RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
Bra care to post a picture/s of your so-called many adventures with your SO-called mate Prove to us as much as you've posted them |
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
he's too busy being entertained at
1) MBS - Paiza club after being personally escorted in by CFO Sands 2) RWS - Maxims Platinum CLub after being Personally Escorted in by Tan Sri (HEAD OF GENTING GROUP) to post any pictures of his High-Class Maid
Chameleonic online accent:Whatever I goddamn want to be. Great Red Dragon's Lair: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=389160 1st ever file GIVING/trading thread in sbf Proud owner of the largest publicly known Sharon Kho and Kelly Arrow Tan picture set |
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
why you all so upset with him? I think he is good entertainment, never fail to crack me up when he pop out of nowhere with his maid stories
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
lol he is busy dreaming , dont disturb........dreaming in progress
I dont know what you all dont know I cant act as through i know I wont know untill i do a search I wont search for what i am not interested Hence i here on this sex forum |
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
Why should he prove to you ?
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
We luv him & his high class adventure.
己所不欲,勿施于人。 |
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
So that he has some credibility ? Frankly, if I told you stories of how I fucked Megan Fox, wouldn't you doubt my credibility unless I gave you proof ?
Bonk Long and Prosper. |
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
he's a hypocrite. every1 noes. Whole day talk like a moral agent.
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
probably REG is e high end maid.........
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
http://thesbf.shop/showthr...90#post5523790 |
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
Just don't gib this idiot two fucks la bros. just babbling hot air only haha
Poor man wants to be rich, rich man wants to be king, but a king aint satistied till he rules everything |
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
RealEstateGuy = jameschong1 lah. just some pathetic low life creature trying to inflat their ego by boasting their ass off in forum.
in real life? 0 |
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
Re: RealEstateGuy & It's High Class Imaginary Mates
Re: Getting out of control
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- His 'high class' maid must be getting sick of his ineptness in bed... He's becoming a RealEssholeGuy. __________________ |
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