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Re: "Genuinely" nice WL experiences you have met (not simping or KC)
![]() I am not sure whether will I fall into another hole, I keep reminding myself just release and go. Dont get WL WeChat, just make booking with OKT to avoid end up chatting with WL, 避免踏入一条注定无归的绝路. lols… |
Re: "Genuinely" nice WL experiences you have met (not simping or KC)
Imagine even self-entitled local SPG can play you, don't talk about the risks compared to deep 深不可测 PRC WLs who can easily 耍到你团团转, like tio 灌了迷魂汤, LOL. Of course YMMV depending on your level of life experience, but if you are at least in your 30s and kernah played out by local women before, then after some deep thought most should be able to develop some kind of understanding to realise what I'm saying. It's not too difficult to trick your mind to develop the correct mindset. Once you have successfully done, it's like unlocking some form of 'secret code' which totally transformed your heart and mind, like a new form of awakening. It becomes like a basic protective layer to guard your heart while continuously learning new ways to strengthen the armor to reach higher levels. As I've mentioned before, cheonging involves high risks which requires extreme discipline like fighting a war. You must win over WLs at all costs. Always remember, "人善被人欺,马善被人骑. 所以男人想要站得稳,必须心要狠, 要敢硬气一点她们敢跟你拼命吗?" In a light-hearted way which is commonly depicted in modern China short movies, treat it like mastering some form of martial art as 习武者 with different levels of achievement to tackle PRC WLs as an opponent. You have to beat them at their own game. It takes time, some need to take a few falls before they wake up. But your ultimate aim must be to reach the more advanced levels at least at a level 2 '内劲修炼者'. Once you attained level 2 as a 内劲高手, you should be able to eat most PRC WLs like breakfast who are all below this level. But if you meet one at level 3 宗师级, you better back off and practise more first before even finding her to RTF again else sure GG. So far out of the countless PRC WLs I booked, I've only met one at this level at L2045 currently still working there whom have taken many intoxicated victims along the way, starting to create ruckus with her own 黑粉丝 fans (going to be similar to ex-L1654A AP BaoBao whom OKT has to send back after causing too much trouble). Cuz no matter what I throw at her, she can still absorb, counter and escape NBCB sipeh tokongz LOL. (I won't mention her name to 保留悬念, to let you all discover the goodies, LOL) Below shows different levels of achievement, so which level are you? ![]() Level 1. 基础境界:普通习武者 不入流:初学者,未掌握真正的武技,只能依靠蛮力或基础格斗技巧。 三流高手:掌握一定武学套路,力量和速度有提升,但尚无真正内力。 二流高手:具备一定实战经验,能够运用劲力,但还未触及“内劲”概念。 一流高手:内功小成,能够运转气息,发力更加精准,但仍属于普通武者范畴。 Level 2. 中级境界:内劲修炼者 后天境界:依靠后天修炼打通部分经脉,能够运转内力增强攻击,但未真正掌握“内劲”。 内劲高手:突破后天境,真正掌握“内劲”运用的武者。这一阶段的高手可以做到“隔空伤人”、“寸劲”(短距 离爆发极强攻击力)、以及提升身体机能(如轻功、抗击打能力)。 先天境界:内力深厚,经脉完全贯通,达到“气随意动、劲随心生”的程度,真正做到“举手投足皆可发劲”,此 时已属于武学宗师级人物。 Level 3. 高级境界:宗师级强者 宗师境界:真正的武学大师,内劲已达巅峰,可轻松“以柔克刚”、“四两拨千斤”,甚至能利用周围环境增强自 身战力。 大宗师境界:被尊为武学巅峰存在,已臻化境,武技可与天地自然融合,一招一式都暗合天地之理,甚至可做到“ 无招胜有招”。 Level 4. 终极境界:超凡脱俗 半步神仙:突破武道极限,进入传说中的领域,武功已达“人剑合一”、“天人合一”,一念之间可调动天地能量 加持自身。 神仙境界:真正脱离凡俗的极致境界,肉身已趋近不灭,战斗时几乎不受物理规则限制,达到“超凡入圣、虚无缥 缈”的境界。 ![]()
Latest FR (Upz me if you like): L2033 TT/XiaoMi - L2033 Ying Tao - L2058 Coco/Tina/Toto Recent FR: WH04 XingXing, L1608 LeLe, WH04 KK, L2045 Yumi/XY, L1608 JJ & Sasa, L2045 TT, L1608 Wawa, L1608 (LL), L1658A (3 girls), Duo Duo (WH04, L2045) Last edited by Topper; Today at 06:21 PM. |
Re: "Genuinely" nice WL experiences you have met (not simping or KC)
I guess most of the guys are generally nice people.... that is why when the WL treat you super nice.... you will automatically fall into their trap.... she also like you to a certain extend but not to the extend of sharing your hardship and spend her life with you... they are also in a foreign land and hope that there are people to take care of them. Smart ones will never show their true colours until they are sure you are over and done with them. Especially when their tour of duty is ending soon, you can see that there is a sudden surge of GFE and its ultra high... because they want to squeeze the maximum out of you before they leave. Even though we know their game, but they are playing with your heart.... so there is still a high chance you will fall for it over and over again...
Re: "Genuinely" nice WL experiences you have met (not simping or KC)
Re: "Genuinely" nice WL experiences you have met (not simping or KC)
Very true.... always have a few regular for back up... once onenofnthem chut pattern.... striaght away move on to the next one and hunt for new ones at the same time.... this will minimise the damage to our heart and wallet...
Re: "Genuinely" nice WL experiences you have met (not simping or KC)
Re: "Genuinely" nice WL experiences you have met (not simping or KC)
Experienced this lol. She going back said I will miss you, make me want to rtf more that week cos of fomo until dick too exhausted. Looking back not really worth it
Re: "Genuinely" nice WL experiences you have met (not simping or KC)
so now for wechat, i also change strategy already with new PRC WL i met, I just talk about food and at most send 5 text bubbles per convo thread. no more dragging the convo for hours just to enhance the GFE, too dangerous. Once I smell any "why not RTF" messages, I just change topic or just don reply PRC WLs really bcos you and her know Mandarin, very easy to form bonds like it or not. now My strategy for the rest of the year is to move on more towards Thais and Viets to "take a break" from all these mind games. |
If got chemistry with WL, is once a week or once in 2 weeks too much? |
Re: "Genuinely" nice WL experiences you have met (not simping or KC)
Once a week is managable for Thai or Viet... $60x4=240 per month.... i see some of them go multiple times a week... they must be high paid job workers.... if have go more if not so much... go less abit... up to ur comfort level...
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