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Old 13-08-2005, 10:31 PM
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Talking Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by sacs
Hi everyone, as mentioned, here is a picture of my Kunpeng. Can someone elaborate more for me so i can understand more of the amulet that i wear? Thanks!

Kunpeng is actually the Buddha himself. Actually Kunpeng is more for ren-yuen and overall protection.
Most famous Kunpeng is Kunpeng Plai-Kuman by LP Thim (my fav and respected Thai monk).
Old 13-08-2005, 11:03 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Vigin Lover
Kunpeng is actually the Buddha himself. Actually Kunpeng is more for ren-yuen and overall protection.
Most famous Kunpeng is Kunpeng Plai-Kuman by LP Thim (my fav and respected Thai monk).
hi bro,

Do u happen to know where this kunpeng of mine is from? how much is the one u mentioned (LP Thim)..... any idea how it looks like?
Old 13-08-2005, 11:30 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by hunter2005
hi bro slippers, can enlighten me bo? is it different khun paen with women? gumantong? and chicken is for different purpose? if yes, what is that hah??
than i heard that those khun paen with all this image is not really 'zheng zhong'? the very first or those worth collecting is the khun paen alone one without anything else?

in some ways, amulets made in the mould of women are supposedly for female attraction, legend has it that Khun paen, a thai general, has many wives, etc so its supposedly for female attraction.but if you look like kenna car buang, will a khun paen help u?=P sorry for the example, but hope u noe wat i am driving at.
gumanthong is a child spirit that khun paen 'made' with the corpse of his own dead child, however, some people also pray to gumanthong so i shouldnt really say much about this, its all a matter of preference and what works for you.
Lp Tim, wat lahangrai Rayong is famous for making the Khun paen plai guman amulet, super expensive and also many fakes. That is a good amulet to get if you can afford it.
chicken is often portrayed in gambling dens previously ala fighting cocks, (hahaha) so certain khun paens are made with chicken images, supposedly for gambling luck, again i would say ..if like tat then we all can be Yanfei in casino liao.=P

to summarise, all these are made for different purposes and are part of a sales tactic if you ask me.
wah seh super long post. sorry!
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Old 13-08-2005, 11:33 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Vigin Lover
Kunpeng is actually the Buddha himself. Actually Kunpeng is more for ren-yuen and overall protection.
Most famous Kunpeng is Kunpeng Plai-Kuman by LP Thim (my fav and respected Thai monk).
bro, i beg your pardon?
khun paen is the buddha himself? you power siah!

Khun paen is not the buddha, the amulet is named Khun paen after the legendary thai general, however the image is that of Buddha.

It is just a method of naming the amulet, eg, somdet, etc..not to be confused with buddha being Khun paen.

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Old 13-08-2005, 11:36 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by andyhalo
Thanks VL, parakit, slippers and the others. U all have really enlighten me quite a lot sia. I learnt quite a lot abt amulets here, thou won't say understand quite a lot too. Haizzzz

Any of you live ard amk, bishan, thomson, tpy, braddell area? We meet up for drinks leh, then you can 传授 me your knowledge. My friend had a wine-bar at thomson area there. Everytime go there alone, quite sian too. If you all leaving ard there, we can go there for some drink and enlightenment (the latter on my part only )

how? On boh?
sorry bro.i hv to say no.=P

only because i am in australia currently.cheers!
but drinking ..can ..when i come back lor..hhaha
i also dont have much knowledge to impart.
if you are interested, you can check out the delhpi forum by smoke79.

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Old 13-08-2005, 11:43 PM
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Vigin Lover Vigin Lover Vigin Lover
Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by slippers
bro, i beg your pardon?
khun paen is the buddha himself? you power siah!

Khun paen is not the buddha, the amulet is named Khun paen after the legendary thai general, however the image is that of Buddha.

It is just a method of naming the amulet, eg, somdet, etc..not to be confused with buddha being Khun paen.

Sorry to cause confusion. My meaning is the image of Kunpean amulet is Lord Buddha himself.
Old 14-08-2005, 12:32 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by slippers
gumanthong is a child spirit that khun paen 'made' with the corpse of his own dead child
Hi Bro slippers, Khun Paen did not 'made' GMT from his dead child. actually, when khun paen was wanted by the 'govement' of that time. he went hiding in the forest and the daughter of the forest bandit king fall in love wif him (almost evey woman fall in love with him, even his own wife person maid). the bandit king let his daughter to marry (of cause with bonking) Khun paen but secretly ask his daughter to steal khun paen scroll (this scroll past from khun paen teacher to him, that teach him many magic including how to make GMT). his daughter refuse and the bandit king do some magic of his own on his daughter to make her steal, his daughter is pergant at that time. when Khun paen found out, he is very angry and he open up the bandit king daughter belly and take out the baby to make GMT ( the daughter of cause die). at the end of everything, Khun paen deeply regret doing this and set GMT free.

Old 14-08-2005, 02:49 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by slippers
sorry bro.i hv to say no.=P

only because i am in australia currently.cheers!
but drinking ..can ..when i come back lor..hhaha
i also dont have much knowledge to impart.
if you are interested, you can check out the delhpi forum by smoke79.

sure! we'll go for a drk when u r back. i think what u know is enuff to let me be a listener for many days sia. and that's listening only. who knows how long it'll take me to understand and differentiate the different amulets.
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Old 14-08-2005, 08:58 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by fleaz
...the bandit king let his daughter to marry (of cause with bonking) Khun paen
...his daughter is pergant at that time. when Khun paen found out, he is very angry and he open up the bandit king daughter belly and take out the baby to make GMT ( the daughter of cause die). at the end of everything, Khun paen deeply regret doing this and set GMT free.

mmm marry liao, then own child lor?not meh?
anyway nice part of the legend that i didnt know, all i knew was he made it with his own child, didnt know of the bandit king part.
thanks for sharing!=)
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Old 14-08-2005, 09:00 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by andyhalo
sure! we'll go for a drk when u r back. i think what u know is enuff to let me be a listener for many days sia. and that's listening only. who knows how long it'll take me to understand and differentiate the different amulets.
haha cannot la, i newbie also in collecting amulets, there are lots of old birds actually out there whom are very knowledgable but just tiam tiam only.

u can PM me your email address and i'll contact you when i am back.

just be careful when it comes to spending on amulets, once buy liao hard to convert back to cash. sometimes cash is the best amulet!hehe =P

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Old 14-08-2005, 11:31 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by fleaz
he went hiding in the forest and the daughter of the forest bandit king fall in love wif him (almost evey woman fall in love with him, even his own wife person maid). the bandit king let his daughter to marry (of cause with bonking) Khun paen but secretly ask his daughter to steal khun paen scroll (this scroll past from khun paen teacher to him, that teach him many magic including how to make GMT). his daughter refuse and the bandit king do some magic of his own on his daughter to make her steal, his daughter is pergant at that time. when Khun paen found out, he is very angry and he open up the bandit king daughter belly and take out the baby to make GMT ( the daughter of cause die). at the end of everything, Khun paen deeply regret doing this and set GMT free.
hi br fleaze,
the above mention think i ever saw it from a thai VCD, so i presum that one i saw is what earlier ppl say movie of khun paen lor? bro slipper i think for me khun paen with GMT still acceptable but for the other i CMI la.. still prefer the stand alone one... hahaha.. the one u said at forum stroke 69 is for what? he had recommend amulet to frens from here?
Old 14-08-2005, 01:07 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi Bro Virgin Lover

Recently I went Batu Pahat and visited a some sort of fortune teller. he also into thai buddha and amulets. When he saw me wearing an amulet, he ask me do i say prayer ? i told him no. I only bring to thai temple once in a while for chanting.

Now, bro VL , he asked he to recite a short chant n blow at my pitda. Do this 3 times, 1 morning n 1 night for 49 days. He says after that when thai monk saw me, they will greet me and I have to return my greetings to them also. Have you came across any of such saying? Or any bros out there can verify? Be very naive hope bros out there can help??? Advise pls....

Old 14-08-2005, 02:19 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by slippers
sometimes cash is the best amulet!hehe =P

this is by far the best amulet i've come across in this thread !!!
Old 14-08-2005, 02:48 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi Everyone,

My Pidta. Knows where it is from?? this amulet had gone for a competition in thailand and came in 2nd of its category. i had a cert of it.


Old 14-08-2005, 05:19 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Vigin Lover
You're right! And he is the one who composed the famous "Jinapanjara" sutra and it is now chanted by all temples of Bangkok.
hi! bro Vigin Lover, about the jinapanjara sutra by Archan Toh. do u know if it is chant in Thai or Pali? i have got the Mp3 audio file of it.

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