An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
"Thread: yourlaubu is one funny guy!
limpeh song song you understand? So I fuck u in the name of the father son and holy ghost!!! LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL"
for every point you zap your family will meet their deaths faster. limpeh curse your whole family, each and every single one of your family member will die very soon in the following horrific ways...
1) your father get hit and crushed to death by a double decker bus and his skull gets crushed into many pieces
2) your mother get crushed to death by a lorry until her intestines spill all over the road
3) your brother or sister gets killed in a car accident, arms and legs all totally severed into pieces
you know who you are, nothing but a ballsless piece of shit. dont let me find out who you are, i will punch out all your teeth and force you to swollow them
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