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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 05-03-2009, 10:09 AM
HighDrive HighDrive is offline
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by high tide View Post
I have no bad intention whatsoever towards her too. Neither did I confirm anything about it. All the time, I've never thought about safety so my main concern is a gentle reminder to all of us... Don't we all want to enjoy till as long as we can? Risking it unneccessary.

I apologize if anyone is offended... :-(
Enjoy?? of coz but enjoy with yur brain not with yur eyes/ears! the way u said tt as if u were patronizing those standin along the streets @ geylang, n of cuz those are more vulnerable to HIVs/AIDs coz they dun go for regular checkups!
Old 05-03-2009, 01:04 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by HighDrive View Post
Enjoy?? of coz but enjoy with yur brain not with yur eyes/ears! the way u said tt as if u were patronizing those standin along the streets @ geylang, n of cuz those are more vulnerable to HIVs/AIDs coz they dun go for regular checkups!
Hey dude,why are u so agitated?

He just meant as a notice to remind people to be safe in their practice and a gal that is possibly inffected.

If the rumour is not true, it will stand the test of time. What-ever is posted on forum is read objectively be all the people that can rationalise the post.

I dun think it will break the gal's rice bowl. If so i rather taht than someone gets infected.
Old 05-03-2009, 01:22 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by enzyme View Post
Hey dude,why are u so agitated?

He just meant as a notice to remind people to be safe in their practice and a gal that is possibly inffected.

If the rumour is not true, it will stand the test of time. What-ever is posted on forum is read objectively be all the people that can rationalise the post.

I dun think it will break the gal's rice bowl. If so i rather taht than someone gets infected.
friend, u say possibly infected?? so its nt a confirm fact. imagine tons of ppl lookin at tis post n causing her traffic of customers to drop drastically n eventually affecting the business over there, do u tink its not kind of like breaking their rice bowl?? somemore there's certificate to prove of their regular checkup.

afraid being infected? dan dun come out cheong stay at home DIY, simple as tt.
Old 05-03-2009, 02:08 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

what was posted was what happened. he did not pre-conlude anything. So that was a fact as it was an event.

regarding of scared of being infected, dun come out and cheong is true.

But risk management must be there,so i invest in stocks, i must lose everything then happy?

Come out and play also not neccessary to get infected.
Old 05-03-2009, 02:57 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by enzyme View Post
what was posted was what happened. he did not pre-conlude anything. So that was a fact as it was an event.

regarding of scared of being infected, dun come out and cheong is true.

But risk management must be there,so i invest in stocks, i must lose everything then happy?

Come out and play also not neccessary to get infected.
u invest in stocks, u lose everything blame it on yur luck, blame it on the economic. even risk management is there, can u asssure zero-errors? can u assure its a risk free investment? No, u cant.

come out n play oso haf to play wisely, doesnt mean tt its 100% free frm HIVs/AIDs. if 1 day u go to a TN or HC n found out u being infected after patronizing, wat can u do?? u choose to patronize them n u r gonna bombard them?? u can onli blame it on yur luck or the management.nothing else, its yur own decision after all, no1 is forcing u.

for this case/incident, tis fellow had no proof n by juz basing on the surface sayin tt the gal might be infected or LIKELY to be infected thru the conversation or watsoever, juz imagine how the gal feel?? being accused of a 'falsely mock up statement or conclusion'?? affecting her living??

signz...ok forget abt it. im juz helpin her to voice it out coz i've seen tt piece of document of her health checks with my own eyes n felt tt its unfair to her.
becoz assumptions is the biggest culprits of all rumours.
Old 05-03-2009, 03:08 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by enzyme View Post
what was posted was what happened. he did not pre-conlude anything. So that was a fact as it was an event.

regarding of scared of being infected, dun come out and cheong is true.

But risk management must be there,so i invest in stocks, i must lose everything then happy?

Come out and play also not neccessary to get infected.
even risk management is there, can u assure its risk-free investment?? ans is no u cant. if yes, there wont be ppl commiting sucide becoz of losing $$ in stocks exchange.

come out n play also haf to play wisely, tis fellow is judging from the surface of it n post it by saying 'MIGHT BE OR MIGHT NOT BE' can he assume??he's a doc?? he diagnose it on the spot???

fine forget abt it. im juz voicing out for her as its not fair to her where its not the truth. coz i've seen her health checks document with my own eyes.

assumption is the biggest culprits for rumours!!!
Old 06-03-2009, 11:27 AM
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by HighDrive View Post
even risk management is there, can u assure its risk-free investment?? ans is no u cant. if yes, there wont be ppl commiting sucide becoz of losing $$ in stocks exchange.

come out n play also haf to play wisely, tis fellow is judging from the surface of it n post it by saying 'MIGHT BE OR MIGHT NOT BE' can he assume??he's a doc?? he diagnose it on the spot???

fine forget abt it. im juz voicing out for her as its not fair to her where its not the truth. coz i've seen her health checks document with my own eyes.

assumption is the biggest culprits for rumours!!!
Anyway, high tide was just telling his story. Every FL might be or might not be affected and so does every cheongster too. So to each his own. If you are her regular and you feel offended and you still wanna cheong her, then do it on your own as if nothing happened. Everybody has freedom to post their opinions and freedom to choose what to believe.
Old 06-03-2009, 11:59 AM
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Re: Fortune Center

come out n play also haf to play wisely, tis fellow is judging from the surface of it n post it by saying 'MIGHT BE OR MIGHT NOT BE' can he assume??he's a doc?? he diagnose it on the spot???

fine forget abt it. im juz voicing out for her as its not fair to her where its not the truth. coz i've seen her health checks document with my own eyes.

assumption is the biggest culprits for rumours!!![/QUOTE]

Why is this newly registered bro so agigated..???confused: He is only passing his views which is precisely the intent of a forum. Relax..
Old 16-03-2009, 03:26 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

Hiya Bro's

I went to Hana 2 weeks ago. This was my second time.
The first time I was massaged by Happy. Quite chatty as I only know cantonese and english. So it was nice.

Her massage I can really recommend. Solid, no rush.. and even can shower afterwards. Her HJ is also solid. No rush and back-off every time when almost there.

I like Hana very much.. it is cozy and quiet.
Damage: 45 (1hr) + 50 (HJ)

Ok. So my second time I went there (2 weeks ago) I was looking for Happy.
But she was not there. Instead, the boss was out for lunch and one PRC was watching the shop. So imagine I walk in there and ask for Happy. She only talks mandarin and I cannot understand all of it.

Anyway, I was about to walk of and she started saying things like.. Me also good massage. Anyway after 3 mins of yes en no, it became a yes. Cos FC is quite out of the way for me and for me traveling there for a massage is quite a big deal. So ok.. I was getting undressed and she was locking up.
Oh yes, put down my real name and IC on the list. (stupid?)
nvm.. so she started her massage, good technique but as you know.. we do not communicate well. So she asked questions like if her strength / force was ok. Anyway, the boss came back and communicated with me in cantonese for a while. (outside the massage room)

She (PRC) continued her massage which was actually pretty good! Now the good part. When I turned over, she hinted if I wanted a HJ.
Then I shook my head.. (so I meant no) after that she still started playing with my didi. About 3 minutes later.. I cannot tahan and my didi started to wake up.

Then she pointed at the oil bottle. I raised up my shoulders.
So she started applying the oil and gently stroked my didi. I was really nice and again no rush and very slow if she really enjoyed playing with it.

Remember I did not asked for it and did not agree on a price.
Like Happy, she backed-off if I was close to cumming.
Eventually I came and because the backed-off a couple of times, the explosion was huge. Almost in my own face. :P

She went of and got a hot towel, wiped me clean. I did not want to stay for shower so I dressed up, gave her a hug and went off.

Total damage: 45 (1 hr) + 5 (change from 50)
So in the end I did not pay her for her HJ. Well I think next time I just give her... what you guys think?

Thanks for reading!
Old 17-03-2009, 09:25 AM
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Re: Fortune Center

No, don't think you're stupid to put the real name and real NRIC

It would be more stupid if you put the fake name/IC and sway sway got visits by AV.

Originally Posted by saltyfish View Post
Oh yes, put down my real name and IC on the list. (stupid?)
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Old 20-03-2009, 02:28 AM
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Re: Fortune Center

Yeah, Hana Body Wellness and QQ Spa are the 2 legal massage joints in Fortune Centre level 2 that I frequent nowadays. These 2 are well decorated, staffed by PRs and locals, good solid massage.

In fact, Hana's lady boss Sandy is highly decorated with many certs (she show me before, can send for binding). If you need a real solid good rub (don't mind her age), she is the one to go for. Her skill "don't play play hor". Cindy is younger and her strokes are hard, for those who need the strength. Shelly is playful and will make your day. Happy is charming and unforgettable.
Work hard and play hard.
Enjoy life while you can or you shall regret in your last moments.

We want a good bonking session and leave Geylang a happy man. The gals happy, we happy, and we look forward to the next visit, that is even more important.
Old 20-03-2009, 08:04 AM
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by apache View Post
Yeah, Hana Body Wellness and QQ Spa are the 2 legal massage joints in Fortune Centre level 2 that I frequent nowadays. These 2 are well decorated, staffed by PRs and locals, good solid massage.

In fact, Hana's lady boss Sandy is highly decorated with many certs (she show me before, can send for binding). If you need a real solid good rub (don't mind her age), she is the one to go for. Her skill "don't play play hor". Cindy is younger and her strokes are hard, for those who need the strength. Shelly is playful and will make your day. Happy is charming and unforgettable.
Wow.. Must try today later in the afternoon~ Anyways i tink i saw a batch of new girls on the fourth floor when i was walk in FC yesterday.. Must recce to see how is the quality.. Hee..
Old 20-03-2009, 11:40 AM
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Re: Fortune Center

Have not seen May from Aro for quiet sometime liao, heard she not more there, miss her BBBJ.
Old 20-03-2009, 12:03 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

wonder if anyone tried the orchid spa or something..i think it's a clean joint..been there a couple of times...really stunning looking gal called mandy...very sweet and pretty...young too.

massage is very nice.

i've tried cindy downstairs at hana too...both very gd massage
Old 20-03-2009, 12:05 PM
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Re: Fortune Center

Originally Posted by ironmaiden89 View Post
wonder if anyone tried the orchid spa or something..i think it's a clean joint..been there a couple of times...really stunning looking gal called mandy...very sweet and pretty...young too.

massage is very nice.

i've tried cindy downstairs at hana too...both very gd massage
Tat one is clean 1, try b4 liao.
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