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just to ask. rca is not a club name right is a street name.right? I''ve checked online they have slim. 808. flix. inch. juzzit. ..which is more famous? I assume slim is much famous and more people? but checked th timing. it's 7pm-2am..they closed so earthly? so what time can I start partying?
those who upped me, pls leave ur nick so i can return favour
just to ask. rca is not a club name right is a street name.right? I''ve checked online they have slim. 808. flix. inch. juzzit. ..which is more famous? I assume slim is much famous and more people? but checked th timing. it's 7pm-2am..they closed so earthly? so what time can I start partying?
RCA stands for Royal City Aveune. It's a place name where club are along the street. Starting with Slim, Flix, Route 66 and so on. The famous one are the one just mentioned by me. Do come at above 2200 hrs to secure good place. They close at 0200hrs, and majority of the clubbers will head to after hours club, scratch dog and Wip, used to be the favourite hang out. But according to my friend, recently she went to Wip, Wip no longer close at 0500hrs, and told me, cnx still the best for clubbing wise.
RCA is Royal City Avenue, the name of the street. Slim / Fix and Route 66 are the more popular joints. Slim and Route 66 got live band but after certain time DJ will spin hiphop and popular rock /R&B songs. Fix is more for techno/trance. Remember got to pay cover charge for farangs. If open bottle can have 4 pax go in free. Anyway info is wuite a while back but doubt things have changed....
RCA is Royal City Avenue, the name of the street. Slim / Fix and Route 66 are the more popular joints. Slim and Route 66 got live band but after certain time DJ will spin hiphop and popular rock /R&B songs. Fix is more for techno/trance. Remember got to pay cover charge for farangs. If open bottle can have 4 pax go in free. Anyway info is wuite a while back but doubt things have changed....
thanks for your answers. just wanna know what time does the crowd flow in? I knows it's opened from 8pm-2am. yes will write a .fr once I'm back from Singapore. thanks
those who upped me, pls leave ur nick so i can return favour
As mentioned by Bro Nonteerak, crowd starts coming in after 10pm. But Fri and Sat best to go b4 10pm to secure gd spot. The last time i went abt 11pm on Fri night it was already packed and only got a table on upper floor at Slim.... Good luck hunting!
Slim and Route 66 got live band but after certain time DJ will spin hiphop and popular rock /R&B songs.
A quick check, slim have live band now? I thought all the while is a dance club, live band is next door, if you come out from the toilet, you turn to your left, and there's live band.
A quick check, slim have live band now? I thought all the while is a dance club, live band is next door, if you come out from the toilet, you turn to your left, and there's live band.
I thought the whole area considered under Slim? I'm not too sure since i've only been there twice, the last time was more than a year back. I remember the demarcation btw Slim and Fix is quite obvious (turn left or right), and i was get confuse which is which. Perhaps a regular there can enlighten?
But I remember being pissed off cos they stop me and my Singaporean friends and made us pay cover charge the last time, but my thai friend got in with no hassles, and my friend brought along a puying who will only be 21 in less than a month, and didn't allow her in till after some 'negotiation'....
A quick check, slim have live band now? I thought all the while is a dance club, live band is next door, if you come out from the toilet, you turn to your left, and there's live band.
Many dance clubs have all in one including live bands these days like Climax, CM2,Hollywood.
Originally Posted by cannotcannot
Anybody wanna go for drink?
You are paying?
__________________ "If you've been playing poker for half an hour and you still don't know who the patsy is, you're the patsy" — Warren Buffett
Cover charges for 66 and slim can be use to offset drink you order including liqour, since you guys are going in and will be ordering, there shouldn't be too much of an issue
RCA stands for Royal City Aveune. It's a place name where club are along the street. Starting with Slim, Flix, Route 66 and so on. The famous one are the one just mentioned by me. Do come at above 2200 hrs to secure good place. They close at 0200hrs, and majority of the clubbers will head to after hours club, scratch dog and Wip, used to be the favourite hang out. But according to my friend, recently she went to Wip, Wip no longer close at 0500hrs, and told me, cnx still the best for clubbing wise.
To all the bros who have upped me, thanks a lot! Will find opportunity to up (not literally) you back.