn/pfpghc2/201707/07/6f238d42699d4119827da7e5620dab45.jpg 来源:牛弹琴 中印边境对峙,已快一个月。 印度的非法入侵,考验的是中国的理性、耐心和应变能力。 印度不是1962年时的印度,但中国也已不是1962年时的中国。一场大博弈正在继续,并 正出现重大变 化——印度后院突然起火,印巴军队发生激烈交火。 最近两天,三个信号吧,意味深长! 根据这则通告,中国驻印度使馆提醒在印、即将来印中国公民, 1、密切关注当地安全形势, 2、提高自我保护意识, 3、加强安全防范, 4、减少不必要的外出, 5、出行注意人身和财产安全, 6、提前告知家人、同事、朋友出行情况, 7、保持通讯畅通, 8、携带个人身份证明, 9、谨言慎行, 10、严格遵守印法律法规, 11、尊重当地宗教习惯和风俗, 12、配合当地执法人员检查。 使馆并且提醒: 如遇紧急情况,请及时报警并联系中国驻印度使馆。 印度报警电话:0091-100; 中国驻印度使馆领事保护电话:0091-9810597886; 外交部全球领事保护与服务应急呼叫中心电话:+86-10-12308 或 +86-10-59913991。 这显然是因应可能的突然变局。 万一,我说的是万一,万一中印边境正发生重大事件,印度国内势必掀起反华浪潮,毕竟在人家 地盘上,中国 人安全堪忧。所以,使馆提前发出警告,中国人必须未雨绸缪。 山雨欲来,最近一段时期,能不去印度,还是不去印度吧! 信号二,印度也在调兵遣将、秣马厉兵。 从7月9日开始,美国、印度、日本举行大规模联合军演。 参演美军舰艇以第11航母打击大队为主,包括1艘核动力航空母舰尼米兹号、1艘导弹巡洋舰 、3艘导弹驱 逐舰和1艘攻击型核潜艇。 日军则出动“准航母”的出云号直升机驱逐舰,和高波级“涟”号驱逐舰。 印度方面,则确定“维克拉玛蒂亚”号航空母舰将参演。 三艘航母,会聚印度洋,就在临近中印边境的孟加拉湾,演习规模为历年来最大一次。针对哪个 国家,也不言 自明。 此外,在德国汉堡,日本首相安倍晋三与印度总理莫迪也举行会谈,就加强美日印三国军事合作 达成一致。 安倍在会谈中这样说:“希望使日印新时代取得大幅飞跃,主导印度太平洋地区的繁荣。”莫迪 则回应:“日 印两国将为建立法治秩序发挥很大作用。” 美日印同盟正呼之欲出,假想敌也不言而喻。 美日拉偏架,也在意料之中,现在的演习和会晤,不过是未来格局的一种预演。 这种对抗,也将主导着未来印度洋的格局。 信号三,印巴军队突然发生激烈交火。 中印在东边剑拔弩张,印度西边突然吃紧。 按照印度国防部的说法,7月8日早晨6月30分,在克什米尔地区,巴基斯坦军队用小型武器 、自动武器和 迫击炮向印度陆军哨所开火,导致2人丧生,数人受伤。 印方宣称,来自巴基斯坦方面的炮击十分密集,救援车辆无法到达村庄接送伤员。 这显然是“蓄意”而为,所以印度指责巴基斯坦违反停火协议;但巴基斯坦随即指控,印度才是 “无端”发起 攻击的一方。 按照巴方的说法,当天上午5时30分许,印度军方突然向巴控克什米尔地区进行炮击,造成至 少5名平民遇 难,这是数月来,印军炮击造成的单日平民死亡人数最高纪录。 忍无可忍,于是,巴军方被迫进行了还击。 一边嘴仗一边真打,反正自1947年印巴分治后,这个地方就没消停过。 巴铁就是巴铁,关键时候出手了。 当然,这也不能排除印度自信心膨胀,不是自吹要打2.5次战争,于是对巴基斯坦采取攻势。 但不管怎么样,印巴突然交火,中印边境对峙,将使印度腹背受敌。 有时,根本用不着中国亲自动手,对付三哥,自有天降神兵! 一场大博弈才刚刚开始,好戏在后头! ![]() ![]() http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-...L7qOABhiM.html Seven killed in India-Pakistan cross-border shelling Five people died on Pakistan’s side of the disputed border and 10 were wounded in cross-border shelling while two civilians were killed and two injured on the Indian side. india Updated: Jul 09, 2017 15:36 IST Reuters, Muzaffarabad/Srinagar Hizbul Mujahideen Kashmiri masked protesters throw rocks and bricks at government forces during a protest in Srinagar on Saturday.(AP Photo) Seven people were killed in Kashmir in cross-border shelling by both Pakistan and India on Saturday, officials on both sides of the frontier said, as the first death anniversary of Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Wani raised tensions in the region. The violence occurred as hundreds of militants and political activists took to the streets in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir to commemorate the death of Burhan Wani. A Reuters witness saw protesters holding Pakistani flags and banners and shouting slogans lauding the sacrifice of Wani and others, while pledging to carry on the holy war in Kashmir. Read more Three Indian Army jawans injured in militant attack in Kashmir’s Bandipora Let’s talk about Kashmir: Social media has been a game changer, and militants have a head start “Jihad is our path, freedom is our destination,” they shouted while holding up portraits of the slain militant. Another Reuters witness saw demonstrators wearing face masks throwing stones at police in downtown Srinagar. Police retaliated with teargas and stones thrown using slingshots. Authorities blocked internet access in Kashmir on Friday and sealed off his home town after Wani’s supporters said they would stage demonstrations to mark the anniversary. Members of a non-governmental organisation Youth Forum for Kashmir hold posters of Burhan Wani while chanting anti-Indian slogans during a rally in Lahore, Pakistan, on Saturday. (AP Photo) Five people died on Pakistan’s side of the disputed border and 10 were wounded in cross-border shelling, local police officials told Reuters. Pakistan’s government said it summoned India’s deputy high commissioner JP Singh over what it called “unprovoked ceasefire violations”. The Indian army’s defence spokesman said two civilians were killed on its side of the frontier and two injured due to shelling by Pakistani troops. The army responded in kind to the Pakistani shelling, he said. Militant commander leads protest India has been struggling to restore normality in Kashmir, deploying thousands more soldiers after Wani’s killing appeared to breathe new life into a 28-year armed revolt that had ebbed, with little international attention. Syed Salahuddin’s, a Pakistan-based Kashmiri militant commander, whom Washington last week added to a list of global terrorists, called for a strike on Saturday to mark Wani’s killing and led the protest in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. Read more J-K: Army reservist, wife killed in Pakistan shelling in Poonch Let’s talk about Kashmir: ‘What do I offer my son in a violent Kashmir’ Syed Salahuddin’s United Jihad Council vowed to continue its struggle to liberate Kashmir and called upon Islamabad to support their efforts “militarily.” “Diplomatic, moral and political support will not work anymore,” he said, addressing a large crowd gathered in an open space in Muzaffarabad. He said a tripartite dialogue between India, Pakistan and the Kashmiris to resolve the dispute in accordance with UN security council resolutions, will be welcomed. http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-...dzPdKeUVN.html ![]() 5.2 magnitude quake jolts India-Pak border region in J-K No loss of life or property was reported. india Updated: Jul 08, 2017 16:44 IST Press Trust of India, New Delhi Earthquake A BSF jawan stands guard near the fencing at the India-Pakistan in Ramgarh sector on July 6, 2017.(PTI) A medium intensity earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale jolted the India-Pakistan border region in Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday. The quake occurred at 3:42 pm at a depth of 10 km, the National Centre for Seismology of the India Meteorological Department said. There were no immediate reports of loss of life or property. Jammu and Kashmir is one of the regions that witness high seismological activities. EARTHQUAKE showed that heaven is taking part in the coming war, so it will be big. Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com. |
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