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Old 14-07-2005, 11:21 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

oh la la, bro lament very ' chi qing' leh. :P
Old 14-07-2005, 11:24 PM
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Originally Posted by lament
haizzzz.....y nobody believe me sia ...i kenna flak by everybody in a thread i start ....flame war sia ....maybe ask sammy 2 delete this thread ...
So fast admit u lost the game?? Who is starting a flaming war with u?? We r just trying knock your head n ask u wake up.

Originally Posted by lament
1 thing u dun know is i dun and have never enjoyed paid service ...i enjoy the KC game .....
That's the root of the problem, so many KC so which is the right 1???? U tonight KC f this ger, she is the right 1, tomorrow KC f another ger, yesterday ger is not the right 1, today is the 1. KNN when will this end??? Everydays KC, end of the day, is it love or just to sexify your small head???

Originally Posted by lament
well ....vietnam is far away and jc is more accessible mah ...

the time i was in vn, i cannot do anything due to the type of work i am involve in .....

i m working on it ...decent or WL dun matter to me in the end of the day lor ..

Far??? How far?? So because of distance u rather choose WL/FL?? U always say u hav no money except heart for her. Drill this into your head if u hav 1... they r here to earn MONEY. Intially she dun take money from u, but one day when she needs money who will she turns to?? Charity??? It is u, cos u r the closest person she has. By then u will feel T L cos she is asking money from u. U will then leave her n look for another ger, (that what a lot bros do, they normally say my ger dun take money from me, the next moment when the ger asks for money they will leave her.) So when will this look for better ger end??? Another reason to go after WL/FL gers is because they r easier to approach than normal working gers. U r just finding excuses to get involve with these FL/WL in JC.

Not flaming just bros advices. If want to flame, u still here meh???
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 14-07-2005, 11:27 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by lament
guess wat she ask if i wanna marry her but i have 2 sever my ties with joo chiat and i barley know her 4 a week ........

U dun understand her hint to u??? She dun want to work anymore.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 14-07-2005, 11:28 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by lament

i do sayang tis ger ok but jus not sure where it leads too .... i dun wan wat happen the last time to repeat itself ...... haizzzzz

Lead to no where unless u r willing to support her.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 15-07-2005, 04:17 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by blue_swatch
oh la la, bro lament very ' chi qing' leh.
well ...i spent a lot of time wooing her leh and have yet to do anything with her yet .....wat u think ....
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Old 15-07-2005, 04:27 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by naemlo
So fast admit u lost the game?? Who is starting a flaming war with u?? We r just trying knock your head n ask u wake up.

That's the root of the problem, so many KC so which is the right 1???? U tonight KC f this ger, she is the right 1, tomorrow KC f another ger, yesterday ger is not the right 1, today is the 1. KNN when will this end??? Everydays KC, end of the day, is it love or just to sexify your small head???
end of the day, i bonk gers because they fall for my KC trap ...... those i dun bonk are those that i really love ....

ask lau pa ...he can vouch for it ..... 2 date besides my only 51 ba xa, and my current ger are the ones that i have yet to touch .......

i only bonk those that like me and i have a bit of KC .....

Originally Posted by naemlo
Far??? How far?? So because of distance u rather choose WL/FL?? U always say u hav no money except heart for her. Drill this into your head if u hav 1... they r here to earn MONEY. Intially she dun take money from u, but one day when she needs money who will she turns to?? Charity??? It is u, cos u r the closest person she has. By then u will feel T L cos she is asking money from u. U will then leave her n look for another ger, (that what a lot bros do, they normally say my ger dun take money from me, the next moment when the ger asks for money they will leave her.) So when will this look for better ger end??? Another reason to go after WL/FL gers is because they r easier to approach than normal working gers. U r just finding excuses to get involve with these FL/WL in JC.
i understand wat u driving at .....the only ones that i will step in and provide the little support are those who pass the 6month mark at least ....

so far only my previous one got the most ....only after being with me 4 a year that i got her a HP for her b-day present ......

as 4 my 7-month old ger ....she knows wat she getting into situation dun allow me to help her but she will get by .....

i m not looking 4 excuse to move to other gers but the fact of the matter ....YES I AM AWARE THEY WANT MONEY but then take it slow and easy .....let the relationship mature mah ...but they like to jump the ger and in most cases GIVING MONEY IS THE PROOF OF YOUR LOVE ..aiyoh if thats the proof they need and in the words of my ger "if i go 4 money ...u r the last man on the list " ....

Dun teach me wat to do .... I know perfectly well the game i am playing and well i make it through the last few years unscathed .....i got a few more on the pipeline too .....
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Old 15-07-2005, 04:28 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by naemlo
U dun understand her hint to u??? She dun want to work anymore.
Hint hint to U ....this ger is not a working ger and she has more money than you and me combine ....she comes from a very rich family but think she wants singapore PR ....hmmm...see if she willing to support me lor ....

Originally Posted by naemlo
Lead to no where unless u r willing to support her.
well ...we have talk it over ....i need to settle the shit that i m in now before we move on to other planning .....if she can't wait then its ok ....she will have my full support .....
Vietnamisation Support Group

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Old 15-07-2005, 10:00 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by lament
well...i understand wat u driving at but then i do enjoy their company sometimes .... i m a lonely man u know .....
Getting entangled with too many WL KC lovers will hinder your progress with the decent gal you are going after....esp if news spread to her ear. Her knowledge of you frequenting of JC will be easy for her to find out more abt what you had been doing there if she had not already know by now.
Originally Posted by lament
as for a decent ger, i m working on one ...guess wat she ask if i wanna marry her but i have 2 sever my ties with joo chiat and i barley know her 4 a week ........
She know that you may stray with KC F if you still hang around in JC. Woman irregardless of nationality will not like sharing of their partner with another. Vice versa for both sex.
Originally Posted by lament
....this ger is not a working ger and she has more money than you and me combine ....she comes from a very rich family but think she wants singapore PR ....hmmm...see if she willing to support me lor ............
If you are genuinely wanting to be supported by her, then it makes not much difference of you and the group of her fellow countryman who are living off woman. Then why will she choose you??? Can understand if she is after the PR....but ever thought of why she wants the PR here if she is rich and happy in HCMC? How can someone you had been chasing for so most of time even refusing to say she miss you, turn around so suddenly and wants you to marry her? Alright....according to viet culture, if "miss you, love you" are always hang around her mouth, it is worthless....yes, she might really be touched by your persistence courtship. At least this will be what you are telling yourself if you wanna believe her offer. But the other side of yourself is asking is she for real? Gals you had not able to get, you lament abt it. But when they want to get real with you, you are scared. As such, the best course of action I will suggest is that you take some more time to know her better....
Originally Posted by lament
....i need to settle the shit that i m in now before we move on to other planning .....if she can't wait then its ok ....she will have my full support .....
What shit are you in? If it is about cleaning up your act with all the JC KC Lovers? I believe, you have to identify what you want for yourself before doing it....not solely for what she heart and brain must agreed....sacrifices must be made if you both of you want to be part of each other future. I wish you clear state of mind, senses, luck and happiness.
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Old 15-07-2005, 10:38 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by lament
end of the day, i bonk gers because they fall for my KC trap ...... those i dun bonk are those that i really love ....

i only bonk those that like me and i have a bit of KC .....
Y dun u say this, u bonk these gers just to sexify your small head? If that ger has KC with u n request some money, u will not bonk her n will leave her.

Originally Posted by lament
i understand wat u driving at .....the only ones that i will step in and provide the little support are those who pass the 6month mark at least ....

so far only my previous one got the most ....only after being with me 4 a year that i got her a HP for her b-day present ......

as 4 my 7-month old ger ....she knows wat she getting into situation dun allow me to help her but she will get by .....
So u know the prob with these WL/FL?? They need money, but u r still going into their life when u know u dun have money. U just want to hav some KC n free bonk. U r merely looking for temp love n bonk. Admit it....

Originally Posted by lament
i m not looking 4 excuse to move to other gers but the fact of the matter ....YES I AM AWARE THEY WANT MONEY but then take it slow and easy .....let the relationship mature mah ...but they like to jump the ger and in most cases GIVING MONEY IS THE PROOF OF YOUR LOVE ..aiyoh if thats the proof they need and in the words of my ger "if i go 4 money ...u r the last man on the list " ....
Didn't I tell u this??? THEY R HERE FOR MONEY!!!! Drill this into your head n shaft it up your shit gap. Once they hav the money then they hav the time to KC with u.

Originally Posted by lament
Dun teach me wat to do .... I know perfectly well the game i am playing and well i make it through the last few years unscathed .....i got a few more on the pipeline too .....

We r not teaching wat to do, I hav no right to teach u. We r just talking sense to your long time habit. U understand??? If u r not my friend, I dun bother to talk sense to u. Wasting my time.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 15-07-2005, 10:40 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by lament
Hint hint to U ....this ger is not a working ger and she has more money than you and me combine ....she comes from a very rich family but think she wants singapore PR ....hmmm...see if she willing to support me lor ....
So stop fooling around with other gers. Put your head n heart to it...

Originally Posted by lament
well ...we have talk it over ....i need to settle the shit that i m in now before we move on to other planning .....if she can't wait then its ok ....she will have my full support .....
U hav the habit of getting to a hit n run situation, u hav no patient for time consuming love love. U get what I meant?
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 15-07-2005, 10:42 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by MoonBlaze
I wish you clear state of mind, senses, luck and happiness.

Hahahaahha ding ding, round 2, Tag team of Moonblaze n Naemlo lead ahead...
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 15-07-2005, 10:47 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by naemlo
Hahahaahha ding ding, round 2, Tag team of Moonblaze n Naemlo lead ahead...
Ting Ting,,,,,,,,, sexlover leading Lament by 16 lamp pole,,,,
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Old 15-07-2005, 10:53 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by naemlo
We r not teaching wat to do, I hav no right to teach u. We r just talking sense to your long time habit. U understand??? If u r not my friend, I dun bother to talk sense to u. Wasting my time.
I think he will fully understand our intention....i guess he need time to sort out things....

Lament, NC and myself are not saint ourselves, as you can see under my signature, my return will be as the devil....just abid by rules of the game and you will be happier. KC F and R/S with the decent Viet gal of yours cannot Co-exist in your case as the latter knows and cannot tolerate the former. We just cannot have the best of both world at times.
I left as a fallen angel, will return as the devil.
Old 15-07-2005, 11:37 AM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by lament
end of the day, i bonk gers because they fall for my KC trap ...... those i dun bonk are those that i really love ....

ask lau pa ...he can vouch for it ..... 2 date besides my only 51 ba xa, and my current ger are the ones that i have yet to touch .......

i only bonk those that like me and i have a bit of KC .....

i understand wat u driving at .....the only ones that i will step in and provide the little support are those who pass the 6month mark at least ....

so far only my previous one got the most ....only after being with me 4 a year that i got her a HP for her b-day present ......

as 4 my 7-month old ger ....she knows wat she getting into situation dun allow me to help her but she will get by .....

i m not looking 4 excuse to move to other gers but the fact of the matter ....YES I AM AWARE THEY WANT MONEY but then take it slow and easy .....let the relationship mature mah ...but they like to jump the ger and in most cases GIVING MONEY IS THE PROOF OF YOUR LOVE ..aiyoh if thats the proof they need and in the words of my ger "if i go 4 money ...u r the last man on the list " ....

Dun teach me wat to do .... I know perfectly well the game i am playing and well i make it through the last few years unscathed .....i got a few more on the pipeline too .....

Aiya dun come here bullshit lah u think u r andy lau...i noe who u r that big fatty 4 eyes pig who always go 51 looking for free beer all the waiters/waitress and JC girls noe yr chow pattern. After reading all yr posts make me puke on the spot, i nvr come across such a shameless fat pig as u!!
Old 15-07-2005, 07:26 PM
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Re: Vietnamisation Program

Originally Posted by lament
Kekeke ,,,, game over very soon,,,,
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