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Re: Guizhou Guiyang
I have a small report here to share:
貴州--貴陽 髮廊 國際大酒店 下面有一條街 全是髮廊 150元一次,包夜 200 桑拿洗浴 賓館 花溪區的平橋一帶,貴陽的紅燈區,度家村很多,各店的小姐都很多,可盡情挑選。 山林大酒店 國際大酒店小 姐相當多 而卻電話不斷 半夜都可能打來 200元搞定 然后,在站前的馬路上散步。等華燈初上時,大街上滿是皮條客,有男的也有女的(不要把女的當成是小姐),她 們的行話都是“先生,休息一下嗎?有小姐陪著”。 我由于初到沒有經驗選了一個去了,在街邊一個很深的小巷中的一個小旅館(名字忘了,這種旅館非常多,很安全 ,象一個住戶,樓下有人放風),駐宿費為40元小姐打炮為100-150元,條件較差,沒有暖氣。小姐很年輕15-18歲,色相一般,經驗較少。但可以多選几個,也可以打一炮換一個,因為價錢很便宜,多玩几個也無 所謂。 |
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
Damn! I'm Dumb. 该断不断,必受其乱。 智者千虑,必有一失。 |
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
Come across some photos posting with description of places for this Guizhou and Guiyang,
it might be useful for bros going to these places again, pictures tell a thousand words........................ 【貴州是這樣】隨手拿SONY壽司機亂拍(二) 在貴陽http://gochina8.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=48977 【貴州是這樣】心驚篇http://gochina8.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=48978 【貴州是這樣】在貴陽的援交http://gochina8.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=48976 【貴州是這樣】http://gochina8.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=48975 【貴州是這樣】 http://gochina8.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=48974 Have a nice day..............have a memorable viewing these photographs............gigantic_tk
A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. gigantic_tk |
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
bros, guiyang have hapenning place. right in your hotel. the moment i checked into my room the phone rings and all the usual stuff about massage etc. so i says to her ok i want massage. girl come in 1 hr ,so that i can bathe etc. my masseuse comes in a strapless tank top, tight short denims and high heals. rate 7/10 young from sichuan. i told her to cut the crap and how much do you want. start at 400rmb i laughed with my dick rocking aroud. she ask me if i japanese, in ask why, mind you the conversation is in my poor pudong hua. agreed on 150rmb if she did'nt shave, and 200rmb if she did. so she settled for 150. nice body, a little inexperienced but this is what you get in small town. ansun is known as the dog eating capital of the world, every restaurant with a scorched dogs tail outside is a special restaurant for dog meat only. the tail signifies welcome like dog see master wag tail
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Guiyang is a small city. I was there last month for an overnight trip. My customer brought me to a place (forgoten the road name) where there is are a row of shop house with red light indicating that it is a whore house. Something like in gelang lor 6 kind of place, nothing fancy. But you will be in for a surprise of the girl quality. All below 20 years old. Some even below 15 years old. Anyway, to get there all you need to do is tell the cab driver you want to find girl for overnight and he will bring you there (of course the price will be more expensive by 100rmb). The standard going rate are 300 rmb for overnight.
Select a girl there in one of the house, pay 300rmb. Mind you, the girl never sleep at night, you can play untill your didi cannot stand oridi and the girl still want more...ke ke ke.. Verdit: Look: 8/10 Age: 19 Boob: A cup FJ: 8/10 (very tight, like virgin) BJ: Nil Gf feeling....but the downside is the girl never shave armpit...yuck... Happy cheonging.................. ![]() |
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
Had read this FR from Chinese site, quite informative hence cut and paste it here to share with all of you.
貴州行腳 當我們從昆明搭乘南方航空飛機飛抵貴陽機場時,已是晚上8點多,燈光稍暗的機場令我心中湧起好奇而迫不及待 的四處觀望,這座小型機場帶給貴州省偏遠山區聯外最便捷的交通。貴陽市地理範圍為盆地型,是貴州省最大城市 聚集了多種民族,從機場往市區的路上眺望,不遠處燈火通明 ,我們心中想像與期待著見到進入市區的新奇景觀。 進入貴陽夜宿頂級酒店,吃過飯已經快9多點了,我門信步走在街上閒逛,整條街擠滿了攤販,各式各樣的民生物 品五花八門的呈現,其中賣衣服的販子數量最多,我們新奇的隨意逛著,看到有些攤位擺著一張小木桌,桌上放著 幾樣道具,原來是街頭算命師,我看他們一身衣衫襤褸給人一付窮酸的印象。 他們都自身難保還能為別人算命嗎!我心裡充滿懷疑。在一條小巷中擠滿販賣小吃的攤販, 我們進入巷子觀看當地人吃著新辣的滷味,各攤位上擺著滷豬雜和瘦小的雞翅膀,豆類做成的食材吸引著視線,另 外幾種香料辣椒等混合的蘸醬和辣粉很特別,只見當地人把滷味滾動在碗中,沾滿了辣粉,然後送入口津津有味的 吃起來,他們吃得滿頭大汗卻直呼過癮。 我叫了一份豬雜特別吩咐老闆別放太多辣粉,豬雜滷味稍硬但香味倒有幾分,在另一處攤位我和雲哥叫了碗過龍雞 和炒一份豬大場,辣椒汁裡浸泡的雞肉,一入口辣的我趕緊吐出,而豬大場則炒的老硬,完全失去了薑絲炒大腸的 美味。 貴陽市街道密集交錯,一家最大間的百貨公司到了10多就關門了,在國營事業上班的店員態度不佳,也許快下班 了我們詢問時,她們愛理不理的冷淡得很,到底大陸山城的商業水準和深圳還有很大差異呢! 街道上除小販林立雲集外,就是店面格局很小的商店充斥,道路上人力三輪車,摩托三輪車在路上穿梭,在這少數 民族混雜的山區省份,各形各色的行人使我們感到很奇特,夜深了我們到一家卡拉ok店唱歌,店內設備很差,點 歌機的歌曲中我們會唱的歌不多,但還是唱到深夜才回到住宿酒店,結束了我們在貴陽市的第一個夜 遊。 ◎在山寨午餐 這次的貴州之旅除石林和九鄉屬雲南外,其他則深入貴州山區內地,行程中真正領略了貴州之美,貴陽市雖比不上 沿海城市,但貴州的山脈、瀑布、以及那一望無際的梯田,充分展現出中國山河之美,讓人有如置身在世外桃源般 令人驚嘆! 遊紅楓湖時天氣晴朗,在貴州遇上好天氣十分難得,紅楓湖是貴州最大的水域,浩瀚的湖水提供遊客繞湖遊玩,碼 頭處豎立一塊石碑,上面刻著→楓湖美景陽氣象新←,我們一行人站立船上緩緩的欣賞湖邊景色,有點像遊日月潭 的感覺,只是湖的週邊無農家的裊裊炊煙而令人覺得有偏僻之感。 貴州是中國最窮的省份,境內多山,有“天無三日晴,地無三里平,人無三分銀”之說。我覺得貴州最吸引之處是 她的山區少數民族風情。他們每天的生活,雖勞苦卻簡單而自得其樂,少數民族樂觀的天性表露無遺:他們白天為 預備三餐所需而忙碌,到田地去耕作、捕魚、為牲畜預備飼料等,然後到廣場去售賣自己的刺繡品,晚上則會留在 家裡做刺繡。 人生歲月就流逝在這種生活模式中,但在這與自然合而為一的簡單生活裡他們卻感到很富足。中午我們到湖畔侗族 、白堯族聚集的山寨餐館吃飯,用餐中一群侗族男女樂團表演著迎賓舞,高亢的歌聲展現出淳樸粗獷的特色,在他 們熱情敬酒中我們都多喝了幾杯,飯後大家帶著微醉離開,繼續邁向下個旅程。 ◎安順狗肉 到達貴州的第四天,遊畢黃果樹大瀑布後,搭車抵「安順」這座城市是貴州省的中級城市,來到貴州看到當地人的 長像,多數是少數民族臉孔心裡十分好奇。 車子停在安順街頭,冷清的街道摩托三輪車穿梭著感覺蠻新奇的,我們進入一家商店,看到店內販賣的商品多數是 天麻等中藥材,我慢慢觀賞奇特的土產,但興趣不大只買了2個小型紀念品。 當晚夜宿安順最大間的酒店, 晚餐後我和同行夥伴撘了一部酒店的黑頭轎車,另叫了一台摩托三輪車前往街坊。我和老吳搭了一部摩托三輪車, 老舊的改裝摩托三輪車引擎是台灣已經淘汰的鈴木50,舊型摩托三輪車駛過一段爬坡路時,車子吃力的搖擺免強 駛抵安順街中心,平靜冷清的街道唯一的特色就是開了7.8間黃花狗肉店,狗肉火鍋店掛著小招牌,店內燈光昏 暗。 店門口婦人正在宰殺著中型土狗, 我們走入店內老闆立刻熱情的過來招呼,我點了一份火鍋和炒狗肉,店內房舍簡陋還用一張塑膠布撐起遮住屋頂, 老舊和簡陋的設備讓我們好奇的四周觀望,沾狗肉的醬汁辛辣得很,狗肉切成一片片加上不知名的食材料理,我們 吃完一鍋狗肉,感覺和台灣的處理方式不同,和廣東人的口味更是差異太大,只是那辛辣味卻是令人受不了,老闆 加了兩支電扇還是吃的熱汗直流 ,總算嚐過了黃花狗肉的料理了。 吃過狗肉在街上隨意閒逛 ,走到一家雜貨店停住,買了6瓶皮康王藥膏和兩瓶貴州醇,同行夥伴說會買到假酒嗎?心中有些懷疑但還是提了 一大包戰利品回到酒店。 貴州省人口少地貧脊,遊貴州感覺少數民族的生活艱辛和克苦,生活型態和絲路又是不同,他們因工商不發達所以 找工作困難 ,在黃果樹大瀑布看到一位負責控制纜車的女孩約20出頭身材高挑臉蛋甜美,我問他月薪多少錢?他略帶嬌羞表 示月入300人民幣,生活在偏遠地區,人的價值似乎變得輕微,但除了感慨我們也實在幫不忙呀!
A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. gigantic_tk |
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
It's been 10 yrs since last post
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Re: Guizhou Guiyang
What you looking for Bro... you got things in Guiyang ? It is like a big construction site now... Everything is being built... it is very obvuis that things are new there except the old side of the town. new district is being created. The KTV scene has better hardware but the software part is the same... Don't think you can find jewel here... not the one I went eventhoug it is one of the top KTV in Guiyang.
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
Am there for Guiyang Auto Show. Just maybe for some entertainment like SN or KTV as I've got to entertain some clients. Any contacts or advice you can pass on to me? Thanks!
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
I also don't have much information for you as my subordinate arrange everythings for me...
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
noted with thanks
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
Bro, looking for new playground izzit? Got good find must intro to brudders hor!!!
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
Sorry to dig up this thread, but will be gg to Guiyang this coming wkend. Wondering if any kind bros have any info to share abt massage over there? Thanks!
由现在开始,我只疼你一个,宠你,不骗你。 答应你的每一件事情,我都会做到。 对你讲的每一句,都是真话。 不欺负你,不骂你,相信你。 有人欺负你,我会第一时间出来帮你。 你开心的时候,我会陪你开心。 你不开心,我也会哄到你开心。 永远觉得你最漂亮,做梦都会梦见你。 在我的心里,就只有你。 就这样简单。 |
Re: Guizhou Guiyang
Guess no1's been there recently, or its a really boring place...
由现在开始,我只疼你一个,宠你,不骗你。 答应你的每一件事情,我都会做到。 对你讲的每一句,都是真话。 不欺负你,不骂你,相信你。 有人欺负你,我会第一时间出来帮你。 你开心的时候,我会陪你开心。 你不开心,我也会哄到你开心。 永远觉得你最漂亮,做梦都会梦见你。 在我的心里,就只有你。 就这样简单。 |
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