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Old 19-04-2012, 02:22 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Worse is they change all Macau--Clark flights from 2130 to 0430 hrs.
Yes, this is very annoying.

As it was the 2130 flight was perfect for me as it gave me lots of time during the day in macau, and I get to crash as soon as I arrive in angeles.

Now I have to get to the airport in Macau at 03.00. I might stay on a sauna, but I hate leaving there at 01.00. Then when I get to Angeles in the morning I probably won't manage to sleep before at 09.00 and I end up sleeping untill 21.00 at night, loosing valuable time, and every hot chick is taken by the time I get into a bar.

By the way, does anyone here know if the busses from Sands to The Venetian, and from The Venetian to Macau airport still runs at 01.00 or 02.00 at night?
Old 19-04-2012, 02:30 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
Brother, Good to know you are good friends with The Milk Man and I hope you remain good friends for a long time. So to help end it quickly and so your wish to move on is quickly answered, flesh returned and debt ended, let me try to be of assistance.

The question originally posed was "IS The Lord a KatoeyLover?"(Katoeylover has the same meaning of Baklalover/Ladyboys Lover- this should give you the meaning of Katoey lover).

Given The Lord's strong reaction to the question. I take it to mean he is NOT one. That is he does NOT love Katoeys (Thai), nor Balka(Tagalog), nor ladyboys (English) (all the same meaning in different language)- and appears to take offense to anyone suggesting this may be so.

I was looking for the dates in your signature so that I can plan my visits to coincide with your visits to AC too. Faboulous seafood and great charity session. Must do that again. Can you please list the dates you will be in AC again?

Talking of debt, I have just repaid my debt to you. Please check. Sorry it took so long, I almost forgot. Thank you for being so kind to help a brother out.
BC. Thanks for your wanting to help in this matter. I enjoyed your post cos I think you are tipsy/sleepy when you posted or I have bad English. Either way, I laughed when I read your post.

When I wrote this paragraph>>>"I wonder whether The Milk Man knows The Lord or even met The Lord before for him to make such a statement. For me, I been with The Lord a few times and we shared much time together and also I been asked to do major search for him and help in his problems. We were good friends and that's why I am moving carefully now. 2 lbs of flesh just about to be returned. Debt ending soon.". <<< I was referring to The Lord as the good friend and not The Milk Man. I have not shared much communications with The Milk Man other then arranging to pick up used clothes(which I was too busy to collect) and him joining me on a charity session.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 19-04-2012, 02:34 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Lone_Wolf View Post
I dint wan to post earlier coz I dint wan to be accused of adding salt/vinegar to the ongoing spat. My understanding of MUCK is wat I learned from my army stint. Basically it is the gurkhali slang referring to a certain anatomy of one's mother (equivalent to the hokkien KNNCCB). Dun blame me if my understanding is wrong... blame the Gurkha instructors at Tekong / Safti

Sorry to barge in - but my Catholic school teaching says muck - mud / filth - not so deep meaning like the Gurkha man .. Unless the gurkha used Nepali dictionary ...

Oh by the way, I called an Indian guy (from India) "hey, you bugger" as the word bugger is so frequently used within my friends, with no harm meant, like calling a good buddy "you bastard" - the Indian guy almost strangled me to death - only later he told me that it meant "somebody who have sex with animal" .. and he took it literally .. and thought I am calling him a cow/dog/monkey fxxker I was like WTF ??? DID HE REALLY HAD TO TAKE IT SO SERIOUS ?

Peace guys .. don't go mental over small stuff -there are bigger fish to fry out there ..

BTW, Oxford dictionary meaning for muck !!!


Pronunciation: /mʌk/
[mass noun]

dirt, rubbish, or waste matter: I’ll just clean the muck off the windscreen
farmyard manure, widely used as fertilizer: he was covered in cow muck and mud
informal something regarded as distasteful, unpleasant, or of poor quality: why do you let her read this muck?

[with object]

1 (muck something out) chiefly British remove manure and other dirt from a horse’s stable or other animal’s dwelling: I was mucking out some of the dirtiest piggeries I had ever seen

2 dialect spread manure on (land): half the farm is mucked every year


as common as muck
British informal of low social status.
make a muck of
British informal handle (something) incompetently: the taxi driver made a muck of it and took me to the wrong place
where there's muck there's brass
British proverb dirty or unpleasant activities are also lucrative.

Phrasal Verbs

muck about/around
British informal behave in a silly or aimless way: we just muck around in training and have a laugh
muck about/around with
tinker with (something), typically so as to damage or spoil it: have you been mucking about with the aerial?
muck someone about/around
treat someone inconsiderately, typically by disrupting their plans: what the management has to learn is that we can’t be mucked about
muck in
British informal share tasks or accommodation without expecting a privileged position: she really enjoys mucking in with the lads
muck something up
informal do something badly or ineptly; mishandle something: she had mucked up her first few weeks at colleg
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Old 19-04-2012, 02:56 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

and some news to break the monotony here ..

First was the comment of US Ambassador Harry Thomas that a big percentage of tourists go to the Philippines for sex tourism, now its an article in a US Marine Corps publication which describes the country as being known for its “raunchy party atmosphere…where alcohol and scantily clad women have attracted Marines and sailors over the years.” ....
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Old 19-04-2012, 03:36 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

No body assumed u r d Law...

But for someone who claims to know me well n u hv reiterated tht a few times already.... Id expect a lot more....

We call each other bros here at SBF.... Are we of the same lineage?

But if you just wanna **whack** me... Be my guest....

You have made it sound im the Sinner anyway..

2lbs of flesh .... Take it... Its urs...

Problems....? Well u can pm me my problems..... Id love to know them....

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
I have told you over the phone my take on The Milk Man post about you. That is I chose to let it slide after 2 members have spoken for you. You assumed that i am the law here and am responsible for thread behavior. I told you NO. I am just a helping member here , same as everyone else.

Grand Pa?? Please. I don think we are of same lineage. Call your own family members Grand Pa but not me.

Your problems I best not discuss cos its personal and not to your interest to discuss here.

You said on the phone that you will not get into a fight unless you are sure of winning. You went into battle with me.

I am yet to get your replies to all your previous attacks on me. I have already told you...
Old 19-04-2012, 05:36 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

I am not vulgar to refer to a mothers anatomy.... I replied to Lone Wolf already.

So hope tht clears the air..

From the looks of it he suggested clones....

Much as you dun wan attacks on you to be history, wonder why you suggest to others to move on?

I never once stated i wanna be enemies with you...

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Thanks Lone_Wolf and xiongmao for explaining the word to me. Now I get a better picture of whatever extra is lining my face this past few days. Anyway my life has always been in the dirt, so what else is new? That's also why I am so happy all the time. Cos I see value and happiness in almost anything that comes along. datou will know, he seen my girls and they range from 1 to 8.

. This time, its me who will suffer the hatred of all the regulars cos I am the bad man who will not let attacks on me be history.

From the quote above, its only 2 lines. First line is I gather is a statement that The Lord is a Katoeylover. I know there is a nick of Katoeylover69 but I don think The Milk Man is saying they are same person(clones) but referring to The Lord being a Katoeylover. What is a Katoeylover?

I wonder whether The Milk Man knows The Lord or even met The Lord before for him to make such a statement. For me, I been with The Lord a few times and we shared much time together and also I been asked to do major search for him and help in his problems. We were good friends and that's why I am moving carefully now. 2 lbs of flesh just about to be returned. Debt ending soon.
Old 19-04-2012, 05:43 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

It takes time and effort to prepare information and write FRs. Many regular bros have lovely FRs and i salute them for their time and effort in preparing and writing FRs/posting pics. 

D Milk Mans closeness to the thread remains to be proven... But i definitely did not take kindly to his comments.  Its sad that people like the Milk Man visit this thread and shoot and are so easily forgiven..... The words "Move On.... Peace".... resonate well in my ears.

Infact i must state that I did pm the Milk Man first and asked him gently what his issue was quite immediately after his posting... But that pm was met with ABSOLUTE SILENCE. 

Oh yeah i remember Ninja_Assasin and his story earlier about me and later about Bro Singkieu... I remember the words "Move On" then as well

I guess there is a penchant to **whack** someone who posts too much without rationalizing the merits of the case.

The minimum that is expected is an explanation/compromise from people who choose to whack.. Causing turmoil in relatively calm seas is uncalled for.... And therefore I went after the Milk Man and Sadly my dear Ziebart (who has decided of his own initiative to make me his foe/enemy). He has repeatedly said that i am interested in making Foes/Enemies with him while i have myself not stated that todate) ...

Now..... there was a lull after D Milk Mans infamous post and we can interpret it any which way! To each his own interpretation.... There is no award for a Debate here or for a Post Count before or After. 

As a couple of people may have thought that its easy to Cut &  Paste....  But no.... You need time to search for relevant and reasonably sensible information and to keep doing it on a regular basis. 

How does this help? It keeps the thread relevant and current. This information is extremely useful for noobs and those who want current information...  Not many of us are present in AC everyday nor are there are FRs all the time...

On a different note ........

Hmmm my last post on this Topic was on Sunday.

In deference to the wishes of many of the bros here (those who have spoken out aloud and those who have pm'd me/called me suggesting that I resolve the issue with Master Z in the best interests of the thread, I chose to make the first move and refrained from posting after Sunday.

In fact to make matters sweeter, I called Master Z. Not wanting to sound a wimp here, but I guess bros here must note that it takes courage to take that first step. And i did that.

Since Z has chosen to quote our telecon, i am obliged to quote as well.. Indun usually reveal private conversations/discussions but here im obliged.

Ofcourse i said i battle to win since Z mentioned several times he is in battlemode. Which man chest thumps wanting to lose? You also said that you did not want Any discussions...

I told you few times that i called to make Peace. You call to ceasefire but if the other party still wants to shoot you have to be battle ready...

I din post on the subject since Sunday but there has been no let up..... I guess "Move on.... Peace" is easier when not applied to ourselves and hence has extended to this date....

At this point i must resolutely state that I am prepared to meet Master Z, look him in the eye and chat him. Hence that call last Tuesday. 

Wanna move on Ziebart? I am asking you as a grandfather figure...?

we youngsters are brash, arrogant n hot blooded. Do you wanna use your graciousness, benevolence n nobility to move on? 

Last edited by The Lord; 19-04-2012 at 06:12 PM.
Old 19-04-2012, 06:32 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

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Old 19-04-2012, 11:46 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
BC. Thanks for your wanting to help in this matter. I enjoyed your post cos I think you are tipsy/sleepy when you posted or I have bad English. Either way, I laughed when I read your post.

When I wrote this paragraph>>>"I wonder whether The Milk Man knows The Lord or even met The Lord before for him to make such a statement. For me, I been with The Lord a few times and we shared much time together and also I been asked to do major search for him and help in his problems. We were good friends and that's why I am moving carefully now. 2 lbs of flesh just about to be returned. Debt ending soon.". <<< I was referring to The Lord as the good friend and not The Milk Man. I have not shared much communications with The Milk Man other then arranging to pick up used clothes(which I was too busy to collect) and him joining me on a charity session.

Opps.. my bad... You are right.. I meant to say The Lord, not The Milk man.. yes yes.. too sleepy to read properly.. Let me see whether I can edit to correct my mistakes. sorry for the error.. - You are right. I had good intentions, and the mistake was not intentional. [Edit, sorry, I cannot edit my old post already]
10/11-14/11- Looking forward to my next trip to AC
Old 20-04-2012, 03:29 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

I hope the temperature cooled down .. with The Scarborough Shoals drama in the sideline

To digress a bit ..

was thinking if I should write here or not .. then i thought, why not. Since there is utter silence ..

News: Havana has banned all freelancers .. and will refuse entry to 'girls' it seems .. a friend running a bar in Manila mentioned this to me ... Not sure if this will filter out to other pick up joints too ..
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Old 20-04-2012, 04:23 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Haven been active on the thread last week,manage to catch up all the post unfortunately there is strong smell of gun powder in the air.

Will like to express a few 'In My Opinion' thoughts.

Opinion are like asshole & everybody have one.

Some people feel strongly about thier opinion,some offended by others opinion,some opinion hurt others feeling.still opinion are opinion whether it's right wrong,truth or false.hard feelings are hard to avoid or offend when comes to opinion among humans,especially when comes to discussion,and on a forum behind the screen furthermore.

Arguements & quarrels are common.一种米养百种人.

Sometimes things get even more heated when there is word like 'move on,peace,stop fighting 'etc ESP coming from those not involve cos very east to say,but not easy to do if happen to oneself.

The real fact is we can't stop what other say or think about us,

Its easy to disagree to agree.but not agree to disagree.

Let's accept the not so nice truth.

May the storm be over soon.for there is rainbow,bikinis,girls,pussy & fun awaiting us in ac!
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Old 20-04-2012, 06:27 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
..May the storm be over soon.for there is rainbow,bikinis,girls,pussy & fun awaiting us in ac!
Didn't somebody say that the more you fight, it means the more you love each other ?? haha ..

Have a great weekend guys

I am off to the Tower to down a couple of Tigers .. and a Sin Mig Draft
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Old 20-04-2012, 07:49 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Didn't somebody say that the more you fight, it means the more you love each other ?? haha ..

Have a great weekend guys

I am off to the Tower to down a couple of Tigers .. and a Sin Mig Draft
The Tower of Love? I will be there too. Going to meet a couple of my fellow pinays working there.
Old 20-04-2012, 07:53 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

I heard tht before (in red)...

Call me for good San Mig draft eh.... But today i overseas...

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Didn't somebody say that the more you fight, it means the more you love each other ?? haha ..

Have a great weekend guys

I am off to the Tower to down a couple of Tigers .. and a Sin Mig Draft
Old 20-04-2012, 07:58 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

U r from d family of one of the powerful ppl of Mabalacat right?

Ur working in Spore?

I think u posted before but i forgot....


PS: i met an SMRT supervisor filipino 50+..... The no of pinays he screws a week is mindboggling....

Starts of as text mate n then On to action

PS2: should down some Draught SM with u

Originally Posted by Comjuka View Post
The Tower of Love? I will be there too. Going to meet a couple of my fellow pinays working there.

Last edited by The Lord; 20-04-2012 at 08:15 PM.
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