Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - Information on Seduction, how to maximize your RMBs!!!
Originally Posted by machoman
However, as they say: " no money, no honey"... so how to go? Also, another problem is the time constraint...too busy with things in Sg. Sigh.............
remember the Chan Bros advertsiment, "life will never be the same". either u come over and make ur life never be the same or stay at home pcc.
so stop giving urself excuse. if not every month u send over SGD$100 i open an account for u. in no time u will be enjoying china. dont tell me u $100 also dont have.
Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - Information on Seduction, how to maximize your RMBs!!!
Originally Posted by Ronaldo
There is always a start mah.. and my good friend's mother say.. "Everything must try once.. but if not confirmed can try again and again and again...."
For a start you can whistle at the waitress or cleaning aunty.. high hit rate... hahahaa.. hor stano hor?
i hate mondays.
i love monday. happy happy monday.
one more tip over here is practice practice practice. i started off making mistakes but perfecting it. as i move along i know wat works wat dont works. basically, is know their culture and add life into it. give them domestic support and they will return u ur kindness.
one more tip, share ur knowledge with them. like i travel to USA to... i go to taiwan for... bla bla bla. ask them make passport and u bring them tour the world if can. or tell them something the know in details. but not so details that will bored them.
Last edited by banana; 06-06-2005 at 11:12 AM.
Reason: add more
OK .... this is a Hijack... All passengers remain calm....
We are having a party in CP this weekend...
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Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - Information on Seduction, how to maximize your RMBs!!!
Originally Posted by banana
remember the Chan Bros advertsiment, "life will never be the same". either u come over and make ur life never be the same or stay at home pcc.
so stop giving urself excuse. if not every month u send over SGD$100 i open an account for u. in no time u will be enjoying china. dont tell me u $100 also dont have.
machoman....what brother banana says is real....even if you have no money there you pcc there is also not the same...
Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - Information on Seduction, how to maximize your RMBs!!!
Originally Posted by banana
remember the Chan Bros advertsiment, "life will never be the same". either u come over and make ur life never be the same or stay at home pcc.
so stop giving urself excuse. if not every month u send over SGD$100 i open an account for u. in no time u will be enjoying china. dont tell me u $100 also dont have.
Ok... ok... ok!!! My good buddy, airbrush, also is persauding me to visit SZ with him.
Will try to go as soon as $ & time permits.
In the meantime, all you guys in mm land, happy bonking!!!
Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - Information on Seduction, how to maximize your RMBs!!!
Originally Posted by banana
i love monday. happy happy monday. to get girls is one remove girls is another thing...what happen a girl die die want to stick with to delete, please share any of your experiences....
Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - Information on Seduction, how to maximize your RMBs!!!
Originally Posted by airbrush to get girls is one remove girls is another thing...what happen a girl die die want to stick with to delete, please share any of your experiences....
good qns. based on my survey:
1. they will usually dump u first. 50%
2. girl die for u 5%
3. u can keep them as spare tires (mistress) just give them 100-200rmb as and when u song. 35%
4. stick to u like super glue. better still u can eat soft rice. 10%
tips to get out of the game:
1. say no money liao, they will stick w u for a while and gradually relocate to another man's arm
2. act like u out of job. be a lazy bump and ask money from them. if they give u then u are in luck.
3. if u are staying at her place. not to worry, she will kick u out.
rem u r in china. we men are like disposable tempon when u say u no money.
Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - Information on Seduction, how to maximize your RMBs!!!
Originally Posted by airbrush to get girls is one remove girls is another thing...what happen a girl die die want to stick with to delete, please share any of your experiences....
Ah... fatal attraction... when you sleep, make sure you lock up your didi or else you risk becoming a "eunuch"!!!
Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - Information on Seduction, how to maximize your RMBs!!!
Originally Posted by machoman
Ah... fatal attraction... when you sleep, make sure you lock up your didi or else you risk becoming a "eunuch"!!!
also possible such case. rem if u fool around with other gals, dont get caught.
this is the rule in china. all gals understand men fool around and they accept it. make sure u lie smartly and convincable. even if they know, they will not probe further but act blur. make sure u dont fcuk another gal in front of her or hurt her pride by saying ur friend give me more orgasm than u or such.
Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - Information on Seduction, how to maximize your RMBs!!!
Originally Posted by machoman
Ah... fatal attraction... when you sleep, make sure you lock up your didi or else you risk becoming a "eunuch"!!!
I read an article not long ago in BKK, the girl know that you want to dump her she prepare a very nice meal for you, and you fall asleep...cut you didi and preserved for their future this case how to lock didi....
Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - Information on Seduction, how to maximize your RMBs!!!
Originally Posted by airbrush
I read an article not long ago in BKK, the girl know that you want to dump her she prepare a very nice meal for you, and you fall asleep...cut you didi and preserved for their future this case how to lock didi....
Re: Sexcapades in Shenzhen - Information on Seduction, how to maximize your RMBs!!!
Originally Posted by banana
this is the rule in china. all gals understand men fool around and they accept it. make sure u lie smartly and convincable. even if they know, they will not probe further but act blur. make sure u dont fcuk another gal in front of her or hurt her pride by saying ur friend give me more orgasm than u or such.
Monday is a happy day....learn many things from brothers here....yes girls are very sensitive....especially their pride...