Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Interesting thread.. Kudos to TS for providing insight of AV industry.. Not an easy job for AV actors and actresses
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
He comfort me and gave me a pat on my shoulder before asking me to go home and have a good rest. After changing my clothes, I sat at the cafeteria outside the studio. In my mind keep flashing of what happen just now. Thinking of my career in this industry. ["Are you the male actor in the studio?"] Just i was pondering a sweet familiar voice pull me back to the reality. ["Are you the male actor in the studio?"] standing in front of me was Sato Erika wearing her bath robe. ["Yes"] I replied. ["Sorry, if i sound too harsh just now"] Despite of what she say, her experssion still seems pretty proud and snobbish. ["is ok"] i replied. ["No need to scared. When zhugulibo has his first shoot, he also could not perform at all."] After she complete what sentence, she passed me a can of soft drink. ["Take it a treat from me. Gambette"] Her expression did not changed. After hearing what she said, i somehow was motivate by her, and my manager arranged another shooting for me. And I think i will carry on and will not give up. Pardon me for my bad english. |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Being a newbie, I am not experienced enough to have a one to one sex scene with the main actress, today the manager arranged for me to be involved in a [Blowjob Challenge]. The show is about inviting Female Av to compete in the blowjob challenge, and the first to make the male actor cum is the winner. I was assigned to Hoshino. [ Haha!! I purposely assigned a good one for you so that you can cum.] Said my manager. I have seen many Hoshino's film before, her bj skills is superb, thinking of that her pure white complexion with the stunning body and the come fuck me look, enough to give me the urge to cum. At the studio, as it was my second time, the crew started to know me and gave me word of encouragement for my show later. [ Give your best shot, and make sure you cum] As usual, the durector brief everyone on the sequence. Hoshino has to blow for 2 actor, the first must not have any hand contacts. The second is able to. I am the second one. While waiting for her turn, Hoshino sat at one corner looking at other female Av performance, she laughed at those who used seventeen minutes to make them cum. [ So slow to make them cum, must as well quit! ] I was looking at them as well, Erika was ranked first at the moment using only nine minutes. As I was standing aside preparing myself, Erika walked beside and whisper to me [I can make you cum in 5 mins. ] Trying to challenge me? [Well you can try!] i rebutted. |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Good morning Samster Nodbody,
1. Thank you for your effort and time to do this ardous task of translating the article. This has certanly benefit many readers like me to understand the insight life of a porno star. 2. The least I can do is to up your points as a form of my gratitude. 3. I hope you will continue to translate the later chapters of the article so that all of us here can get to enjoy reading the article. 4. Cheers. Last edited by cqueen; 19-05-2011 at 07:11 AM. Reason: wrong spelling |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
thanks for the translation!!
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Thanks bro for the translation! This is a really really good thread... for us samsters to see in to the "privileged" life of JAV actors.
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Waiting for more
寧教我負天下人,休教天下人負我 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
星野一事讓我在男優間聲名大噪, 當然也被星野指名為不合作男優。 這倒沒有所謂,眞正讓我介意的是佐籐 為何她要曲手指呢? 鼓勵?還是只是想贏比賽? 這天經理人帶我到了廠商的公司, 算是洽談第一部動作戲。 當然是經理人說了算,我只是坐在大堂裏等着。 「你就是那個男優?」 「哪個?」 我回頭一望,正是吉村卓。 「你就是那個讓星野發脾氣的男優?」 「是。」 「很好,很好,怎樣也不能輸掉男人的尊嚴。」 男優大致有幾種, 一種是肌肉男,毫無技術可言; 一種是瘦削男,被立花里子欺負; 一種是變態男,只有變態和變態, 吉村卓就是這種。 「今天我要和星野拍戲,想不想來觀摩一下?」 「要和經理人談談。」 有吉村前輩的私人補習,經理人二話不說同意了, 還說了些「教他如何射精」的客套說話。 想起星野被吉村玩弄,算不上興奮,倒有些心涼的感覺。 片場裏星野依舊坐在休息室,口中不忘譏諷其他女優。 吉村前輩反而相當親民,與工作人員談笑風生。 臨開拍前,吉村進入了休息室,與星野溝通溝通。 星野劈頭說了一句: 「甚麼也不用說,我根本不想和你合作。」 這句倒也是真事,若非吉村有銷量, 我也不想和他做愛。 但事實是殘酷的。 「Camera!」 吉村進入鏡頭後是第二個人, 他看着坐在辦公室的星野, 甚麼也不說便撲上去, 開始玩弄她的乳房, 粗暴地除開她的套裝, 強吻她身體每一個位置, 並且發出陰陽怪叫。 他的舌頭不斷遊走, 到下體時特別出力, 然後把陽具突然插入, 十五分鐘後完事。 星野甚麼也沒有做, 甚麼也不能做, 此時她徹底地被征服了。 這就是專業, 這就是吉村卓。 導演喊停時,全場工作人員例牌拍掌致謝, 但我是由心而發。 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
”她也看見了我,用食指曲了一曲,形成9字。 「9?」 「九分鐘?」我看着鐘的方向,再回望她, 她點點頭。” 這個情節不斷在我腦海中出現,她究竟想做甚麼呢? 今天是拍攝第一埸動作戲, 說實話,經過吉村前輩的教導,加上經理人不斷的支持, 我有信心順利完成。 對手是不知名的,人很有禮貌, 只少不像星野安排的醜。 「Camera!」 我進入課室,看見她見慰,她不想我告發,她幫我口交,我們做愛,完事相擁在一起,導演特寫女優,停,全埸致 謝。 「她究竟想做甚麼呢?」 直至我在演員通道遇到她,我才停止想像那些情節。 「看來開始熟習了吧。」依舊沒有表情。 「對啊。」 「那麼加油吧。」 一剎沉寂。 「我想問...妳那天是甚麼意思?」 「你覺得呢?」 「我想...」 「今晚打給我吧。」 說罷,轉身走人。 經理人給了她的電話, 我掙扎了一個晚上,「打吧!」 「...ringring...ringring」 「喂?」 「是我。」 「想到了嗎?」 「妳想贏星野。」 「很表面。」 「妳想...」 「我只是想幫一個被我踐踏過的男人拿回多少尊嚴。」 一輪沉寂。 「好了,以後有甚麼問題再打給我吧。」 「拜拜」 有一條不成文規定,男女優是不淮談戀愛, 但是這一刻, 我挺想打破規定。 隔了一個星期,經理人來電, 有新的工作給我,但是 「這次是佐籐指名要你。」 我還是猜不透她。 這次心情很緊張,往片場途中不斷思索, 究竟我應該怎樣面對她呢? 到了片場,她依舊坐在休息室。 我向她打了一聲招呼, 她依舊無表情地回了一聲。 在埸的工作人員態度不同了, 全都有着少少敬佩,少少疑惑的眼神, 可能以為我拍第四次就被人指名, 一定有甚麼天生神功。 我特別留意到一個攝影師, 她的眼神有些敵意。 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Don't TS, you will be next for bringing up the story here
"Temptation know no laws, standing prick has no conscience." Xchange pts, min POWER 8 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
waiting for translation Thanks Mr Translator!
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
pitching tent here
downblouse, view from the sky |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
This thread just keeps getting better and better.
It is almost like going through the life of an AV actor, like an Autobiography. Nice! |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Suddenly I lose my feeling to cum, and my dick seems to lose interest on Hoshino action. I tried to hold myself, and Hoshino's action start to slow down. And her mouth started to feel tired. Another minute to 15 minutes, Hoshino suddenly stand up and walk towards the director. She do not want to continue. If any Av actress failed to make the guy cum within 17 minutes, she will be forfeited. If I was her, i would do the same and throw some tantrum. She said she is not on form and request to change another guy, if not she will stop filming. Hoshino is a top few AV actress, losing her will definitely lose a in sales, The director said [ pls leave, Hoshino request to change another guy.] At this point, Erika walked up and rebutted. [Either she leave, if not i will leave of she is going to change another guy] You must be thinkuing 2 top AV girls, fighting over me? Well dream on man, they are just fighting over their face. 15 minutes to make a guy cum could definitely make a joke out of the whole AV industry. Especially for Arrogant Hoshino. In the end, i was assigned to another unknown actress. Nice girl but ugly and poor skill. Hoshino was given a replacement, but it seems the result is more worse as she took 16 minutes for the guy to cum. Erika laugh secretly, Hoshino no choice but to accept it. Someone trying to make things difficult? Who knows. Sorry if i quote the whole post someone zapped me because i do that, paiseh i still a bit newbie with the forum thingy. Well i just quote the top paragraph for bro to easy locate and read. Thank you for all the encouragement. Must really thank TS to allow me to do translation. Last edited by Nodbody; 19-05-2011 at 05:32 PM. |
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