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Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
Saw other bro posting that there isn't much pretty girls? Issit true?
its all about money.. |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
[QUOTE=Vertu;7368754]Since you are taying in Yh , jt go try out.
Bro thanks! What's jt?
its all about money.. |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
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Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
CK..我又點會呢...he might not be powderful as bro YHgod....but by posting his CN number here sure means business.........
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
YH not bad lah, have to walk 1 or 2 round find find good one...
有些人注定是你生命中的过客。。。 |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
I should have call him for help at YH 2nd round still can find good one ? Luck is with you !
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
有些人注定是你生命中的过客。。。 |
I will be in town with a friend from June 29 to July 12... Would love to join in to get together and join in on someone's KTV room? Plz PM me if you can use some more cheongsters in your room....
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
tailoh, since you get such good help can pas me those help you are are done with it? TQ hor...
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
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如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
Bro Iloceprc123, check your PM. Let's arrange.
--------------------------- Please help up my point if you like my comment |
昨日,常平金逸酒店门口,近十人身上挂着写有“黑酒店,挣色钱,天理不容”等字样的牌子,聚集在酒店门口讨说法,多名警察手持 警棍在现场维持秩序,事件引发路人驻足围观。记者了解到,一个星期前,该酒店一名沐足技师被发现裸死在桑拿 房,目前,常平警方正全力侦破案件。 入职十余天命丧酒店 昨日上午10时许,记者来到位于常平镇金美村的金逸酒店时,多名死者家属正聚集在酒店门外讨说法。死者 聂某辉的弟弟聂某智介绍,聂某辉今年29岁,湖北咸宁人,生前系金逸酒店的沐足技师,出事前十几天才入职该 酒店。目前,家中还有聂某辉一个7岁的孩子。 聂某智说,本月19日,他接到家乡派出所通知,说姐姐在常平出事了,要家属过去。“我们来后,看到警察 把出事房间加锁了,在殡仪馆见到姐姐时,尸体已经被冰冻多时了。” “我们不明白酒店为什么说是她男朋友将其杀害的,我姐姐家里有个小孩,今年都7岁了,怎么还会在外面交 男朋友?”聂某辉说,“法医鉴定是6月17日凌晨5时死的,但到下午4时同事叫其上班时才被发现,而且我们 知道这件事情都过了两天。” 聂某智说:“姐姐身上有明显的伤痕;死亡时身上衣服被脱光。”至于聂某辉是否死于“客人”之手?对此, 常平警方昨日未明确表态,只称“已有犯罪嫌疑人的线索”,而金逸酒店已被勒令停业整顿。 酒店方拒绝对此事负责 死者家属称,从19号开始,他们就找酒店协商解决的办法,但至今未果,酒店方面表示聂某辉非因工伤死亡 ,酒店没有责任。而金美派出所也一直在调查,但至今还没有抓到犯罪嫌疑人。 记者来到酒店二楼办公室,当事人以不是负责人为由拒绝接受采访。随后记者又来到一楼前台,服务员称,该 酒店被两位老板分包,“6到9楼是客房,2至5楼就不知道了。” 随后,记者拨通金逸酒店一位欧姓总监手机时,该总监称,事发前不久,金逸酒店就对人员进行了大换血,包 括他在内的许多管理人员都已不在酒店做事,至于案件的情况,不得而知。 酒店留存大量淫秽信息 在采访中,记者在酒店二楼的技师休息室看到,一排排椅子整齐摆放着,可以容纳近百人。休息室的角落里摆 放着一个大的储物柜,柜子有数十个小柜子,各配一把独立的锁,柜子旁边还有几双高跟鞋。记者随手翻开几个小 柜子,一张印有“推拿简易服务流程”的黄色卡片映入眼帘,更发现了避孕药及其它情趣用品。 记者了解到,早在6月15日,东莞市公安局在互联网上发现常平镇唐乐宫酒店刊登招嫖广告的线索后,于6 月16日晚,组织4个行动小组,对常平镇唐乐宫酒店康乐部进行突击检查。当场抓获该酒店管理人员11人,以 及及卖淫嫖娼人员26人。(记者/方镇彬 实习生/刘毅) |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
You got PM. I will be there in 2 days?
Go-Fly CP Hotel Rate on July 2012 at CP (1st July Revised)
Go-Fly XA ready to go!!! for more info. check our XA forum. (All info. on forum is in Chinese now, will translate to ENG soon!!!) |
Re: Changping Dongguan 常平东莞 Info
virgin CP FR!
In Guangzhou for work, take a weekend to CP Stayed at Silvery Holiday. Hardware is good everything new, but location very bad. Close to train station but far from action. The road in front has construction, driver say cannot finish for one year more! Room for 268/nite Afternoon first went to FH SN. Mamasan recommend no 189. Super cute! Very good time. Two hours, spend first hour and half just TCSS kiss and FJ. She worried not enough time for service, I tell her no problem so cute just want to treat like GF. When time almost up she still want to do service, so we go to shower for catbath an massage. Didn't know that the 阿姨 who clean room leave floor drain closed and water flood into the hallway! The boys come run hit on door yell hallway flooding! Leave laughing, sextified Name/num: 小陈/189 Face: 8/10 cute look from 重庆 1996 Body: 8/10 1.61m boob ~B with tiny pink nipple! Service: 9/10 good BBBJ good FJ good attitude Cost: 652 Evening join Gofly mix KTV at OuYa. Meet a lot of Taiwan bros. Arrive late, tell mamasan to bring me a fun girl that can LT. Had a good time sing and play dice. But as soon as back to the hotel, she fly pattern say mama at home can't stay overnight, start to argue. I decide fuck her hard and throw her out. But as soon as clothes off I see... WORST BOOB JOB EVER Look like done with fork and nife! I fuck her until she complain it hurt, give money and tell her to leave. She even ask for tips! Name/num: 小霞/dun remember Face: 6/10 normal type from 广西 1991 Body: 0/10 1.6m WORST BOOBJOB EVER and still only small ~A Service: 0/10 Cost: 250 for KTV + 700 ST Next day still upset from OY. Go to try silvery holiday famos volcano massage. Very good oil massage with hot stones. Massage girl is flirty, but always move away after start to tickle her legs. Finish with good JG type massage. Ask to extend hour, but I still need go out get lunch. Ask if can take to dinner after she off shift at 6PM and she accept! Give her my HP and leave. At end there is a card she ask me to sign, says it 评价 her service, should give her 100 points. Only when I go to pay do I know isn't points, but 100 in tips for her! I though still okay, if she come visit me in evening. Name/num: 春春/dun remember (maybe because she look a little like 李宇春) Face: 7/10 cute, looks like 李宇春 1989 Body: don't see out of uniform Service: 4/10 good strong massage but lose points for trick with tips Cost: 289-50 for staying at silvery holiday +100 tips Afternoon go to huihua sauna, pick a cute small girl. She carries her work tools in a little backpack, looks like secondary school girl. One dragon service with a energetic girl next door type, great! Name/num: didnt ask/168 Face: 9/10 cute GF type from 四川 1992 Body: 8/10 small 1.56m but B/C boobs Service: 9/10 good fuck good massage Cost: 638 pic of girl After return to hotel to wait for volcano massage girl. Wait to 8clock, no call. Give tips and fly the airplane. Notice that room cleaners when making bed had found OY girl's earring. She terrible service, but I feel bad she lose her jewel. Call OY send car, drop off earring with KTV manager. Dun remember her number so dunno if they can return, but not my care anymore. Already late, consider go to mix KTV at Mayflower, but sence leave early next day dun think I should drink and tabao girl back to hotel. Instead go to Manhattan SN. Three lineup before pick a girl, but picked a good one! Very slutty type, did sexy dance on the striper pole in the room. Strong BBBJ looking into my eyes the hole time. Only one fuck cuz already tired, then spend the rest of the time TCSS while she give a good massage. Name/num: didn't ask/568 Face: 8/10 slutty type 1993 Body: 9/10 thin nice boobs ~C Service: 9/10 powerful BBBJ, slutty moan during FJ, good massage Cost: 550 (learn from her that 350 goes to girl and SN takes 200, feel bad for 450 class girls) ~7:30 next morning take train to Guangzhou (55RMB)) and back to real world Overall rating Good FH SN HH SN Manhattan SN OK silvery holiday hotel - good price and hardware, but bad location. breakfast also not to good volcano massage - maybe worth with slivery holiday discount, careful get chop with tips Bad OY KTV Contacts Silvery Holiday 0769-8189-6888 FH mami Dandan 15916866955 Manhattan papasan Dong 13751220006 Older bros can up points? Thanks! |
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