An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
I guess by now you heard about the guy who went to CGH with an 8cm gash bled for 7 hours until he fainted because of overcrowding in public hospital.
4 weeks ago, I went cycling with a 'mixed' group of people just friends of friends 8 pple. 4 I met for first time. One was girl who drove family's Mercedes whom one of my friends befriended from some online chat or something. We rented bikes and were on our way. We were only 10 minutes into our cycling when accident happened. We were on the cycling path then the guy in from turned to bedok jetty...the Mercedes girls skidded and haad a deep cut near shin about 5cm. ...not as bad as a gash like the 7 hour wait case but deep enough to bleed continuously. If I had such a cut I would just press the skin together put plaster and tahan until clot. But this was a girl and there seem to be quite a lot of bleeding... someone suggested that better go hospital and get stitches. Me and another guy volunteered t take her. We t
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