I don't know if it's me but sometimes when I talk to them, esp Pinays, they expect us to drop everything at an instant notice of them being available.
Or they say something then disappear for a long time, the suddenly tell you, "I'm here" or "I reach", expecting us to sit there whole day just to wait for them.
My 2nd experience is a Pinoy milf. We chatted for at least 2 weeks and even planned to meet up at a cafe near her church. On D-day when I message her I kena ghosted. Really FML sia hahahahaha
__________________ Don't ask me for contacts. I only share and read FRs. I'm not a pimp. You lazy find, your own problem.
Zapping is a way to boost your ego. Agree? Keechiu!. . . .I'm here to make love not war. If you don't like my post can add me to your "Ignore List"
She found someone else that promised her either money or go somewhere nice to eat. They are holding on to many cocks at one time, if they get played out by one they have another on standby.Those hot and pretty ones can get 2 to 3 guys on a good Sunday. They also know we want pussy and after 1 shot most guys are happy and she can go meet her 2nd or 3rd target.
Originally Posted by StupidCharsiew
My 2nd experience is a Pinoy milf. We chatted for at least 2 weeks and even planned to meet up at a cafe near her church. On D-day when I message her I kena ghosted. Really FML sia hahahahaha
Man you're so fortunate to find your first fuck buddy, that's nice though
Both of us are pretty lucky! Came in didn't have any expectations and i'm her first fb too
Originally Posted by StupidCharsiew
Yeah I also kena ghosted before and the DH is damn chio with ahlian looks. Maybe now she won't ask for anything but a few more meetups she might chut patter. Enjoy
Screw the ghosters.
I'm happy with my fb now haha
Originally Posted by TheIdesOfMarch
This is actually a good way to build chemistry with a FWB: to have similar experiences and in both your cases gripes about being tio dua by other people. Both of you can feel like you click better and can empathise better with each other's sex journeys and current appraisal of the hook up scene in SG.
Best of luck, enjoy her whilst it lasts!
Completely agree with you here and thanks!
Originally Posted by LonerFA
Knn this thread really alot of WK, shall not post anymore.
It took me awhile to realise you meant white knight LOL.
But the fact remains that as long as you're on the internet white knights are sure around 1 - cannot run away from them
Who's DH admits they like to watch porn? My DH is really horny. At least once a week she'll send me messages telling she's watching porn during my working hours. Sometimes she'll send me a screenshot of what she's watching hahahaha
Maybe I should suggest we make our own video? :P
__________________ Don't ask me for contacts. I only share and read FRs. I'm not a pimp. You lazy find, your own problem.
Zapping is a way to boost your ego. Agree? Keechiu!. . . .I'm here to make love not war. If you don't like my post can add me to your "Ignore List"
Who's DH admits they like to watch porn? My DH is really horny. At least once a week she'll send me messages telling she's watching porn during my working hours. Sometimes she'll send me a screenshot of what she's watching hahahaha