Re: Is this a social problem here?
Yes bro Franky. You understood what I mean.
Re: Is this a social problem here?
will that helps to release yr sexual urge?
Re: Is this a social problem here?
I agree with you totally.Man are greedy and always horny for other pussy.
Re: Is this a social problem here?
Re: Is this a social problem here?
Like i always say, I'm kind of a non-violent person. If a person did something to upset me, I'll try to convince myself tat doing the same to her/him won't make thing better. Everybody wants happy marriage/ending. So in order for tat to happen, at least one party must be sensible at critical timing. But i'll still high light to her tat I REALLY don't like it the way she done it. Why get married/committed and hav the mentality of having the worst enemy of ur life sleeping next to u?
... ... 号伊格废立罚全田银果锁乐蒜 Life is all about (enduring and overcoming) suffering. When you have too much of the good stuff, life will seems meaningless -max77 YOU'LL ALWAYS FEAR WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND... 嘣噔你个嘣噔袄!!! |
Re: Is this a social problem here?
Today's Chinese Papers. So this is indeed a problem in Malaysia as well.
妇援:男子召妓一主因 因遭职业妇女“遗弃” (2009-11-30) (吉隆坡讯)根据马来西亚警方每年在肃娼行动中逮捕的妓女人数显示,马国男性对性服务的需求很高,而其中的 一个主要原因是职业女性过于专注事业,将丈夫“遗弃”在家,导致丈夫通过召妓来满足生理需要。 据《星洲日报》报道,妇女援助组织(WAO)副主席维琦阿拉哈肯说,在一些个案中,妻子必须对丈夫召妓的行 为负上部分责任,因为职业妇女在为事业打拚时,往往不经意地忽略了丈夫的需求。 “这些男性为了抒发他们忧郁、沮丧和单调的生活,就召妓以为枯燥乏味的生活增添刺激感。” 她表示,召妓对这些男性而言就像出外享用一顿奇妙的晚餐;吃饱满足欲望后,他们就会回家陪伴妻小。“也有一 些夫妻没有沟通,特别是针对行房课题;如果因为羞于启齿而缺乏讨论与沟通,将导致对婚姻不忠的 问题。” 根据去年一项全球性的调查显示,马国男性对性的需求很高,平均每五人当中,就有四人每周进行一次性行为;而 每周进行三次或以上者,达35%。 调查指出,马国男性的性行为次数比其他国家高,其中大部分都是通过召妓、尤其是召外国妓女来满 足性欲。 根据警方统计,自2007年开始,在马国被逮捕的外国妓女人数每年都在增加。来自中国的妓女为数最多,20 07年警方共逮捕4379名中国妓女,超过总数的一半。去年被逮捕的中国妓女人数增至4496人。 在城市地区,外劳或外籍人士在吉隆坡秋杰路一带找寻当地妓女;中上收入人士则到按摩院和一些俱乐部寻花问柳 ,而这些场所往往有来自各国的妓女供选择。 |
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