Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
占地1600公顷 比勿洛镇还大
============================================== 新越海防工业园可住15万人 新加坡和越南两国领导人昨天跟地方官员和投资者一起,为发展完成后可容纳15万人口的海防综合城镇与工 业园项目主持动土仪式。 越南总理阮晋勇在仪式上讲话时,呼吁各方尽全力使这个越南最大的房地产开发项目取得成功,并指示越南相 关政府部门、中央机构和海防市人民政府给予大力支持,使这座新城镇与工业园能以高标准如期发展 完成。 海防综合城镇与工业园(Hai Phong Integrated Township and Industrial Park)占地1600公顷,比勿洛镇还大,估计要十年建成。设计概念是集工业、商业、住宅为一体,发展完 成后将成为海防市的“城中城”。由于靠近海边,又建在禁河(Cam River)北岸,因此将带有环保特色。 首阶段吸引1亿美元 它在第一阶段已吸引1亿美元(约1亿4000万新元)的投资额,将首先开发611公顷地段 。 这座综合城镇与工业园成功开发,将启动海防市和越南北部经济区的增长引擎。阮晋勇还期待它利用最先进的 科技与管理知识,以保护环境和促进社会和谐。 海防市距离越南首都河内以东两个半小时车程,是越南第三大城市,也是中央政府指定加速开发的五个一线城 市之一。 在当地发展的综合城镇与工业园是越南—新加坡工业园(Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park,简称VSIP)开发计划下的第四个项目。VSIP是新越的旗舰合作计划,由新方的胜科工业园公司 (Sembcorp Industrial Parks)和越方的Becamex IDC公司联合开发及经营。 VSIP是新越合作成功的具体标志。阮晋勇强调越南政府高度重视新加坡企业对越南的贡献,而越南的政策 也是为包括来自新加坡的所有外来投资者提供利好的经商环境,让他们的业务及投资可以长期持续取 得成功。 李显龙总理在阮晋勇之后发表讲话时,对越南政府的支持表示感谢。他前晚已在阮晋勇招待新加坡代表团的晚宴上 讲话时,呼吁越南中央政府为有意在当地开拓商机的新加坡公司打开方便之门。 他说:“VSIP海防成功与否,要看越南政府是否能提供良好的基础设施,列出明确的条规,并推出可鼓励 投资者的优惠措施。” 政府可以制造环境,但最终的投资还是需要由商界决定。11家公司昨天也在动土仪式上签订协议,表示有意 在VSIP海防落户设厂或建造酒店、购物商场及开办幼稚园等。这些公司多数来自新加坡。 地方政府和当地居民的支持也是不可或缺。举行动土仪式的地点不久前还是一片稻田,由于得到当地政府的配 合,开发综合城镇与工业园所需的地段很快就移交,住在那里的居民也在接受赔偿后,迁徙到其他地 方。 许多居民昨天一大清早都扶老携幼步行到举行动土仪式的地点,夹道欢迎前去主持仪式的贵宾。举行动土仪式 的白色帐篷外头停放着好长一列挂上红色横幅的载泥卡车,似乎在骄傲地宣示落实这个发展项目的信 心及决心。 海防市人民政府主席阮文成明白这个项目能为海防市带来的好处,并在讲话时表示期待这个项目能为数以千计 的当地居民制造就业机会,并提高海防市对投资者的吸引力。 为了让当地人对这个发展项目有归属感,胜科工业园公司在设计发展蓝图时,还特别考虑开发土地对当地环境 的影响,并已委托南洋理工大学的南洋环境与水源研究院展开调查,以研究对策。 院长伍文桢教授受访时说,一个地方的动植物品种会在开发过程中消失,如要保障宜居环境,得设法把已消失 的品种带回来。此外,这一带地势平坦,容易淹水,会影响房价,因此沿河筑堤的工程也不能少。 胜科工业园公司执行主席刘心玲说:“这应该是一个越南人可以引以为荣的项目。这是他们的项目,带有些许 新加坡的影响和色彩,同时也为越南定下了一个新的标准。” 当仪式结束后,贵宾们陆续坐上冷气巴士离开时,小孩拉着一串串升得很高的五颜六色气球,蹦蹦跳跳,兴奋 不已。再过五到十年,当幼稚园、购物中心和工厂建成时,这些小孩所得到的将不止是一串气球。 VSIP海防 以城镇概念规划 海防综合城镇与工业园也称为VSIP海防,跟新越合作开发的另外三个VSIP项目比较,有其特色。一是 体现出综合城镇的现代规划概念;二是对环境额外重视。 其他VSIP项目原本都以工业园为主,住宅和城镇部分是后来按需求添加的。而VSIP海防却是一开始就 从城镇规划的角度出发,工业园和商业园只占三分之一的面积,其余的1100公顷是规划为城镇设施用途,包括 建造高楼住宅和半独立式洋房、金融中心、商业中心、购屋商场、酒店、医药中心和大学等。 国际学前教育品牌现代蒙特梭利国际教育中心(MMI)昨天也签约,有意在那里建造及经营一所幼稚园。M MI主席兼总裁詹杜鲁博士受访时,表示他是看准越南的8900万人口之中,三成在15岁以下,对教育的需求 非常强劲。 专门制造红外线光学产品的II-VI公司也有意在那里设厂。董事穆马格博士代表公司签约后说:“这个综合城镇构想将能打造出一个宜居环境, 有助我们吸引所需的海内外人才。” VSIP海防因建在禁河以北,有一段四公里长的河滨地带,对环境保护很重视,因此也是唯一只吸引少污染 、高科技及知识型工业落户的越新工业园。 河滨计划建造会议与展览中心、文化艺术中心和别墅,并将建渡轮码头,方便游客从这里乘船沿着禁河到著名 的下龙湾观光。
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
hey bros what's "me goi cho con" ?
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
It means 'mother call(telephone) me'
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Tai sau=why
biet=know tieng viet=vietnamese nhieu=many vay=ha vay is used as a slang in a sentence, just like how we use la, loh, nia... But can also mean other things, for e.g, the girl msg you: 'anh oi, vay chua?' meaning=handsome, honey, mr or Yusof Ishak , wake up already? Quote:
Regards, vlover
ALWAYS remember where your home is after eating OUT !!?.. |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Why=tại sao wake up=dậy
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
my advice to beginners (like me), feel free to speak or type.. don't be afraid to be laughed at.. then you will gain much more than others.. Regards, vlover
ALWAYS remember where your home is after eating OUT !!?.. |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
how to say
darling, i call you later with pronounciation plz. TIA |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
người yêu, anh gọi diện em sau
Love is a matter of chemistry, but sex is a matter of physics. |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
VDict.com - Vietnamese Dictionary and Translation - T? ?i?n và d?ch ti?ng Vi?t Their translation is "Darling, tôi gọi cho bạn sau này"..... Although not 100% right, but it is somewhere there. Replace the word TOI with anh, and BAN with em... (anh & em are words for addressing ppl with more affection) Since u are into viet gals, why not start to learn the language now?
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
kam sia,
will catch up with speaches if only i could find a shifu here, if not than hv to wait till i fly there. |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
It's not that accurate actually. There's also google translate
Google Translate But a lot words have double barrel meanings and a lot of the viet gals don't use the official dictionary word. They have their own slang. The worse part is when starting out you most probably will have problems understanding the shorthand they text you. e.g. instead of texting "hom nay" (today) they will text Hnay which at the beginning might throw you off. but the obvious advantage of know viet is you can get the fresh meat. Those who can handle english or mandarin have probably been in this line for a few years. Those starting out can only understand viet Quote:
Love is a matter of chemistry, but sex is a matter of physics. |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Take your time to learn. Most important is to enjoy yourself.
Minimum 8 points to exchange. Sure return favour. If any person upped me and I have yet to return please pm me with your lastest URL. n-rd - TheDriverGuy |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Just want to share my recent experience. I sat 1 vb who act like dunno any english or mandarin in the pub. Somemore she arranged 1 elder sis to bring her around telling customer she is very new. Later I discovered she can actually understand and speak mandarin well. So they have developed new game plan, not so easy to tell whether they are really green or fresh now. I also know 1 vb who is 1st time here but know Jap Lang. She may be working in KTV in Vietnam too.
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Some can speak fluent cantonese as most of you probably already know, I don't speak canto to my disadvantage. But go around pretending not to know Mandarin or English, that's absurd. But my criteria of fresh would be young as well (below 22), if a WL is 26 and can't speak mandarin or English, I won't even bother.
Love is a matter of chemistry, but sex is a matter of physics. |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
my viet gal finally broke her silent today.
she got her fren who can speak mandarin to call me to ask when would i be sending her the fotos we took together. her fren says she is excited to receive the fotos becos she miss me. jia lat liao, i think i kena vietnam virus liao. |
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