Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
Also, you have to walk through a "shi ba tong ren zhen" or maze after you have entered from the entrance. It took me about 3 to 4 minutes to reach the actual rooms and along the way, they have 2 to 3 "stations" where they are "guarded" by some people and they will guide you to your room if you are the customer. Overall, the safety index is quite high as it is not easy to find full-course MP in Shanghai. |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
For me, I always make myself clear to potential "kumcheng" girls that I'm only in it for the sex. And that she'll have to understand that in no way will I or am I willing to go further in the r/s.
Very often, I do get away with it.....even tho they often hint to me that "how nice if they can travel with me" or "see the outside world" haha!!! But with my "Kumcheng" girls, I always pay them in one way or another. I don't like the "owe them something" feeling, especially when they look soooo innocent in bed. haha!
Made In China http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=12338&page=54&pp=100 http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8091 http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12338 |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
Kumcheng fucks = BEST! P.S: As i am in the garment business, i often give them clothes which they appreciate very much. Small gifts like these along with dinner dates 99percent guarantee a steamy hot fuck later Oh they seems to be very interested in hotels like Panglian and Shangarila in shenzhen too dun know why?
Me:Can you be my gf? Girl:We are friends, ok? Me: How about fuck buddies? Girl: No. Never. You not handsome. Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! ) |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
I have already lined up a few Kumcheng gals in Guangzhou, maybe you and bro tri will come along for the fun. I target late 20s and early 30+ for the best results.
Damn! I'm Dumb. 该断不断,必受其乱。 智者千虑,必有一失。 |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
My target is different, as i am only early 30s so i still target early twenties.
Especially favourite is those new to big cities girls, relatively young and their tools not heavily utilized yet. Btw Peng Lian Hotel has very good bed, excellent for fucking. Bouncy and soft with very new and fresh sheets. Excellent! Everytime fuck there sure got form ! Btw i am eating a new type of supplement as recommended by hongkong friends, "72hours zen tian bao". Eat already and the hardness can last 72 hours. Easily aroused and can cum alot. Available at watsons
Me:Can you be my gf? Girl:We are friends, ok? Me: How about fuck buddies? Girl: No. Never. You not handsome. Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! ) |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
Bro cbjuiceyumseng
This "72hours zen tian bao", you bought from Watson Store in Sland? Is there a chinese name? |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
Actually i bought it in HongKong Airport.
It can be found at the Watsons there, 72 hours Zeng Tian Bao translated to 72 hours shake heaven cannon? Something like that i think, my chinese not good. Anyway, besides this got alot of others lah. My friend tell me alot of supplements are damn good. In fact they are all good in the sense that they are mainly herbal and not western like Viagra lah. No sideeffect, healthy also. They work via our blood circulation and liver, etc. Very satisfying for ourselves and the girl even when the fuckign is over, as in we can cum alot. Very alot and creamy too keke You know we need tonic to fuck properly in china lah, i get fucked daily at least and on half of my trips i fuck twice a day. How to tahan if never eat supplements? Gnn, i am only 31 but i feel the need to tonic tonic a bit when i am there. Red bull is also good 30mins before fucking to give extra omph
Me:Can you be my gf? Girl:We are friends, ok? Me: How about fuck buddies? Girl: No. Never. You not handsome. Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! ) |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
wah.......must try must try... better finish one bottle before I "hoot" the girl..haha!!
Made In China http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=12338&page=54&pp=100 http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8091 http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12338 |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
Need a lot of tonic. ?????????
Damn! I'm Dumb. 该断不断,必受其乱。 智者千虑,必有一失。 |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
Next time I will bring the Chinese version of Viagra for us to try. I tried once and had both heads swell.
Damn! I'm Dumb. 该断不断,必受其乱。 智者千虑,必有一失。 |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
No wonder lah! Unlike my good old days, when I could cum a few times in a single day! Now, it will be lucky if I can cum twice for a few days in a roll.
Many thanks to all the Liao Jiao Brothers here for sharing all the valuable "Zhu 1111ng Mi Fang" here. The next time when I go China...... Xiao Liao..... |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
kumcheng fuck is still the best sex bcos you feel good about it after fucking. i always go for kumcheng fucks if possible, hang out with a gal for a while and if she's nice, for a much longer time.... off course, we go once awhile a escapades and then go back to the kumcheng ones... thats more interesting. my hang out is more in zhuhai side, so frequent most of the joints there. been away from this forum for quite awhile, wa!! look so cool now liao!! cheers horsehliao |
Re: POST-SARS : Guangdong Sexcapades
Here are some sexcapades tips for Guangdong - Shenzhen, but in Chinese
廣東省深圳救國資訊。 桑拿洗浴 愛國路【新王朝酒店】四樓的桑拿,小姐都長得好像日本AV女優那樣漂亮。收費一般是每小時28 0-295元(白天客人較少因此打對折)﹐小費純按摩100元,全套600元。 蓮化路和香梅路交界的『大海浪』。此處小姐多來自原來的『黃金海岸』,老玩家一體內就明白了。 賓館 深圳有多間低檔賓館有女駐場,如【鳳舞酒店】、【西天酒店】及【西窗酒店】等,房租130-160元,小姐流動性大,質素不穩定,要看運氣。租房後就會有女敲門,如相熟者,可到小姐房挑女及可直接上 樓,與樓層管房借房短敘(50元)﹔小姐一砲200元、過夜400元。 火車站旁的【港龍酒店】﹐250元一晚﹐後台很硬。 深南東路的【三九大酒店】及嘉賓路的【陽光酒店】,都有小妞外叫到房服務,一砲不限時間400-500元﹔包夜大約800-1000元,一晚可來多次。 DISCO PUB 【天上人間】位于春風路廣西外貿大廈,此處為深圳最新的娛樂熱點。此處的小姐素質絕佳,場地裝修高檔,十分 火爆。 注意﹕在"天上人間"西側不遠處的〔夜貓〕千萬別去,又貴又不安全。馬路對面的〔1897〕也 一樣。 【NO.1】平時 20,假日 30 【比打奧】平時 20,假日 30 【newyurk】平時 30,假日 50 【陽光酒店 JJ Disco】免費入場 【野貓】平時 20,假日 30 【大江南酒店四樓DISCO】 «紐約紐約》 【電影大廈四樓DISCO】 【春風路夜狼傳說DISCO】 【春風路夜貓DISCO】女多,但較貴和亂,外面常有便衣,要小心! 夜總會KTV 因為深圳的歌舞廳太多了,競爭得很激烈,很多家都推出入場門票免費的優待,所以很值得去逛逛。 【三九大酒店】的《月光俱樂部》 【長安大酒店】二樓的歌舞廳 嘉賓東路【凱利賓館】的歌舞廳 «金色時代》位于國貿對面的深房廣場,此處的吧女是深圳第一,價格適中。缺點是很多小姐不肯第一次就"出街 "。 ◎深圳歌舞廳的一般行情是﹕門票 50元或免門票﹔最低消費+小姐坐檯小費100-200元﹐帶回房打砲400-500元﹐包夜800-1000元不限次。 «安華城》位于濱河大道景福大廈,是少有的到今天尚能屹立不倒的傳統歌舞廳之一。原因就在于此處的小姐質素 高,又有武警的背景,很安全。此處小姐多數可以"出街",但開價較高(1200),要砍價,600──80 0元(包台費)即可。 «鳳凰台》位于筍崗路華通大廈西側。此處的演出質素一流,多是全國較有名氣的歌手和專業舞蹈藝員。此處表面 上很"正統",其實小姐很多,素質也不錯。由于此處的表演較傳統,舞池又大,較適合年齡稍大和愛跳舞的人士 。注意!包房勿進,白花錢還沒意思。 «金夜》位于羅湖大酒店四樓,是中檔娛樂場所中較便宜的一家,此處小姐很多。建議晚上八點半到九點鐘去,小 姐們都在門口和樓梯處列隊,方便挑選。建議進包房,此處消費很低。注意!此處小姐有出街和不出街兩種,挑前 事先和經理說明。此處較旺,周圍的娛樂場所多,去晚了就找不到好小姐了。 特別指南:由于深圳娛樂場所競爭殘酷,各場皆聘有大量業務經理(拉客)。千萬別去信街上派的傳單和廣告,小 心上當。 福田區沙嘴村 福田區沙嘴村著名的二奶尋芳盛地,只要20分鐘便可走完小村,盡是橫街窄巷;幽暗的小巷內髮廊林立,小姐不 停向路過的男客揮手、拋媚眼,此地的髮廊數量超過50間,大約有一千名小姐,堪稱一個人肉超級市場;由於競 爭激烈,各髮廊紛紛使出奇招,以「處女」或「剛開苞」的小姐為號召,成為繼柬埔塞後,亞洲新興的「雛妓村」 。 打一砲加座台小費200元﹐過夜500 元。 基本上,沙嘴村就像中永和一樣,都是樓高七層的住宅區,密密麻麻的,每棟樓長像都一樣,巷弄一堆,搞不好還 很容易迷路。 因為沙嘴距香港、大陸交界的羅湖關,好像只有35公里,因此過去以來,一直是香港人包二奶的大本營,沙嘴因 此以二奶村出名。 沙嘴事實上過去稱之為沙嘴村,有沙頭和沙尾,從羅湖關經福田市到沙嘴並不遠,坐計程車大約半小時內可到,沿 途皆為高速公路。 但偶去沙嘴兩次,都是從珠海九洲港坐船至蛇口港,再坐計程車去沙嘴的,坐車跑高速公路約半小時,人民幣50 出頭可抵達。沙嘴剛好約位於羅湖至蛇口港的中間。沙嘴至銀湖客運總站,坐打的只要34元左右,比到蛇口港為 近。 目前沙嘴,除香港人所包的二奶外,不少前來淘金的內地妹妹一堆,都只有19、20歲出頭。自從大陸頒布包二 奶違法,禁止包二奶後,這次10月底途經沙嘴村,但見市面熱鬧依舊,雞頭老板說,十一嚴打已過 ,很安全。 沙嘴雞頭的興起,是過去因香港人包的二奶,香港人平時回香港上班,假日時才來會二奶。二奶平時閒著無事在村 裡到處遊蕩,而興起幫二奶找客人的雞頭,收收介紹費而起。 香港人挑的二奶,大都頗具姿色,而且又調教的很好,因此久而久之,在沙嘴的妹妹,不論是不是二奶,都一定會 BJ,侍侯得很好,基本上都不錯。 目前沙嘴,除暗地仍幫香港人二奶當三七仔外,也有不少雞頭,手中妹妹並不是二奶,而是內地前來討生活的妹妹 ,但都入鄉隨俗都會BJ。 沙嘴炮房都是民間的公寓房子,為雞頭們自租的,是簡陋些,過夜RMB100,但偶認為為了安全,仍以短打為 宜,到了晚上誰也難保安全否,去年即發生村裡保安踹門查案情形! 但話又說回來,沙嘴肉金行情,一炮150,過夜400,如為經介紹的二奶,一Q150+介紹費50,過夜5 00+50介紹費。因此在這過夜是種享受,有時遇上年輕喜歡做愛的妹妹,有如搾汁機,一夜可以把泥搾上好幾 次喔! |
Looks Good!!!
my chinese helicopter not berry good.
Made In China http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=12338&page=54&pp=100 http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8091 http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12338 |
Re: Looks Good!!!
me too, blur leh!!
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