An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
When Sylvia Lim made an unsubstantiated accusation against NEA of being politically motivated of playing politics against WP and its TC, every WP people clap. Of course the minister in charge of NEA VB will have to respond. But when VB accused Pritam and Sylvia of being untruthful, back up with facts and documented proofs, even prepared to call witnesses, WP backed off, WP people rise up in arms against VB and those who criticised WP... This is the sad state of "mob democracy" we have ended up.
I have dealt with NEA prior to GE2011 over the summon they issued NSP for "illegal hawking" when we were carrying out our political activity on the ground. I have never accused NEA of "playing politics" outright but just reason that we are not engaging in "illegal hawking" but in fact "political activity" which has been enshrined and protected by our Constitution. WP kept quiet throughout then although their political ground work had been affected as well. Their CEC member even accused me of "dragging WP into the mud" when I was merely stating a plain fact that this selling of party papers is a NORMAL political activity of all opposition parties. The fact is, now that this issue has been solved and a "new understanding" has been set, it benefits everybody in opposition, WP included.
Thus it is the standards of WP's politics. Very disappointing. If they want to accuse any people of "playing politics", at the very least, they must furnish it with facts, evidence and reasoning instead of just throwing mud at others. It is disheartening to learn that WP totally lacks the spirit of upholding truth and fair dealings. It is ok for them to anyhow slam others but when their flaws were pointed out, they just act blur and play victims. Such tricks can only succeed to hoodwink people for once or twice but you cannot carry on using such tricks every time.
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