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Old 01-09-2004, 05:21 PM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by makpoke
well, if this keeps up, I think you might end up being like the jing ji ren that we are talking abt in due time if you're not careful. Ten yrs later the samsters will be talking abt the same issue..

I think its good to earn such money, but pls do remember that besides earning money you should make sure you dun chop their vegetable heads off..
doin an agent job is ok, but my belief is do not earn more than wat u supposed to earn, never cheat the gals, as the saying goes "wat goes ard, come ard". jus make an honest living, for some stable income, i guess should not be a problem.
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Old 01-09-2004, 05:49 PM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by mahalosux
doin an agent job is ok, but my belief is do not earn more than wat u supposed to earn, never cheat the gals, as the saying goes "wat goes ard, come ard". jus make an honest living, for some stable income, i guess should not be a problem.
bro, ask many of these charbors, when they come to spore is the 1st time they sit aeroplane. they do need people to get the documents and school and accom and ktv ready for them and explain what spore is like.

aiyah difficult to say what is an honest livin and stable income. if the agent charge 30k rmb, i charge 20k rmb, am i making a honest living?

anyway as long as can live with your conscience, u r fine. remember got lobang must share hor!
Old 01-09-2004, 05:55 PM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by sadfa
bro, ask many of these charbors, when they come to spore is the 1st time they sit aeroplane. they do need people to get the documents and school and accom and ktv ready for them and explain what spore is like.

aiyah difficult to say what is an honest livin and stable income. if the agent charge 30k rmb, i charge 20k rmb, am i making a honest living?

anyway as long as can live with your conscience, u r fine. remember got lobang must share hor!
maybe some misquotation on my side, i actually mean, this type of thing can go and do, but do wif conscious and never be a blood sucka... profits must be earned but dun chg those increduble amt, who noes the gals found my fees much cheeper than those blood sucka, they will recommend more gals to sign wif me, i will get volume and make those blood sucka paid!
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Old 01-09-2004, 06:01 PM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by mahalosux
maybe some misquotation on my side, i actually mean, this type of thing can go and do, but do wif conscious and never be a blood sucka... profits must be earned but dun chg those increduble amt, who noes the gals found my fees much cheeper than those blood sucka, they will recommend more gals to sign wif me, i will get volume and make those blood sucka paid!
bro, i agree also. when that day come, can i be your qc or not?
Old 01-09-2004, 06:06 PM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by sadfa
bro, i agree also. when that day come, can i be your qc or not?
bro... simi is qc? quality control?? gal no need to be quality controlled one lah, as long can afford my small fees can liao.... wat if she really serious abt coming here to study and she not chio, oso cannot reject wat, cos my biz anyone oso can accept, even male, as my biz obj is to help them to get student pass... whether they wan to moonlight is their biz.
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i may be slow in returning favour..but i not "chao kuan" type..who put this siggie for fun..
Old 01-09-2004, 11:52 PM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by sadfa
bro, ask many of these charbors, when they come to spore is the 1st time they sit aeroplane. they do need people to get the documents and school and accom and ktv ready for them and explain what spore is like.

aiyah difficult to say what is an honest livin and stable income. if the agent charge 30k rmb, i charge 20k rmb, am i making a honest living?

anyway as long as can live with your conscience, u r fine. remember got lobang must share hor!
I think that charging is definitely a must cos you have to incur expenses such as telephony, courrier, running here and there to lay foundations and get approval when you could have spent the time dpong other rewarding chores.

But the current blood suckas squeeze them dry. Imagine get a visa for travel is less than RMB1k (I do not want to specify, but it is true) if they do it personaly at BJ. Why are people charging RMB8k to 15k? The most ridiculous I have heard is 25k, excluding airfare and a bloody bed was SG400/mth in a miserable HDB flat with no air-con. The gal felt so cheated and offered herself to me for SGD250 to top-up her own cash, just so that she can get a ticket back to CN.
I have been offered to help to get people to be a guarrantor for gals and for that simple chore I would have made SGD500/gal
Just recommending a candidate for fake marriage cert 2yrs ago could have made me 1k richer

If the candidate is knowing of the conditions and risk she is taking to make it here to 'dig gold' then I think that would be a fair deal.
If they were told, just sitting and sing song u can bring back RMB20k in addition to the amount they have paid just so that they can be conned to come to SG then what difference does it make the agent from a pimp?

It may sound personal but I have nothing to envy these tradester even though all knows about the works of demand and supply
Brudda MHS, u have seen your own gal and alot of other gals.
I hope you know, cos greed can make a person change
Always remember what goes around comes around

Perhaps the blue boys should crack down on the blood suckas too?
Anyway this is my own belief, hate me or ignore me
Old 01-09-2004, 11:54 PM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by sadfa
bro, i agree also. when that day come, can i be your qc or not?
Everytime see an opportunity, someone beats me to it?
Think I must be more pro-active
Old 02-09-2004, 12:19 AM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by mahalosux
the amt paid for jus doin the documentation can goes up to easily 30,000 RMB for jus 1-2 years stay in sgp, not including rental, sch fees, air ticket and othe mischellaneous.

been to china jus last year, as it was a strictly biz trip wif my boss, unable to find opp to look-see, but on the streets, in the big shopping mall, can always find quality tat can easily beat those at our "local scene" hands down.
yes,RMB30K just to come to sg but those lucky ones will include airfare.

actually ICA should screen these bloody jin ji ren aka bloodsuckers and BAN them from coming to sg and give sg a BAD name!

well, china chinese pple like to have 'face' so this is the consequence of getting to keep that 'face' of theirs! but if the PRC gov were to be like old days and send those WLs to re-education camps i dun think we would have so many of PRC gals daring to come here cos if they were deported back got to go to camp then sure loose 'face' also rite?

sorry for being so lor soo here....another tu lan cheongster
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Old 02-09-2004, 12:28 AM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by suckerll
yes,RMB30K just to come to sg but those lucky ones will include airfare.

actually ICA should screen these bloody jin ji ren aka bloodsuckers and BAN them from coming to sg and give sg a BAD name!

well, china chinese pple like to have 'face' so this is the consequence of getting to keep that 'face' of theirs! but if the PRC gov were to be like old days and send those WLs to re-education camps i dun think we would have so many of PRC gals daring to come here cos if they were deported back got to go to camp then sure loose 'face' also rite?

sorry for being so lor soo here....another tu lan cheongster
No end to this kinda thing, cos this knife is the same as any other knife - they all cut both ways
There are bound to be insider in the main camp that is helping to approve with priorities for certain people. This is extra income to them too, its tough to say no to easy money
Old 02-09-2004, 01:05 AM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Sorry Brudders!

Just to interrupt, there was a big raid in Joo Chiat just now. This time is really big, I know because I saw the last raid (sorie I not AV but just a regular in JC). This time they close the road, many police in U run onto the road and some pub are lock up. Pubs like Blue Star, Blue Lagoon, Clud V louge and Bunker are lock up and AV are deploy inside. Hotel 81, many gal stood at the lobby and waiting for bus. Private housing staircase are not left alone, dogs are being send to smell out all the pussy.

I lost count of the number gal caught but it took two police bus to pick them up.

Oh my god!!! Where will I go cheonging again!!!
Old 02-09-2004, 01:50 AM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by SteelShaft316
Sorry Brudders!

Just to interrupt, there was a big raid in Joo Chiat just now. This time is really big, I know because I saw the last raid (sorie I not AV but just a regular in JC). This time they close the road, many police in U run onto the road and some pub are lock up. Pubs like Blue Star, Blue Lagoon, Clud V louge and Bunker are lock up and AV are deploy inside. Hotel 81, many gal stood at the lobby and waiting for bus. Private housing staircase are not left alone, dogs are being send to smell out all the pussy.

I lost count of the number gal caught but it took two police bus to pick them up.

Oh my god!!! Where will I go cheonging again!!!
it's unusual to see dogs bein deployed in AV raids. there could be somethg more to it. wont b surprised IF d authorities r conducting spot checks on drugs.

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Old 02-09-2004, 01:56 AM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by owen10
it's unusual to see dogs bein deployed in AV raids. there could be somethg more to it. wont b surprised IF d authorities r conducting spot checks on drugs.
You are right....this time can considered a major raid unlike other operation cos a full troop of man powers are involved tonite...seldom see such a major one along de way too...
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Old 02-09-2004, 10:08 AM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by SteelShaft316
Sorry Brudders!

Just to interrupt, there was a big raid in Joo Chiat just now. This time is really big, I know because I saw the last raid (sorie I not AV but just a regular in JC). This time they close the road, many police in U run onto the road and some pub are lock up. Pubs like Blue Star, Blue Lagoon, Clud V louge and Bunker are lock up and AV are deploy inside. Hotel 81, many gal stood at the lobby and waiting for bus. Private housing staircase are not left alone, dogs are being send to smell out all the pussy.

I lost count of the number gal caught but it took two police bus to pick them up.

Oh my god!!! Where will I go cheonging again!!!

yeah, heard from my gal, her jie mei at nana told her about the raid, i doubt those PRC joints were hit tat bad. but anyway, guess the gals will be in hiding these few days.... raid, raid everywhere... anyway thanks 4 the info.
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Old 02-09-2004, 10:14 AM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by suckerll
yes,RMB30K just to come to sg but those lucky ones will include airfare.

actually ICA should screen these bloody jin ji ren aka bloodsuckers and BAN them from coming to sg and give sg a BAD name!

well, china chinese pple like to have 'face' so this is the consequence of getting to keep that 'face' of theirs! but if the PRC gov were to be like old days and send those WLs to re-education camps i dun think we would have so many of PRC gals daring to come here cos if they were deported back got to go to camp then sure loose 'face' also rite?

sorry for being so lor soo here....another tu lan cheongster
well bro, share the same thoughts wif u. i jus fed up about the issue tat they used 'lies' to con the gals into thinkin tat s'pore is 'easy place' to earn fast $. As this gals are mostly from country-side and btw PRC dun really travel much (if i not wrong they've some restriction) and they jus believe wat agents tell them. teeling them lies, is back enough, they make it worse by charging them incredible amt.... off cse, in the end i felt unfair for all those gals.....
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Old 02-09-2004, 10:21 AM
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Re: Island Wide Raids

Originally Posted by Randi_Candi
It may sound personal but I have nothing to envy these tradester even though all knows about the works of demand and supply
Brudda MHS, u have seen your own gal and alot of other gals.
I hope you know, cos greed can make a person change
Always remember what goes around comes around

Perhaps the blue boys should crack down on the blood suckas too?
Anyway this is my own belief, hate me or ignore me
these tradester are to "con" all the gals to work in sgp, and earn their $. i hv met wif my previous gal agent, he always go to those PRC joints KTV and fool ard wif chabors and he chg high high for visa application, i remember my gal wan to do "chu jing" to m'sia, he asked for 100 bucks for application. meanwhile , i can easily bring her to m'sia high commision to get it done at 12 bucks.

my actual obj, is to help those interested (or not interested) people to apply student pass and earn a bit from there, whether they wan to moonlight or not, is their biz and i will oni chg reasonable amt which is justifiable.

anyway, i hope the men in blue can crack down all these blood sucka or hv their account audited regularly, b'cos wat they have done is 10 times worse than wat the gals done. as these r the ARSE-HO who lure the gals into s'pore, in other words they are the mastermind....
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i may be slow in returning favour..but i not "chao kuan" type..who put this siggie for fun..
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