An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
I think by now we all know that the condition is serious and he will have to take time to recover. The damage to the brain and the impact on the functions are not known. Hopefully he will fall in the 30% bracket where there is no lasting effect or that it is minor. I am sure we all wish him a speedy recovery.
For those who are not aware, Swee Keat came from a relatively poor background. He grew up in the Redhill area and attended Bt Merah Primary School. He then went to RI. He was unusual in many ways. He was an introvert in school and when he went overseas for his tertiary education. No one amongst his classmates would have guessed that he would be a politician or even have much of a public profile. I don't think he even had a close friend. He never attempted to game the education system by going all out for the top prize which is quite rare compared to his peers. But unlike many introverts who are insecure, tend to be meek or subservient, this guy was the complete opposite. From day 1 of working life, he knew actually what he was doing and what others were supposed to do. He could spot red tape and bureaucracy a mile away. And he was prepared to take on his superiors in a confident and logical manner. As he progressed thru the ranks, he moved about in a quiet manner without announcing his presence. People would glance when he passed by and were unsure if it was Swee Keat that went by. As late as 3 years ago, he endorsed the bad performance rating of a senior Admin Officer who was the son of one of the most influential identity in Singapore without batting an eyelid. Something that one forummer here would know.
Which then brings me to the purpose of this thread. The well respected Financial Times had already named him as the likely successor. He was one of the gang of 4 of the 4th generation and it was obvious he was standing head and shoulders above his peers. He had also superseded the remaining 4 of the "super seven" 3rd generation because of the progression of age and the current PM's intention and indication to remain in post.
There is no expectation that the remaining three from the Gang of 4 would rise to the occasion and new blood is needed if Swee Keat does not recover. My guess is that the call will go out to Leo Yip who has similar traits as Swee Keat to fill the gap. As it stands, 3 that will now be in the mix will be Leo if he agrees, Chee Meng and Ke Yung. The latter two would have formed the 5th Generation .
Both Teo Chee Hean who was between the 2nd and the 3rd generation and Ng Eng Hen from the 3rd generation are out of the running due to the progression of age and the incumbent remaining in office. Teo will continue to be the custodian of the party and the protector of established interest. On the departure of the incumbent he will be the anointed the kingmaker and the party enforcer.
Then again Swee Keat may be back, fighting fit.
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