Agree totally and we really ought to put this salary and cheonging correlation to bed for good. 2 people with the same salary can have vastly different commitment, appetite and rationale when it comes to how much they want to spend on ML/FL. Some already have partners and just want to eat out on and off. Some kena KC big time. Some only purpose in life is cheonging and nothing else! So no need discuss salary or analyse the hows and whys, worst of all is trigger any imbalance feelings, especially considering a ton of things written here is pure fiction lol
I like your last sentence, “pure fiction”. Ultimately, just do whatever you want.
Senior bro! Some guys like you have all the luck.
I seem to meet those who die die won’t take off totally, even if I offer to pay more. Sign, I am resigned to fate.
By the way, hope this topic won’t make the broken recorder come to life
need to look like andy lau aaron kwok, and have super deep pockets in order for them to strip off fullly
Agree totally and we really ought to put this salary and cheonging correlation to bed for good. 2 people with the same salary can have vastly different commitment, appetite and rationale when it comes to how much they want to spend on ML/FL. Some already have partners and just want to eat out on and off. Some kena KC big time. Some only purpose in life is cheonging and nothing else! So no need discuss salary or analyse the hows and whys, worst of all is trigger any imbalance feelings, especially considering a ton of things written here is pure fiction lol
Perfect description, and most that wrote pure fictions here are the ones who can’t even stand up lol. The weaker you are in real life, the more attention and fictional stories you need to boost your ego on the internet
Means no HJ? Got strip hug nt haha.
Ya i also hear of ppl playing 2 to 3 hours tcss with the ML without doing anything. Either no friends or very lonely but cash rich maybe... confirm easy money for the ML and makes it hard for us to book relieve session
These people typically go for the MLs within their 1-2 months here. There is also another group who buy many hours to bring the ML out.
Nothing wrong, the MLs are here to sell their time. Just that the ML will have the misconception that she just need these few big clients to survive, and provide substandard services to the rest.
After the hype dies off, these big customers will typically disappear. This is when we can expect better services from the ML
Means no HJ? Got strip hug nt haha.
Ya i also hear of ppl playing 2 to 3 hours tcss with the ML without doing anything. Either no friends or very lonely but cash rich maybe... confirm easy money for the ML and makes it hard for us to book relieve session
I heard before from MLs, they will buy dinner over to eat and chat with them. And nothing else. Most of them is those professional like doctors and lawyer. How real I don't know.
I heard before from MLs, they will buy dinner over to eat and chat with them. And nothing else. Most of them is those professional like doctors and lawyer. How real I don't know.
Buy dinner is ok bah just let the ML know in advance if within the hours. Worst i heard is deduct the dinner cost (which wasnt cheap) from the ML fees. Wanna treat dont be so stingy la haha
Buy dinner is ok bah just let the ML know in advance if within the hours. Worst i heard is deduct the dinner cost (which wasnt cheap) from the ML fees. Wanna treat dont be so stingy la haha
Lol want to go Dutch say in advance ma. Like that easy to get into blacklist.
Buy dinner is ok bah just let the ML know in advance if within the hours. Worst i heard is deduct the dinner cost (which wasnt cheap) from the ML fees. Wanna treat dont be so stingy la haha
I heard some bro want act generous ask what the MLs want to eat. Then after MLs said liao, don't reply. Haha. Ask MLs paid abit.... Haha. I rather you don't buy. Minus points only. Haha
Looks : Confirm SYT , looks like photo
Location : central , lots of parking and next to train station
Massage : well trained in Shenzhen , but not main point - as she is really syt , slim and look like those poly or uni first year girls …
Sensual : really syt and looks shy …
She is really friendly and chatty , someone whom you would really want to bring out
Anyone heard from this milf ML named Kino/Coco recently? Been visiting her on and off but she hasn't been replying to my texts. Ads are also gone. Would be good to reconnect with her.
LOL don't need to be surprised, some ML told me they have customers go there 'CHIT CHAT' only and nv do anything. Hahaha they love this kind of customers the most.
I normally book my regular for 3 hours. She will prepare a blanket on the bed, we just hug n kiss while covered under the blanket. Later I continue hugging her and sleep, at the same time I am absorbing her 阴气 - This is so called 採陰補陽.
I am using this method to maintain my youth and fitness.
__________________ 书到用时方恨少
Last edited by ladyassasinato; 18-08-2024 at 05:23 PM.
Hahaha I will go do that. Already lined up some to go. That’s the best solution.
Side point, I was comparing SLG ladies and those at the Health Centre thread, actually SLG less hit and miss right? What are your hit and miss rates comparing the 2?
I feel HC more older aunties leh
Hit and Miss is also just part of the game. If u commando an unknown ML and it’s a hit, si bei song one.
SLG has like 100+ ML only, good ones will normally be mentioned in this tcss thread, less likely to go wrong as long do some homework.
HC thread has more variety, Fk shop, MP, Spa, Ktv, etc. do some homework or go for those popular and verified ones won’t go wrong anyway.
Originally Posted by georgemagnum
Boi snr bro, I think you will believe *hugs*
What is DG? I only know SLG.
She ownself open present, I already face problemS.
I ownself open present, 难如登天。
May I message you to ask if this ML that caught my eye will ownself open present?
DG = 男人的天堂 Dong Guan.
Where got such things as SN, all those SYTs is either FN or soon to be FN.
Almost forgot how a panty looks like.
Easy solution, find a few more regular ML and try new ones here and there, then u won’t have time to feel jealous over one. No need 为了一棵树放弃整个森林
U very 谦虚。 u think I will believe u meh. 😒
Maybe is just me or DG era see too many FN, but as long as not grandma panties, sometimes having panties on see liao more sexy and shiok.
Not to mention own self open present got more kick mah. Haha