me aint ur bro in law though I do fuck ur wife occasionally, stop coming to macau/cp thread to disturb and I will leave u alone.
so u want war right?
UFO = no wonder even your cp kakis phew on u behinf your back! muay kian seow! phew!
still siak suay yourself in cp! phew!
u owe this site? look in the longkao, o owe this site>? banglas & tiong kok kia betetr than u.
cheebyw kia UFO = U Fcuk Off yourslf, phew!
hai yeung jameschong. feel sorry for ur mother to have a pea brain son like u. or do u actually have a mother at all? scumbag like u should just be coming out from the sewage..hahaha!!!
hai yeung jameschong. feel sorry for ur mother to have a pea brain son like u. or do u actually have a mother at all? scumbag like u should just be coming out from the sewage..hahaha!!!
my father f your mother, now i f your sister, so bro-in-law low piao UFO (U Fuck Off) we are one family mah.
i know u angry i expose u are bankrupt, now working as securiy guard, expose how u throw $$$ to beer promoters at amk, throwe money to massage girls in china to win love but in the end, pok kai, bankrupt.
u challenge me to expose u, so i did it lor. but make u angry until u go roudn cry like baby. sorry lah bro-in-law UFO i expose u lah.
i also tell your cheong kakis to stop talking behind your back, stop callung u kam lang kia etc etc
my father f your mother, now i f your sister, so bro-in-law low piao UFO (U Fuck Off) we are one family mah.
i know u angry i expose u are bankrupt, now working as securiy guard, expose how u throw $$$ to beer promoters at amk, throwe money to massage girls in china to win love but in the end, pok kai, bankrupt.
u challenge me to expose u, so i did it lor. but make u angry until u go roudn cry like baby. sorry lah bro-in-law UFO i expose u lah.
i also tell your cheong kakis to stop talking behind your back, stop callung u kam lang kia etc etc
can u also stop barking? u should bark at your master UFO.
look properly, see clearly before u bark at the wrong tree, joncheong.
u can UFO (Fuck Off) too.
can u also stop barking? u should bark at your master UFO.
look properly, see clearly before u bark at the wrong tree, joncheong.
u can UFO (Fuck Off) too.
hamkachan jameschong, wrong tree? u must be some dumb fuck dun even realize u the shame of this forum. go pee on floor n look at urself if cant find a mirror.