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Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
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Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
cheong sua!!! 2 sua with nice rasins on top~~~ yummy~~~
muahahaha! I'm back in Sha until 6th Jan~~~ Shanghai still better compared to Beijing~~ more civilise in a way but colder!! shitz.. i caught a cold... wanna chiong also cannot.. chionging my bed now...
看了 "苹果" 觉得男人不可靠 看了 "色戒" 觉得女人不可靠 看了 "投名状" 觉得兄弟不可靠 看了 "长江7号" 觉得地球人都不可靠 真他妈的靠 |
Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
Any guys up for some KTV during the next days?
I would prefer a large group, like at least 5-6 people, for more fun! |
Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
Happy New Yr
Maui_Boy ![]() PM yo nick if u have up my points..will return when i have recover.....🍻 |
Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
Going to Shanghai for a short business trip soon, will be staying near to Caohejing Hi Tech park station. Can let me know any happening around there? :-) |
Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
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Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
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Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
In case I no time to go out and explore... Any good FL website to recommend?
Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
http://thesbf.shop/showthread....424391&page=35 |
Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
上海女球迷外滩踩踏事件中遇难 绿地官微悼念
中超腾讯体育 [微博] 2015-01-02 21:30我要分享 56 [摘要]足球从不高于生死,每个足球人尊重生命,热爱生活,这是足球存在的意义,是我们每位球迷如此挚爱足球原因。 灾难面前,我们哀悼,但我们会在悲痛中勇敢前行。 腾讯体育1月2日讯 北京时间2014年12月31日晚23时35分许,上海外滩陈毅广场发生群众拥挤踩踏事故。截至1月2日1 1时,事故共造成36人死亡,49人受伤。时至此刻,这场同胞的灾难依然在这个节日里为每个国人的心头蒙上 一层阴影。就在刚刚,pptv申花网络电视频道的官方社交媒体上发布一条最新消息,一位绿地女球迷在踩踏事 件中遇难,并通过媒体为这位不幸的遇难者哀悼。几分钟后,绿地申花俱乐部也转发了这条微博,说道:姑娘一路 走好,并秉烛以示悼念! |
Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
ASIA PACIFIC Mourning and fury over China stampede deaths EmailPrintText Resize+-reset POSTED: 02 Jan 2015 20:51 RELATED CONTENTS 12 hours ago China demands answers to Shanghai stampede 19 hours ago Shanghai New Year crush victims mainly young women PHOTOS A relative of a victim of a New Year's Eve stampede cries as she waits with other families to identify the bodies at a hospital in Shanghai on January 1, 2015. (Photo: AFP/Greg Baker) ENLARGECAPTION SHANGHAI: The bitter pain of bereavement turned to tears of anger on Friday (Jan 2) for relatives of the 36 killed in a New Year's Eve crush in Shanghai, as they accused authorities of failing to control the crowds. Li Juan was only a few metres away from her younger sister Li Na on the Bund when the accident happened on a wide stairway leading to a waterfront promenade. "It all feels like a dream and I still cannot believe that she is gone," she said, weeping uncontrollably and struggling to get her words out. The 23-year-old victim worked as an assistant teacher in an early learning centre. "The government is responsible for the accident," Li said, adding she only saw six to eight police on the staircase. "I couldn't see any other police on the plaza" below, she added, before collapsing in grief on the floor. The stampede took place as vast numbers of people crammed into a square named for Chen Yi, Shanghai's first Communist mayor. Most of the fatalities were young women, authorities said, and Li was from one of three families who spoke to AFP on Friday about their lost loved ones. Qi Xiaoyan, a 21-year-old migrant worker, came to Shanghai from nearby Anhui province just four months ago to earn money to support her family back home, her cousin said. "I cannot imagine something like this would ever happen in a city like Shanghai," said Cai Jinjin, who has lived in Shanghai for 10 years. "Besides the sadness, I'm more bitterly disappointed in this city." All but four of the dead on a list of 32 identified victims released by the city government were aged 25 or under, and 21 were female. The youngest was a 12-year-old boy, Mao Yongjie. He became separated from his mother in the overwhelming flow of revellers, news magazine Caixin reported, and efforts by hospital staff to save his life failed. His mother spent New Year's Day crying until she passed out from exhaustion, Caixin added. The crush is Shanghai's worst accident since a fire in a high-rise residential building killed 58 people in 2010, and a black mark for the commercial hub's international reputation. The official news agency Xinhua said municipal authorities had been caught in a wave of criticism for "not making effective preparative measures to cope with the crowds that flock the Bund". OLDEST VICTIM The oldest fatality was Du Shuanghua, 37, whose wife told AFP he was the family's only breadwinner and she had not told their eight-year-old son that his father was dead. Fan Ping showed AFP pictures of the family together on her phone, but struggled to find the one she wanted her husband to be remembered by, before refusing to look at it herself. Friends who were with Du on the Bund told Fan that her husband was still conscious when he arrived at the Shanghai Number One People's Hospital, where most of the injured were taken. But she never saw him alive again. Police and security guards prevented relatives from entering the hospital before eventually allowing only two members of each family into a waiting area. "We waited desperately from midnight the first day to 9pm the next day. The hospital did not give me any updates on my husband until we were told to go to the funeral home to see his body," Fan said. Relatives wailed uncontrollably at a funeral home where some of the bodies were taken, with one woman crumpling with despair almost immediately after coming out with other family members holding her up. One man said: "My son is in there, I can't believe this happened." City authorities on Friday raised the number of injured by two to 49, according to a statement. Four were in critical condition, Xinhua said citing hospital sources, and another nine were severely hurt. People continued to gather at the accident scene, some laying flowers in a government-approved show of mourning. University student Chen Xiaohang placed white chrysanthemums at the memorial site in memory of the sister of a high-school classmate who died. "I feel very sad about this and I hope the government will offer better safety controls for events like this," she said. Shanghai residents also questioned why authorities did not control the crowds, although police said a "more than normal" 700-strong force was present. "The Shanghai government should take responsibility for the incident. Most of the young victims must be the only child of their families," said taxi driver Xu Jianzhong. Under China's strict birth control regulations most couples are restricted to a single child. - AFP/ir |
Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
东莞90后打工仔学克隆术 盗走女子卡内20万
头条新闻羊城晚报 [微博] 陈骁鹏2015-01-03 10:41我要分享 275 [摘要]其中一人潜入酒吧当服务生,利用帮客人刷卡之机,使用刻读机盗取别人银行卡信息,再将卡克隆成“伪”卡到柜 员机取钱转账。 羊城晚报讯 记者陈骁鹏报道:东莞市民江女士一张银行卡,一直贴身携带,但在六天时间内,被人用“克隆卡”在多个城市以 转账、取现等方式盗取了卡内人民币约20多万元。东莞万江公安分局近日公布案情。原来,5名90后来莞务工 人员,从工厂离职后合伙干起了“克隆卡”盗刷营生,其中一人更是潜入酒吧当服务生,利用帮客人刷卡之机,使 用刻读机盗取别人银行卡信息,再将卡克隆成“伪”卡到柜员机取钱转账。 目前,警方抓获5名犯罪嫌疑人,缴获银行卡读卡器1个,伪造银行卡21张,台式电脑2台、手提电脑1台及其 他涉案物品一批。 卡不离身 竟被在外市取现转账 去年11月底,在东莞做生意的江女士,到建设银行查询一张储蓄卡当月中旬一笔20万元的进账,没想到卡里面 账户余额竟然几乎为零。后查询得知,从11月20日至11月26日,江女士卡内的钱分别在珠三角多个城市, 被人以转账、取现等方式,分十多次取完。 银行卡一直在江女士身上,为何会有人能用她的银行卡并有密码转账、取现? 警方介入后初步调查发现,原来,有人把江女士银行卡克隆后,再持“伪卡”通过转账、取现等方法将她卡内的现 金转走,这些人团伙作案,分工明确,手法娴熟。 五打工仔 为赚快钱学起“克隆术” 12月12日,东莞警方展开多次行动,一举抓获犯罪嫌疑人李某明(男,24岁)、张某昌(男,22岁)、蔡 某海(男,22岁),俞某俊(男,22岁),卓某发(男,23岁)等五人,均为广西马山人。 让警方意外的是,这五个90后团伙,上半年还是在东莞打工的年轻人,因嫌工资不高又辛苦,五个“哥们”竟辞 掉了工作捞起了偏门。 卓某发供称,自己在网上认识了一个朋友湖南佬(花名)(男,在逃),经引路学会了用克隆机克隆银行卡的方法 。卓某发从工厂辞工后,特意选择到酒吧去当服务生,就为了能够接触到客人的银行卡,从而实施克 隆术赚钱。 当服务生 趁顾客酒后不注意“下手” 十月上旬,江女士与朋友们到万江一家酒吧喝酒,酒后,拿出银行卡结账,当服务生卓某发拿卡在帮江女士刷卡时 ,趁她不注意,偷偷使用读卡器把银行卡内信息导出,盗取卡信息。并且,趁江女士输入密码时的麻痹大意,卓某 发轻易地记下了密码。 过后,他再用电脑将读卡器内信息导出,拍照后用QQ传给“湖南佬”,“湖南佬”制作“伪卡”后寄回给卓某发 。再由卓某发组织李某明、俞某俊、张某昌、蔡某海等人外出转账、取现,得手后,卓某发与“湖南老”按前期约 定的“三七”分赃款。 事实上,将江女士的银行卡克隆到手后,他们查询卡内有三万元,并且发现里面账户有大额交易流水,断定银行卡 还会有“大钱”进账,因而选择守株待兔,天天去柜员机查余额,直到前文说的20万元进账后,他们才开始取钱 转账。 据警方了解,卓某发等五人从事该营生时间不是太长,但手头上已经有十多张“伪卡”,涉及资金尚未明确,目前 警方正在深挖扩线,上述五名犯罪嫌疑人已被依法刑事拘留。 (羊城晚报) 相关搜索: 广东东莞打工仔生活照空间克隆器2014扣扣空间克隆qqkj音乐克隆器克隆空间背景音乐新型银行卡克隆器 新型 |
Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
Hi Bros,
Looking through the forums, it seems like there is a large range for pricing in Shanghai. Any bros can advise on the market rates? The average? |
Re: Shanghai Recommendations 2
Average pricing of what? Sauna is between 700 to 1k plus, depending on the category of the girl...
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Shanghai | mrclen | Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos | 1 | 08-03-2016 12:10 PM |
Shanghai Visiting Overnight Recommendations | Shangstar | International Field Reports | 0 | 09-02-2014 02:19 PM |
new shanghai | TanGeGE | Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos | 0 | 19-02-2013 12:33 PM |
shanghai mei mei | rthawk109 | Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION) | 7 | 28-08-2009 05:35 PM |
New Shanghai Ktv | chaichai_star | Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos | 5 | 26-06-2005 02:53 AM |