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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 19-12-2006, 10:01 AM
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These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

Hi bros!

I'm constantly looking for good massage and found the Yahoo Singapore Classifieds massage interesting. I've spent almost 1 hour sifting through the junk and came up with these listings and would hope like to hear from the brothers here who had engaged their service to comment - whether good or bad, so that the rest of the bros can benefit!

I"m NOT promoting any and I'm not being judgemental here. I just want to share my findings and seek some comments/advice.

And if you are kind enough, pls up me for my effort. tks!

Zhu Er – Four listing EVERYDAY for the past one month at least!!! This is the undisputed massage spammer!!)
Description: I do traditional point pressure massage n exotic comfort massage,which can help relieve ur aches n pain.My looks,figure n personality r very excellent.i am also a professional massager in China.I am 33 yrs old,168cm n 53kg.My charges is 120 mins for $60,exluding hotel room.Place:Lavender 81 Hotel.Time:9am to 3an midnight.Pls send Chinese SMS or call me,zu er at 98926135

Qiu Wei – Four listing EVERYDAY since Dec 06 – another spammer!!
Description: My geniune introduction.Im 33 yrs old,168 cm n 53kg.My Bustline is 36 cm n my waist is 26 cm.i have a great figure n great looks with healthly skin n long black hair.I also have a sweet voice n look beautiful n sexy overall.i can provide u with the best service with my geniune massage to ease u of all ur days stress n tiredness.i have many years of experience in massaging,which include exotic massage that can make u feel sensual n refreshed.My massage also include:Muscle Relaxion massage, Exotic Comfort Massage, Traditional Point Pressure Massage, Chinese Rejuvenation Massage, Foot Point Pressure Massage, Kidney n Stomach Therapeutic Massage.Pls choose any one of the above u need n call me at 94999188.My charges is $60 for 90 mins excluding hotel room. Time:9am to 3am. Place:Lavender Hotel 81.Pls make an appointment with me 30 in advance or send chinese SMS to me at 94999188 qiu wei (Pls DO NOT Copy my Ad) Thank You!!!

Ai Hong – Four listing EVERYDAY too!
Description: Sevive Time:9 am til 3 am..My Charges is $60 for 1 hr include a room.i am 28 yrs old.My massage skills is very good n my service is excellent.Pls call or send chinese SMS to me, ai hong at 94851969

“Lara” (according to Yahoo) – One listing daily since 15 Dec 06
Description: want to enjoy a professional massage after a hard day work?please call:91490826

“Ping Ping” (according to Yahoo)– One listing daily since 16 Dec 06
Description: I am 27 years from China provide professional massage if u are interested in my service please call:81668007

“fuxiufengfu” (according to Yahoo) - 12 listings since Oct 06
Description: You may be looking for an extremely thorough, detailed, professional massage. That is exactly what you will get from this gentle lady. She is the Thierry Henri of Chinese massage no kidding! She never misses a shot. Great personality too, if you like to have a pleasant, positive conversation. She is from Dalian, across the channel from Japan. 30 years old, at 165cm height she carries just 50kg light, tight! She has strong training in exceptional technique, so the result is likely the best, most intense massage you have ever had. She will come to you for a one-hour life-altering experience for just $60. She listens to what you want so the custom massage fits you like a glove. Call her at 82046968

Xiao Wei – 7 listing since Dec06
Description: I do traditional point pressure massage n exotic comfort massage,which can help relieve ur aches n pain.My looks,figure n personality r very excellent.i am also a professional massager I am 25 yrs old,170cm n 60kg.My charges is 90 mins for $60,exluding hotel room.Place:Lavender 81 Hotel.Time:9am to 12 midnight.Pls send Chinese SMS or call me,xiao.wei.at94222264


Hands 2 Body Spa – 17 listing since dec06
Description: At Hands 2 Body Spa, all our customers are being pampered by the best looking young local girls massaging you. We have a pool of part time models, University undergrads and poly girls (joking? Come down and be shocked!) all serving you in the privacy of your own bali designed rooms. Our charges are $55 for an hr of full body massage and $80 for an 1.5hrs session. Hear, Feel, Sense & Touch is a slogan we take pride of. Book early if you want the best girls. Opens 11.30am-10.30pm. Call us at 62976626 ... Be Smitten by our girls!

Old 19-12-2006, 12:26 PM
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

Some things that worry me about ad is yahoo:

1. The girl is actually not a girl
2. The girl's massage skill sucks big time (bad and i on mean BJ)
3. The girl charges you an exorbitant rate
4. The girl is a no show
5. No QC on the girl for the services (stnd and special)
6. It is a setup.....

The last one in particular scares me... heard there was one post which was actually placed by AV... don know how tru it is...

If i earn a penny each time i use my brain, I would probably starve to death ...!
Old 19-12-2006, 01:47 PM
lausiong lausiong is offline
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

like threadstarter me also look out for good massage

called qiuwei but ended with fuxiufeng instead; they are friends and pass clients to each other if one is busy

anyways, massage was strong ,not the touch here touch there type, more bao jian rather than treatment
the contact no. is as per ad
age 30s, 1.6m +
Old 19-12-2006, 09:19 PM
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

Hi all bros, dun waste your time on yahoo ads massage. Personally i tried a few, but all cannot make. They say 1 hr massage plus handjob, in the end, just press press here n there. Plus Mechanical hj. Some more cannot touch. Maybe my luck no good. All i met all cannot make it, in terms of look, figure and service. Just my 2 cents worth.

Old 19-12-2006, 10:05 PM
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

Most of the contacts listed all i can say is that they have been in yahoo for quite some time. Only a few new ones appear like Xiaowei. Alot of them keep changing their names once in a while. Some looks good some cmi. I kenna 1 time b4 1 cmi one...And some are really good in massage. HJ is mediocre. I rather do it myself.
Old 20-12-2006, 08:41 AM
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Thumbs down Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

Tried the local sg girl Mun yesterday. Slim tall girl with eraser nips
Massage cannot make it.
The rest of services ALSO cannot make it even though comes at premiun price.
What was I thinking!? Sigh
Old 20-12-2006, 10:16 AM
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

Thank you all bros who reply! This is exactly my aim!
To highlight the pitfalls/dangers of Yahoo classified massage for the benefit of our bros out there.

So far... the gems are far little and few in between of all the junk there. So I don't think I will bother with them liao...
I've only wasted time trawling the listings... luckily... didn't waste $$$ yet!
Old 20-12-2006, 10:31 AM
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

i came across 2 ads in yahoo recently and they are really fun. one is looking for oyster licking only, even the wife "passed away" also need to broadcast. the other one is a warning or sabo on one FL he tried before.

Other: Maid wanted. easy job. easy money; East Coast, sg

Description: Looking for maid who is able to let a 40+ local chn guy to feed on her private part. Strictky NO SEX! NO FUCK! just lay back and let me lick. Prefer on a regular or weekly basis. Willing to pay cash everytime. Size n look doesnt matter. But must be CLEAN. I am married to my wife for the past 20 yrs and have a grown up boy. My wife had been feeding me on a regular basis for the past 20 yrs till she left me suddenly 2 yrs ago due to an unforseen accident. As habits are hard to quit and urge get stronger everyday, I sincerely need an understanding lady to help. Pls do email to me at [email protected] with your details, conyact and would deeply appreciate if you could enclosed a pic of yourself. It will be keep strictly confidential. Thanks for your time.
Date Posted: 12/04/06

Contact: petrick
Email: [email protected]


Health & Beauty: Cecilia and Joey the same *FAT GAL*; Ang Mo Kio, sg

Description: Hello. Looking for a massage? Look no further. I can do massages for you at a low price. 29 y.o., local, Chinese girl, gorgeous Cecilia is at your service. 90038364 hp. Thanks. ************************************************** ****************************** Dun be fake by her. She is fat and ugly. When u meet her and you reject u will be harrash by her till you give her at least $50. If not she will shout and making a big fuss in the public. Believe a not up 2 you and i kanna this trick by her.
Date Posted: 12/04/06
Old 20-12-2006, 12:52 PM
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

here's my encounter

2-3 mth ago, i saw a massage posting on Yahoo classified. Can't remember the detail of what is posted. the classified mentioned she is a sexy, slim indonesian chinese doing msg cum special going by the name of Betty.

I tried to contact the gal over a few day (1 day call 1-2 time, 2 time the most). when no reply from her, i decided to sms her.

abt a week later receive a call from the police inspector. he reassure me not to get worry. He just want me to provide information where i got her number from. I said it's yahoo classified and the police inspector ask for the date where I found the yahoo classified.

Apparently the gal make a complain that smeone posted her numbers and she received many call from brothers.
Old 20-12-2006, 06:06 PM
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

To Bro who are looking for massage,
Please allow me to post the FR on Qiu Wei. Last week was calling her thinking of a good decent massage but here is the rating:

Look : 6/10
Age : 33 (she says, but I guess maybe older, looks like 38 to me)
Figure : 5/10 she is not slim type. (168cm / 53kg I can believe)
massage : 5/10 (started off with very good massage on by back and after it reach my legs, she start with erotic massage on my buttock, then come her golden question.)

Next she post the golden question on making love. She told me $100 include FJ and at $60 is with HJ, as my original plan was good decent massage hence rejected the FJ and so opt for HJ, after that the her service mood swing and her massage change to touch here and touch there (total massage not more then 30 minutes then goto HJ).

HJ : 4/10 (no lubricant just grab my didi and stroke, loosy feeling)
Total damage : $60 + $20 room for a less then 45minutes massage.
RTF : No.

The above is my personal experience with her and if any other bro have tried her and find her different, please feel free to share your view.
Old 21-12-2006, 01:43 AM
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

i don't those from yahoo classified. i only trust bros fr here... then if good, i would go for a try... that's what i have been doing all along...
Old 21-12-2006, 08:34 AM
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Question Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

It's really nice to see all these contribution from our bros here. Actually not all are bad. In fact, some of the gals have been tried by out senior bros here and there were even FR. Therefore, not all are lousy.

An example is Lara who is the same person as Ping Ping. You can see the FR here --->

There was also another FR on this lady known as Zhao Tong but posted in Yahoo as "Xiao Tong" with Fr as well over here --->

It will be nice if we can have more reviews of the masseues posted in yahoo classified so that we will know who are the better ones. Keep on posting guys.
Old 21-12-2006, 11:48 AM
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

I guess these girls are not aware of SBF and that brothers like us frequently share information... I tried calling a few times and mostly turned out disappointed. Zhaotong was the only exception.. had really good massage and HJ from her... I will still prefer to keep to contacts from SBF.. much safer and will not have to worry about wasting my money and time on CMIs
Virginity just like balloon. One Prick and all gone....

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Old 21-12-2006, 03:25 PM
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

my feel for those ads is they could be real... someone might be operating TN business in Lavender Hotel 81
Old 26-12-2006, 06:00 AM
xfreeman xfreeman is offline
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Re: These Yahoo Classifieds massage any good? (short-list inside)

Newbie here... following FL FR on massage for few days and came across Zhao Tong's name mentioned by one of the seniors. Decided to try her out after obtaining her contact (Yahoo Ad) but was unable to get her yesterday, maybe business too good liao.

Call this Xiao Wei (standby list) as posted by this Threadstarter so might as well contribute my FR for bros who curious to know...

1st Call: Before proceeding to book a rm in Lavander, H81. First impression, voice not so sweet leh... but still proceed since voice is nvr my consideration factors. Just hoping that she will provide a good massage as i really need it, of cse, expecting her golden question since it is their rice-bowl.

2nd Call: Told her the rm nos, confirm the damage is $60/90min and didn't go any further. (could be a mistake for not checking out 'real' service nature)

Ding dong.... peep thru the doorhole, tall lady wearing black tude w cardigan and jean hotpant... ok lah...but not as expected. Came in only, i started to ask her is it going to be point massage or oil massage... ???? she start to blur and said just normal massage lor...

Ok lor then i shall see since quite prepared for the worst. Went into toilet change and immediately she took of her cardigan. I lied on bed with a towel wrap facing down. She removed it and sit on my naked butt and started her massage from neck, shoulder....etc. From her strength, knew that she is not a prof massager but just let her continue and could feel her smooth thighs moving up and down my butt. But must comment that her attitude was good thoughout even though i commented her strength was weak, compared her with other massagers and she seem to sense that i am looking for good massage but keep asking me to teach her and check if i am comfortable enough..... Poor thing!

After 30min, i asked her what else can she offered?? Yappy.. smile and innocent look start to come out and blushly she replied anything lor... if just 'da fei ji' is $60, Bj is $80, FJ is $100. Then interestingly, she questioned you just want 'da fei ji'??? I chosen Bj since her massage job didn't really impressed me. But still, a bit tired on my part and my didi don't seem to cooperate that i have to shift her around so that i can auto roamed her. So obediently, she just did as i wanted and even requested to take of everything and wash her meimei when i started to finger her.

So here is the rating:

Look : 6/10 (long hair but some pimples)
Age : 20+
Figure : 7/10, A cup boobs, fair and smooth complexion, 170cm
massage : 5/10 (hardworking and no rush for her golden question.)
BJ : 7/10 (hardworking throughout and didn't complain although took a long time to cum, she will stopped and used tissue to wipe off her saliva that flow down your didi's hairs)
Total damage : $80 + $20 room
RTF : Maybe as she is so obediant liao, not $face and has GF feel....

Will still want to try out Zhao Tong one day...

And thanks to Bro JT, i have just added Ping Ping into my list also.
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