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Old 22-04-2005, 07:04 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Originally Posted by sammyhunk
bro peterpan... Are Claudia and Linda real names of ur gf's friends or are they fictional? If they are real names you are disclosing their identity and quite soon something is gonna happen... hope they are names invented by u..
REAL names. REAL people.

If u duno my gf, u wun noe them.
Old 22-04-2005, 07:08 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Originally Posted by batugajah
hi bros peterpan, it's time for you to accept the negative comment from the cheongster here. I'm writing maybe some of the bros thinking the same thing.
I'm horny to hear such a open minded gal friend and boy friend like u to allow third hot dog to insert in+out her pussy.

if i was somewhere near to the scence, i knew that gal is yrs. no doubts i will give her a NS(nice service no national service). i will screw, lick k her like no tomorrow or even willing to let u see what i will do it in front of u in order to let u have the emotion satisfaction since u have this fantacy. well in return, will give u my contact to let yr gal to call me like 24hrs 7-11 free service whenever she feel horny need someone to fullfil her emptyness pussy. later that , i will post my thread here for every single fuck i have doen with yr gal to let the rest of the bros to up my rep and share the happiness of mine with the rest.

but on the other hand, i might consdier that yr gal is that really open minded or horny until she need "outside service" or u can't fullfil her sex demand? i'm doubts for yr habbit to fuck her with the love bite or milky cream of other guy after yr being fucked?man u bonk her after she came back with the sex stain !!?? I saw some of the picture which posted by you with her licking & tasting the milky cream. it's yours or your gal's hunter?

imagine after yr gal bonking with other guy sometime with or without using the rubber protection and u also bonk her raw? firstly i think u may consider to get STD or HIV directly from yr gal. think abt higien, it makes me feel aw....ful to do that unless i'm sick!! or not i won;t lick my own gal pussy or bonk her without having her to clean first since we knew at the first place she is being bonk by someone one or two hours ago?

i suggest when u or yr gal is free, better go to do some hiv test before plan to have another mission to fuck. let's fuck with reponsibility and respect the rest of the cheongster here. a lot of bro is thinking to have free fuck or one nite stand especially eveything goes to dicso or clubbing. if so happen they meet yr gal there and got hunted by her, well, it is consider lucky for both parties or unlucky if either one got STD or worstly HIV.

understand yr are planing to get marry by end of 2005, just stop this crazy thing or not life is short man! we are happy here to read yr interesting thread but not willing to see some of the bros get sick or yrself. there is a strong feeling that by doing all this, u r initially torturing James ex-gal or revenge to James? am i right? i'm guessing, if i'm right pls fuck yr gal by yr own or let her be the hot FL in S'proe by letting her expose to the public. i'm not james or james's friend but something strange here as some bros ask abt yr age and go out to join party but u did not turn up??! i suspect yr gal is at the age of 30+ and so do u. some more, yr gal is working at SQ as cabin crew?

i'm worry both of u have affected with sickness. pls think by keep on doing this will hram yr marriage or the rest of the cheongster. there are deserve to get sickness or whatever but if u already knew yrself is xxxx-carrier then pls behave to stop spreading the viruses around. this is only my own opinion, if offened u do apology loh nothing to die ma!!the worst just let the rest of the cheongster or u to fuck me upside down in this forum or cut my points.

lastly, i still happy to continue to see & read yr thread to check how far is yr gal and u can cheong. slowly hope to see yr gal is fuck in the public scene. expecting to see more pussy pics fom u especially with some white cream on it. brother, if u are sick-minded do c doctor. sometimes i'm sick also to think of many funny thing but still "think" never turn it into action.
Wah, u bothered to type so much. Read until eyes pain. I peifu u. But dun really u/s ur stand. Looks like u have none.

Btw, u nid to go back to school brush up ur english....
Old 22-04-2005, 07:11 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Originally Posted by fixall
yawns....... still got 9 points
After i zap u, nw u have 6points.

Dun challenge pple like this.

Btw u tired really shld go slp.

Tink u r lady08 so boliao....
Old 22-04-2005, 07:13 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Originally Posted by FF60
king peter, dun worry abt it, there's still plenty of supports like me following the story every step of the way. don't let any PESTS along the way put u down.

eagerly waiting the next instalment,

Haha thanks bro... Sorry huh, i edited ur post abit......
Old 22-04-2005, 07:19 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Originally Posted by peterpan
Wah, u bothered to type so much. Read until eyes pain. I peifu u. But dun really u/s ur stand. Looks like u have none.

Btw, u nid to go back to school brush up ur english....
LOL - very courteous rebutt...
Old 22-04-2005, 07:28 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

hi bros peterpan, it's time for you to accept the negative comment from the cheongster here. I'm writing maybe some of the bros thinking the same thing.
I'm horny to hear such a open minded gal friend and boy friend like u to allow third hot dog to insert in+out her pussy.
My gf only allows either dicks or dildos(e33 bottles included) to fuck her.
Never hot dogs....

if i was somewhere near to the scence, i knew that gal is yrs. no doubts i will give her a NS(nice service no national service). i will screw, lick k her like no tomorrow or even willing to let u see what i will do it in front of u in order to let u have the emotion satisfaction since u have this fantacy. well in return, will give u my contact to let yr gal to call me like 24hrs 7-11 free service whenever she feel horny need someone to fullfil her emptyness pussy. later that , i will post my thread here for every single fuck i have doen with yr gal to let the rest of the bros to up my rep and share the happiness of mine with the rest.
Wow, u so good meh. Hw much u gonna pay me as ur OKT? Nid me to send my gals to ur doorstep too?

but on the other hand, i might consdier that yr gal is that really open minded or horny until she need "outside service" or u can't fullfil her sex demand?
Oh yeah, my gf really has a very high sex drive. I really cant satisfy her. Satisfied?

i'm doubts for yr habbit to fuck her with the love bite or milky cream of other guy after yr being fucked?man u bonk her after she came back with the sex stain !!?? I saw some of the picture which posted by you with her licking & tasting the milky cream. it's yours or your gal's hunter?
Oh that cream thingy is called sperm. S-P-E-R-M. Yup that u see is mine. U wan some?

imagine after yr gal bonking with other guy sometime with or without using the rubber protection and u also bonk her raw? firstly i think u may consider to get STD or HIV directly from yr gal. think abt higien, it makes me feel aw....ful to do that unless i'm sick!! or not i won;t lick my own gal pussy or bonk her without having her to clean first since we knew at the first place she is being bonk by someone one or two hours ago?
I guess u nvr read my threads properly. Pls check and understand the meaning of "eating a creampie".

i suggest when u or yr gal is free, better go to do some hiv test before plan to have another mission to fuck. let's fuck with reponsibility and respect the rest of the cheongster here. a lot of bro is thinking to have free fuck or one nite stand especially eveything goes to dicso or clubbing. if so happen they meet yr gal there and got hunted by her, well, it is consider lucky for both parties or unlucky if either one got STD or worstly HIV.
Lucky? Buy 4D. Unlucky? Buy coffin.
Btw my gf's job requires her to check-up regularly. And thanks for ur concern, we r very healthy.

understand yr are planing to get marry by end of 2005, just stop this crazy thing or not life is short man! we are happy here to read yr interesting thread but not willing to see some of the bros get sick or yrself. there is a strong feeling that by doing all this, u r initially torturing James ex-gal or revenge to James? am i right? i'm guessing, if i'm right pls fuck yr gal by yr own or let her be the hot FL in S'proe by letting her expose to the public.

i'm not james or james's friend but something strange here as some bros ask abt yr age and go out to join party but u did not turn up??! i suspect yr gal is at the age of 30+ and so do u. some more, yr gal is working at SQ as cabin crew?
Haha, suspect? U police ah, suspect somemore.
Once again, if u read my thread u will noe our age.
Y i didn turn up? I told u b4 i prefer to stay at home and fantasize wat my gf is doin at the moment. Last qn, YES

i'm worry both of u have affected with sickness. pls think by keep on doing this will hram yr marriage or the rest of the cheongster. there are deserve to get sickness or whatever but if u already knew yrself is xxxx-carrier then pls behave to stop spreading the viruses around. this is only my own opinion, if offened u do apology loh nothing to die ma!!the worst just let the rest of the cheongster or u to fuck me upside down in this forum or cut my points.
Thanks once again, we r very healthy.

lastly, i still happy to continue to see & read yr thread to check how far is yr gal and u can cheong. slowly hope to see yr gal is fuck in the public scene. expecting to see more pussy pics fom u especially with some white cream on it.
Oi? U dun like, dun belif, not happy with us, yet u wana c my gf pics and hear more FRs? Wats ur stand?

brother, if u are sick-minded do c doctor. sometimes i'm sick also to think of many funny thing but still "think" never turn it into action.

Thanks once again, we r very healthy.
Old 22-04-2005, 07:31 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

peter bro... relax la... dun need to get worked up wif these ppl... so long u haf supporters like us can liao! CHEERS TO U N YR GER!
Old 22-04-2005, 07:47 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Peter Pan Bro, don bother them you know they are singaporeans.....once they reach to jap or europe, they will know what kind of sex lifestyle they so open point argue with those ppls who thinking are diff. from europe man.........
Old 22-04-2005, 07:52 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Originally Posted by peterpan
Dun worry, bro. You ARE making many ppl here happy just by sharing. There's always idiots and skeptics around. Just ignore them. You still high on our popularity charts.
Old 22-04-2005, 09:22 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Bro PP, me 1 of ur supporter.

Well, u r not in this world to live up to anyone's expectation, neither is anyone in this world to live up to yours!!

One man's meat is another's poison.

Since u r the threadstarter here, dunt get affected by negative remarks.

U know very well wat u r doing is more than enough to keep u going.

Stay cool n lets continue with the fun, I believe u hv many more supporters like me!!

Once a SBF member, forever a SBF member
Old 22-04-2005, 09:41 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Yeah man, being following this thread from the previous, just hope that one day you get married, have kids, and 20 years down the road, you laugh back at the fun and joy you had with her! We're still supporting you man!
Old 22-04-2005, 09:52 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Originally Posted by freebiez
like very long no picture updates liao hor...
yes, i start to suspect again is everything a make up sotry???
Life is like a box of chocolate...
Old 22-04-2005, 10:41 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Haiz........ true or false............. depend on whether u believe it or not.
If u believe then good lor if not juz treat it as a nice story.
No need to argue over these thing.

Like what the golden statement in this forum "a man meat maybe other men poison"

Anyway a good source for pcc hahahaha

All the way Bro PeterPan..........
waiting for ur new FR or pics or even clips

dun keep us waiting for so long
Old 22-04-2005, 10:42 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

three yawns were all it task is completed.... hahaha... thanks for the entertainment. All the best to everyone!
Old 22-04-2005, 10:42 PM
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Re: Hotwife / Cuckolding (Cont'd from 3some Fantasy)

Bro PeterPan, one more supporter here! Me me... will support you all the way man, dun need to reply them at all, these ppl will slowly go off anyway. Keep up your hot FR man!
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