An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
be careful not to go into compass point hock hua at Compass Point #B1-36/37, 1 Sengkang Square S(545078).
theres a female chinese aunty staff poor customer service. dare to say everything dip in water can be dissolved. didnt she know metal wont dissolve and should pull her hair into water see if it can dissolve hahaha. what a crap she is with such poor general knowledge wont she feel embarrass in front of customers meh, even kids will laugh at her. suggest she take up private psle exams in science subject as sec one science maybe too difficult for her hehe.
be careful not to go int this snip avenue hair salon at Blk 826 Tampines Street 81 #01-110 Singapore 520826.
poor and dangerous customer service by its chinese female aunty staff. she is a cantonese keeping talking with her colleague and when you ask her to cut the style you want, she will stop half way and forced you to follow her style or wont cut hair for you leaving you with half cut hair and shout and curse you. their boss also will not listen to customers feedbacks. this is how they run business. its so cheap $2.50 per haircut their staff will cut the cost saving way so to cut down on electricity. so if you dont want to be curse and cut half way be cautious of $2.50 haircut in this salon. this female chinese aunty staff is only fit and should go cut body hair for pigs in zoo as they will chat with her hahaha.
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