Staying at Westin and just returned from mission and thought i should put up my field report immediately so that any brothers coming here will have a place to go.
Went out walking after dinner and found this amazing spa located within a local hotel; only few mintues walk from Westin. Good thing was they have a male manager outside the joint and was able to ask him directly if full package is available. Cut the story short, place is a little old but facilities adequate; jacuzzi, steam bath, sauna. After that, you can proceed to tv lounge where u can relax on big reclining chair and watch some program and have your meal provided free.
when little bro is ready, u can proceed to room where the action takes place. room very standard like what we have in Singapore. massage as usual and u can also stop it when little bro impatient and start bonking. good thing is after little bro vomitted and still got time left, the girl will continue to attend to massage little bro area; after cleaning up of course.
overall, die die must try.
Full package damage - RMB 638 1.5hrs/unlimited
BBBJ - Yes
FJ - Yes
Painting - Yes
PM me if you are staying in Westin and want a place nearby for little bro.