An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
It is 4:16AM and I am writing to you from McDonalds. I kena kicked out of the house because i failed my O levels. My L1R5 is 38 points. My father so angree he take chair throw and chased me out of my house. He say I am a useless bum and do no deserve a house over my head.
I had no time to pack my bags, I scramble to grab my handphone charger, wallet and mobile and here i am. I have been loitering at 24 hour places and sleeping at playgrounds. I tried calling my father but he reject all my calls.
I have some friends who can give me some help but how much can a 16 year old do for me? I haven't bathe in 2 days, where is a good place to wash up without having to pay for money?
How can I convince my father to take me back? I come from single parent family and have no siblings to help me. I know its my fault for skipping school and flunk my exams but is this how you treat your own child? Is this consider child abuse?
I thinking of complaining to Govt or sue my bapak to force him accept me in the house. Any one in same situation can advise me? I left 20 dollar in my pocket. Any advice is welcome.
A.S.S. Contributor
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