Re: Overnight in SZ
What you can do also is to get those public cab to bring you to Red Light District area to choose. Although the cab fare in China is far cheaper than in Singapore, it'll be better to nego with him not to run meter cos the cab might have to spend some time waiting. Do not worry about the cab driver bring you go somewhere to get rob or something. Majority of the cab drivers in China are in fact the most honest people you'll meet. In fact they're more scare to get mugged than you.
ML: I like you style CB: Really?! What style? ML: Doggie style! CB: |
Re: Overnight in SZ
Any updates on your recent trip? Regards, ML
ML: I like you style CB: Really?! What style? ML: Doggie style! CB: |
Re: Overnight in SZ
what is the futian special district called in chinese? THanks |
Re: Overnight in SZ
ML: I like you style CB: Really?! What style? ML: Doggie style! CB: |
Re: Overnight in SZ
Futian is ?? instead of ??.
Re: Overnight in SZ
Shenzhen RAIDED !
[明報專訊] 19.01.2006 深圳警方及工商部門昨日在港人熱門蒲點包括上下沙、沙嘴村等「城中村」(城中村是指因城市發展步伐過快,未 及把原有的村落納入規劃,造成城中有村的管理混亂情)展開大規模清理整頓行動,主要目標是娛樂場所及桑拿 中心,當局在整頓時一律以無牌或消防不合格為由查封,總數估計有數百間,上萬名三陪小姐及女侍應轉入地下活 動,許多娛樂場所老闆叫苦連天。一些前往光顧的港人也對警方的行動表示不理解,抱怨無法享受卡拉OK及桑拿 按摩等服務。 廣 告 昨日上午10時起,深圳福田公安分局出動500多名公安、保安及工商執法人員一起在上下沙、沙嘴村逐一查封 卡拉OK、夜總會、桑拿中心等。福田警方表示,今次行動屬春節前例行清理行動,凡提供按摩服務及夜總會性質 的場所一律暫停營業。一些娛樂場所見勢不妙,急忙自行關門,希望避開風頭,但都未能逃脫查封命運。在清查過 程中,多名店東同執法人員理論,造成短時間對峙甚至推撞,但最終都難逃關門一劫。 港人老闆指不分青紅皂白 一名投資的士高的港人老闆表示,他這間場開業多年,消防曾多次前往檢查,次次都合格,今次被當局不分青紅皂 白連同其他無牌商戶一起查封,他覺得很不公平。據沙嘴村消息人士表示,可能是當局擔心過年前後一旦出事,官 員烏紗帽就會落地,於是使出這種過激招數。 部分店舖後門迎客續營業 雖然沙嘴村昨日一片風聲鶴唳,但一些被封店舖仍暗中營業,派人在正門拉客,再由後門進入,偷偷在樓上提供特 殊服務。令人不解的是,在沙嘴村、上下沙等「沙」字頭城中村娛樂場所慘遭封殺情下,距此不遠的另一處港人 蒲點水圍村、皇崗村等卻依舊繁榮昌盛、熱鬧異常。 當地村民透露,警方行動本月9日便已展開,當時查封數量十分有限,許多人認為只針對個別違規夜場,並未在意 。福田公安分局治安科辦案警官說,沙嘴村現有酒吧、餐廳、會所等各類娛樂休閒場所150餘家,均存在不同程 度嫖娼、陪侍等現象,且這些娛樂休閒場所均有消防隱患,許多娛樂場所是無牌經營,或是不按規定經營其他業務 。深圳政府多個部門專門在村中設立綜合整治試點,組織數十人整治工作組前往處理,以杜絕賣淫現 象。 深圳警方表示,許多香港人喜歡周末到沙嘴村嫖娼,警方對此不會以罰代刑,將根據內地法律作出嚴 肅處理。 (明報記者深圳報道)
A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. gigantic_tk |
Re: Overnight in SZ
Shangri la is not a place to get girls that I confirm for you, girls r expensive (unless u can claim ur entertainment for urself), not that good looking and lastly DEAD FISH... I talking out of 2nd hand exprience, my Singapore friend tried once and until today he KPKB nvr will he try that stunt again.
If u feeling adventurous u can try goin to Futain (special district), but I must warn u first now Chinese New Year pls be extra careful. U can try goin to places like Longhua (龙华), KTV rates here r cheaper compared to city. The chicks r not too dead and best of all u will be able to get a gem if u r lucky enuf (hor Roanldo hor?).... For outside the city (关外) best place to visit Baoan (宝安) and Longhua (龙华) these 2 places are safer and not too much pro... Baoan (宝安) best KTV is Dou Zhi Dou (都之都 sorry pronoun should be this), to reach this place get into a cab and tell cab driver Baoan Dou Zhi Dou that guy should know. Longhua (龙华) best KTV is Long Quan Jiu Dian (龙泉酒店), good classy and reasonable. Though I am staying in Longhua (龙华) I would not go to this place cause it is very expensive, I would recommend Di Long Chenug (帝龙城). But this 2 places u tell Taxi they will also not know, so if u want u can PM me for contacts. Mean time hang low and wait, hope to hear good FR from u.. Oak |
Re: Overnight in SZ
Yo Oakley,
How're you doing? I can empathise with Kaiser. I remember the first time I was in SZ, at that time haven't know yourself or Sperminator yet. Although full of info from this forum as well as ISG, being totally unfamiliar with the place and have no inkling of the size and magnitute, the info turns out to be more confusing than informative. Yes, I can agree now, on hindsight, that it's much cheaper and better quality further away from the city, but for newbies perhaps it's better to recommend places that are within manageable distance. Next time, they'll come better armed with some knowledge and orientation. After stints in Beijing and now Shanghai, I find Shenzhen a little of a cowboy town, very exciting, but also with that 'edge'. Here in SHA, I can walk anywhere without fear of being mugged, not so in Shenzhen. My 2 fen worth and still a Shenzhen newbie. A Happy & Prosperous New Year. |
Re: Overnight in SZ
I will not elaborate, but word of advice, if for some reson they don't wanna drop you right in front of the hotel after the long ride from the airport, INSIST they do! Even if it means going around the block again. |
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