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Old 18-08-2014, 10:20 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

Originally Posted by prettymannequin View Post
So what are we still doing here... maybe we should just let the thread sink?
For me? Raise awareness .... Lols

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Old 18-08-2014, 10:36 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August


I will donate $20. If 9 more reader do the same, you will get your $200. Why do we do it?

$20 is not a big sum. It is like crowd funding. I like to take a contrarian view to issues instead of finding fault with a poor soul. dam it ya'al! As if we are better than she.

We can't even spare a dime for our fellow Singaporean ...what make us be sure we can be more noble to build a Chiang Rai school that will likely cost $200,000?
We don't want to spare a thought for this lady's children, and yet we are talking about running a school in the golden triangle area with an annual budget of $20,000. What is the value of $20 or $200? It is the cost of a fuck (depending of where you are), you fuckers!

Last edited by seabass; 18-08-2014 at 11:23 PM.
Old 18-08-2014, 10:43 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

Originally Posted by prettymannequin View Post
Then when kena accused can shunbian open one packet wipe tears? #bitch2getha5eva
Good idea. Then also shun bian ask them to buy that opened packet tissue paper cause cannot sell alr.

Old 18-08-2014, 10:44 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

You talk so much, donate the full $200 lah!
And if 19 readers donate the same amount as you, that makes $400.
You think you can trick us?
You are worse than TS ..... Spit at you! Pui

Originally Posted by seabass View Post

I will donate $20. If 19 more reader do the same, you will get your $200. Why do we do it?

$20 is not a big sum. It is like crowd funding. I like to take a contrarian view to issues instead of finding fault with a poor soul. dam it ya'al! As if we are better than she.

We can't even spare a dime for our fellow Singaporean ...what make us be sure we can be more noble to build a Chiang Rai school that will likely cost $200,000?
We don't want to spare a thought for this lady's children, and yet we are talking about running a school in the golden triangle area with an annual budget of $20,000. What is the value of $20 or $200? It is the cost of a fuck (depending of where you are), you fuckers!

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Old 18-08-2014, 10:44 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

i will donate $50 . if some bros here willing to pass the cash to nichole to make sure this is not a scam.
Old 18-08-2014, 10:46 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

Originally Posted by seabass View Post
We don't want to spare a thought for this lady's children, and yet we are talking about running a school in the golden triangle area with an annual budget of $20,000. What is the value of $20 or $200? It is the cost of a fuck (depending of where you are), you fuckers!
How do we get our money? We worked for it. How does she want to get money? No clue, she basically rejected all our ideas that's already shown to be possible.

It's not about refusing to fork out some change, but about teaching this woman how to make her income more sustainable, so that she can continue providing for her children after this $200 issue is settled.
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Old 18-08-2014, 10:48 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

seabass like a hero only. LOL

You don't so captain obvious lehhhh. We shy to donate. You donate $100 first put evidence maybe we follow?
Old 18-08-2014, 10:51 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

Originally Posted by seabass View Post

I will donate $20. If 19 more reader do the same, you will get your $200. Why do we do it?

$20 is not a big sum. It is like crowd funding. I like to take a contrarian view to issues instead of finding fault with a poor soul. dam it ya'al! As if we are better than she.

We can't even spare a dime for our fellow Singaporean ...what make us be sure we can be more noble to build a Chiang Rai school that will likely cost $200,000?
We don't want to spare a thought for this lady's children, and yet we are talking about running a school in the golden triangle area with an annual budget of $20,000. What is the value of $20 or $200? It is the cost of a fuck (depending of where you are), you fuckers!
Building a school for the future compare to the suitation of TS ...
Pls think b4 u comment... Pls compare all the points of what TS had said
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Old 18-08-2014, 10:54 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

Building a school can educate at least 200 kids in the village.

200 kids who can then create a good future and economy for mankind.

Old 18-08-2014, 10:58 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

Thread still rattling on?? Afterall there's aledy so many suggestions on sustainable income, ts would surely hv got all d pointers .. lets close tis chapter n move on .. cheersss
Old 18-08-2014, 11:03 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

Just like what a senoir had said earlier..
" give the man a fish ... He can eat for a day"
"Teach a man how to fish ... He can eat for a life"
It's all up to indivual if u want to have a easy way out or the hard way out?
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Old 18-08-2014, 11:40 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

The chowchowkeith also another one wanna be hero what. So rich then you go and donate $200? Reverse psychology doesn't work,Nicole.
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Old 18-08-2014, 11:58 PM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

Originally Posted by seabass View Post

I will donate $20. If 9 more reader do the same, you will get your $200. Why do we do it?

$20 is not a big sum. It is like crowd funding. I like to take a contrarian view to issues instead of finding fault with a poor soul. dam it ya'al! As if we are better than she.
We can't even spare a dime for our fellow Singaporean ...what make us be sure we can be more noble to build a Chiang Rai school that will likely cost $200,000?
We don't want to spare a thought for this lady's children, and yet we are talking about running a school in the golden triangle area with an annual budget of $20,000. What is the value of $20 or $200? It is the cost of a fuck (depending of where you are), you fuckers!
Mr Kim Bak Loh

You have been swimming in the mangrove swamps for a long time . Don't be so naïve .

What makes you think that whatever she said about her child is true ?

And YES , I am definitely better than her . I worked hard to achieve whatever I have got today .

$20 is definitely not a big sum to many of us , its the logic behind .

Charity does not compel a certain or minimum amount to be contributed ...
but most contributors would certainly want to know the organization and / or cause .

TS puts a 30 pound leader line with a live prawn and you certainly took it .
A fish would not get caught if it keeps its big mouth shut

No time for points exchange .

Last edited by demonhunter; 19-08-2014 at 12:20 AM.
Old 19-08-2014, 12:00 AM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

Originally Posted by chowchowkeith View Post
i will donate $50 . if some bros here willing to pass the cash to nichole to make sure this is not a scam.
Bro , for every $50 you contribute ... I contribute double .

But you must pass me your cash , Only to me ..... PM me .

Hahahahaaaa .......

No time for points exchange .
Old 19-08-2014, 12:23 AM
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Re: I need help...need to find a sum of cash on 22th of August

So many sbf heros here...
Can transfer $20 to me...

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