An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
I cannot fathom how this is possible. Car A was speeding and bang into Car B. Driver A wanted to settle out of court but did not offer a reasonable settlement and thus, driver B went ahead to make an insurance claim against him.
Here's the FTW part..
As long as Driver A does not make an accident report, his insurance company will not take any action and thus, Driver B is left hanging and unable to claim against him. Driver B has only 2 options - claim his own insurance or engage a lawyer to sue Driver A. For the average people, the latter option is incomprehensible because the upfront cost may be more than his insurance excess.
Apparently, the 24 hours time limit to make an accident report is not legally enforceable. It's what the insurance wants you to do but not by law. What a joke.
So there you have it guys. Just don't make a report and you can drive the other party up the wall. Unbelievable.
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