Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
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神秘人 女優大多是在街頭被星探發掘, 而且少女心裏總有一些做明星的夢想, 加上經理人和社長的甜言蜜語, 她們便下海了。 「那時我做模特兒,錢不夠養活自己, 便到辦公室做兼職。有一天穿著公司服裝, 往街上吃午飯。突然有人說他是星探, 想找我拍戲,從此便拍戲了。」 佐藤對我說。 基本上女優都是這樣,更甚者會毛遂自廌, 主動寄信找片商。 但在2010年,有一位女優橫空出世, 不知道從哪裡冒出來的人間兇器, 出現在一張通告上。 「JULIA?」 「我也沒有聽過她的名字。」經理人說。 「這麼奇怪的名字,應該不會忘記的。 但是之前又沒有看過片商的宣傳, 究竟她是誰呢?」 「可能是外國人,那你小心點, 外國女孩見多識廣,三、四十厘米視為等閒事, 你這亞洲人尺寸,可能滿足不到她。」 「哼,外國人我也不會怕的。」 話是這樣說,但我也有多少緊張, 所以便去了停車場吃口煙。 我站在入口後面的通道吃煙, 一個轉身,碰巧此時入口的門開了, 手肘便不小心撞到一些東西。 若果是門的話,我應該會說粗口。 但我撞到的是軟綿綿的。 「吖。」她叫了一聲。 「對不起,妳沒事吧?」 「沒事,請問會議室是在三樓嗎?」 「是啊。」 「謝謝。」 我讓開給她前進,但通道太窄, 她的胸部直接掃過我的胸部。 「很大啊。」我心想。 她樣子不差,戴著眼鏡, 有點像現在的女大學生, 很累,但不失美豔。 皮膚是非常白,加上非常豐滿的胸部, 若果她是女優就好了。 「哦,你來遲了開會。」小寶對我說。 「對不起。」 說罷便坐在椅子上,正當我抬起頭時 突然間一條深溝出現在我面前。 「你好,剛才見過面,我是JULIA。」 我的右手與她握手, 我的左手按着小弟弟。 「JULIA是新人,有很多程序都不懂得, 還望你們多多包涵。」她的經理人客氣地說。 「我看她不像第一次吧,哈哈哈! 放心吧,拍着拍着便曉得了!」小寶開心地說。 JULIA點頭微笑,並很有意味的看一看我。 會議結束後,她很快就離開了。 「剛才那個女的很正吧。」小寶對我說。 「非一般的正。」 「這女的很大潛質啊, 說不定比麻倉憂更紅。」 「不同市場,不能比較吧。」 「to be or not to be...」櫻心美閱讀着沙翁。 「妳之前有聽說過JULIA這個人嗎?」 「沒有,是外國人嗎?」 「是日本人,今天見過她, 稍後一起拍片。」 「漂亮的嗎?」 「不是精緻面孔,但其他部分都很完美。」 「新人嗎?」 「是的。」 「你喜歡上她嗎?」 「不。」 「她比我漂亮嗎?」 「不。」 「你想與她上床嗎?」 「不。」 「那你說她幹甚麼?」 「That is a question.」 她不理會,繼續看書。 在片埸,她悠閒地坐在休息室裏。 我進去了打招呼,她微笑地點頭: 「早安。」 「第一次習慣嗎?」 「不太習慣,現在來一次好嗎?」 「那...」 她走過來,握着我的肩膀。 「說笑而已,你出去吧, 我想獨自一人。」 「好吧。」 「Camera!」 小寶當然會充分利用她完美的身體, 先來接吻,後口交,乳交,腳交。 我不停撫摸她的乳房, 絕對是真的。 她的乳房相當大而且柔軟, 但她本身是極其瘦削, 而且皮膚白滑緊致, 可以說是黑澤愛櫻心美麻倉憂的混合體。 「停!」 「你不要只顧玩弄她的乳房好不好!」 「對不起。」 JULIA向我微笑: 「很爽是吧。」 「Camera!」 重來剛才的動作,那雙乳房夾下去眞的很爽。 由於她的樣子很像累透的大學生, 小寶特意迴避她的鏡頭, 反而特寫她的乳房, 我相信在電腦看一定很震撼。 做愛時,她的叫聲和反應不是很強烈, 但是她又不是不享受, 最後我射向她的乳房。 「停!」 正當我起身離開時,她嚐了一口精液。 「妳幹什麼?」 「我想試下你的是什麼味道。」 不是吧? 「那是什麼味道?」 「不告訴你。」 離開的時候,我看見她坐上一輛豪華房車。 那輛車轉過來,在我面前經過。 JULIA看著我,啜了一下中指。 神秘的女人,很可怕。
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Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
English Translation #34
Mysterious Lady AV Actress are mainly talent scouted from the streets. Young girls always habour the dream of becoming a movie star. With sweet talk from the talent scouts and the president, they are willing to take the plunge into the av world. [I was a model and not making enough money to feed myself. I work in an office part-time and was out for lunch wearing uniform and I was approached by a talent scout to make movies. That is how I got started in this industry.] 佐藤 said to me. Actress basically are like this and some may even took initiative and send self-recommending portfolios to the studios. But in 2010, an av actress emerged to become a lethal weapon. Appearing in a film notice [Julia?] [I have not heard of her name.] Manager said. [Such a strange name, I should not have forgotten. Also, have not seen the publicity material from the studio, wondering who is she?] [May be a foreigner, you be careful. Foreign girls are well informed, thirteen or fourteen centimeters are common and no big deal to them, your Asian size may not satisfy her.] [Well, I am not afraid of foreigners.] Although I said that, but I do feel tension building up and off I went to the parking lot for a smoke. I stood smoking in the corridor behind the entrance. It so happen that the entrance door swing open and my elbow knock accidentally knock into something. If its the door, I would have uttered some foul language. However, what I knocked into is soft. [Ah!] She cried. [I'm sorry, are you alright?] [Nothing, may I ask whether the conference room is on the third floor?] [Yes.] [Thanks.] I try to make way for her to pass through but the corridor is too narrow. Her breasts sweep past my chest as she squeezes through. [Great breasts.] I thought. She looks not bad, wearing glasses, and look a bit like a current female undergraduate, looks tired, but yet glamorous. Her skin is very fair, and with full breasts, she would make a fine av actress. [Oh, you are late for the meeting.] 小寶 told me. [I'm sorry.] After that, I sat on a chair and when I looked up, a deep longkang appeared in front of me. [Hello, we just met. I am Julia.] I shook hands with her using my right hand, and my left hand was restraining my little brother from saluting. [Julia is new, and there are many things that I do not understand. Hope you bear with her.] Her manager said politely. [She doesn't look like a first timer, hahaha! Rest assured, she will soon know the ropes with just a few films] 小寶 said happily. Julia nodded and smile, as she looked at me knowingly. She soon left after the meeting. [That woman is good stuff.] 小寶 told me. [Unusually good stuff.] [She has great potential ah, and may surpass 麻倉憂.] [Different markets, can't really compare them.] [To be or not to be ...] 櫻心美 read Shakespeare. [You have heard of Julia before?] [No, is she a foreigner?] [She is Japanese, met her today, and will co-star with her later.] [Pretty is it?] [Face is alright, but other parts are perfect.] [New?] [Yes.] [Do you like her?] [No.] [Is she more beautiful than me?] [No.] [Do you want to go to bed with her?] [No.] [Then why do you talk about her?] [That was a question.] She ignored me and continue reading. At the studio, she was seated leisurely in the lounge. I went in and greeted her and she nodded with a smile: [Good morning.] [The first time, need getting used to?] [Not in the habit yet, come again once more, please?] [That ...] She came over and held my shoulder. [Just kidding, please leave the lounge, I want to be alone.] [Okay.] [Camera!] 小寶 of course will make full use of her perfect body. First kissing, then oral sex, tit fuck, foot job. I kept caressing her breasts, absolutely the real thing. Her breasts are large yet very soft like toufu. She herself is extremely thin, her skin is very fair and smooth. A combination of 黑澤愛, 櫻心美 and 麻倉憂. [Stop!] [Can you don't just play with her breasts!] [I'm sorry.] Julia smiled to me: [Very shiok is it.] [Camera!] Repeating the previous actions, being clasped by a pair of breasts is such a heavenly treat. She looks like a tired undergrad and 小寶 deliberately avoid her face and instead focus on having close-up shots of her breasts. I believe these scenes will appear shocking on the PC. Her moans and responses were not very strong during love making. It is not as if she did not enjoy. Finally, I shoot at her breasts. [Stop!] As I got up and left, she tasted semen. [What are you doing?] [I want to try to see how you taste.] [How does it taste like?] [Not telling you.] As I was leaving, I saw her geting into a limousine. The car turn around and pass in front of me. Julia looked at me, and suck her middle finger. Mysterious lady is indeed frightening.
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Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Next episode in Chinese
讓我跟你走 我呆呆的看着JULIA,有人拍了我一下。 「她是誰?」 櫻心美問我。 「新來的女優。」 「就是你說的Julia?」 「是啊,原來是日本人。」 「怎麼她向着你啜手指?」 「我也不知道,在妳來看, 女人啜手指是甚麼意思?」 「看看是甚麼埸合,但剛才那個對望, 啜手指...等於含著小弟弟。」 「是嗎?」 「也可以解為吃了一些東西, 很美味,向你要求多些。」 「那...妳認為她是甚麼意思?」 「我不知道,至少我不想知道, 你想知道嗎?」 「不,一點也不。」 「你想知道的,換着是我向你啜手指, 你也想知道是甚麼意思,不是嗎?」 「對啊。」 「哼,男人就是這樣。」 「女人不也是這樣? 自以為很了解男人, 然後擺出一副看不起的樣子, 最後還不是不明不白地被人拋棄。」 「你想分手嗎?」 「不,說說而已。」 她漸漸靠過來,把我壓在牆上, 就像片中的劇情一樣。 「男人我是不懂的了,但是, 女人的心理我是最清楚不過。」 她在耳邊說。 「那個女人我一看就知道是甚麼料子, 我警告你,不要亂來。」 「妳想多了,只是拍戲而已。」 「這些我不管,總言而之, 我之後不能再有其他女人, 因為這顯得我沒有魅力。」 我吻了她一下: 「明白了。」 她微笑,說話的聲音也轉了: 「今晚去我家吧。」 櫻心美和我始終保持著一種微妙的關係, 不太親暱,也不太冷淡, 隔幾天總會見到面。 在她家裡,我看着她煮飯的樣子, 不期然有一種很奇怪的感覺。 我坐在廳中看電視, 突然有人打來, 「去了哪裡?」佐藤問我。 「我...」 櫻心美突然吻了過來, 不許我說話。 「喂... 喂? 喂?」 當我掙扎過來, 拿起電話時, 佐藤已經收了綫。 「妳剛才幹什麼?」 「在我家,不許跟其他女人談話。」 「妳知道的,我與她的關係。」 「那又怎樣?」 「給我一點尊重。」 「不給又怎樣?」 「以後不找妳。」 「我現在就告訴她,你在我家, 準備上床。」 她拿起了電話。 「妳這樣是要脅嗎? 根本就不公平。」 「公平?你要尊重, 我不需要嗎? 你在我面前與兩個女人調情, 這是哪門子的尊重?」 「just like me ,they long to be, close to you...」 電視傳出一陣Carpenters 的宣傳聲音。 「你不要再這樣了,好嗎?」 「妳也不要這樣了,好嗎?」 這夜,我們沒有交談。 第二天,我回到家裡。 「昨晚去了哪?」 「看足球。」 「真的?」 「真的。」 「告訴你一個好消息, 下星期我會去台灣, 探望早乙女,順便看音樂會。」 「中島美嘉?」 「是啊,你來不來?」 「好。」 「那就說定了。」 「喂?」 「昨天對不起,我不應發脾氣。」櫻心美說。 「我也是不好。」 「那下星期可以陪我嗎?」 「為什麼?」 「我的生日。」 「那...」 「這是我第一個有親人陪伴的生日, 我希望你可以來。」 「我在台灣。」 「讓我跟你走吧。」 「我...和佐藤一起去台灣。」 她沒說話。 我也沒說話。 「那算了吧。」 「下次生日一定會來。」 「沒有下次生日的了。」 「為什麼?」 「因為我們已經分手了。」 「嘟...嘟...」 「喂?喂?喂?」 來讓我跟你走 流浪到天邊海角 如若你肯靠緊我 你願疼惜我未悔當初
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Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
English Translation #35
Let me leave with you I looked blankly at Julia, and someone patted me. [Who is she?] 櫻心美 asked me. [A new actress.] [Is she the Julia that you mentioned before?] [Yes ah, she is Japanese.] [Why is she facing you and sucking her fingers?] [I don't know. In your view, what does woman sucking her fingers mean?] [Depends on the occasion but just now, that look, sucking her fingers ... means sucking your little brother.] [Really?] [Can also be interpreted as after having eaten delicious stuff, she is asking for more from you] [So ... What do you think it is?] [I don't know, at least I do not want to know, Do you want to know?] [No, not at all.] [Nah... You want to know, if I am the one sucking my finger facing you, you would also want to know what that means, right?] [Yes ah. ] [Well, men are all alike.] [Isn't women the same? Always thought that I understand man very well, and kind of look down on them. Still ended up being dumped without knowing the reason. [Do you want to break off?] [No, just say say only.] She slowly leaned over, and pinned me to the wall, as if we are executing the film's plot. [I do not understand men, but, I do know woman's psychological makeup best.] She whispered in my ears. [One look, I can see through that woman Julia, let me warn you, don't be reckless] [You are thinking too much, we are just filming.] [That I don't care. After me, there must not be another woman because that would mean that I have no charm.] I kissed her. [I understand.] She smiled, her voice softened to an alluring tone: [Come to my house tonight.] 櫻心美 and I had always maintained a delicate relationship, not intimate, neither too cold. We will see each other every few days. At her home, I watched her cooking, and have a very strange feeling. I sat in the room watching TV and suddenly someone called, [Where were you?] 佐藤 asked me. [I ...] 櫻心美 suddenly kissed me, sealing my lips. [Hello ... Hello? Hello?] When I struggled to gain control, 佐藤 has hung up. [What were you doing just now?] [In my house, you are not allowed to talk to other women.] [You know my relationship with her.] [So what?] [Give me some respect.] [I am not giving, so what?] [Will not look for you in the future.] [I am telling you, you are in my house, let's get ready to go to bed.] She picked up the phone. [Are you threatening me? This isn't fair.] [Fair? You want respect, what makes you think I don't need respect? You are flirting with two women in front of me, what sort of respect is this?] [Just like me, they long to be, close to you ...] The TV was playing the song from Carpenters "Close to You". [Don't be like that, okay?] [You also don't be like that, okay?] That night, we did not talk. The next day, I went back home. [Where did you go last night?] [Watching soccer.] [Really?] [Really.] [Tell you a good news. I will be going to Taiwan next week to visit 早乙女 and also watch the concert.] [中島美嘉?] [Yes, ah, you coming?] [Yes.] [ok. set.] [Hello?] [I'm sorry for what I said yesterday, I shld not throw my temper.] 櫻心美 said. [I wasn't good too.] [Can you be with me next week?] [Why?] [My birthday.] [That ...] [This is my first birthday with family members in attendance. I hope you can come.] [I will be in Taiwan.] [Let me go with you.] [I go to Taiwan ... with 佐藤.] She did not speak. Neither do I. [Then forget it.] [I will come next birthday.] [There's no next birthday.] [Why?] [Because we have split up.] [Beep ... beep ...] [Hello? Hello? Hello?] Let me go with you and wander to the edges of the sky and the sea. But if you're willing to snuggle up with me you will treasure why I did not take the plunge.
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Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Next episode in Chinese
至少還有你 我沒有去台灣,反而去了櫻心美家。 「咚...咚...」 「有沒有人啊?是我。」 無人回答。 「不要逃避我,出來吧。」 「她剛才離開了。」 有位鄰居探頭出來說。 「謝謝。」 我致電給她,卻沒人接聽。 既然不去台灣,我便跟小寶去了酒吧。 「怎麼這次跟我們去酒吧?」 「最近諸事不順,想去酒吧放鬆下。」 「好啊,我有困難也去酒吧放鬆下, 喝個不省人事,明天醒來便有方法解決。」 「但願如此。」 那個晚上,小寶他們玩得不亦樂乎, 我卻獨自在吧枱喝悶酒。 裝酷?不,壓根兒沒心情玩。 結果,喝了第七罐啤酒後, 我昏睡了。 第二天早上,小寶他們去吃早餐, 我坐在酒吧門口的梯級,稍為休息下。 「小姐,我們打烊了,現在送妳出門口。」 那個女人就這樣被扔在門口。 我點了一枝煙,迷迷糊糊的看着海岸。 「有煙嗎?」 那個女人醒來,問我。 「有啊。」 我轉身遞了一枝煙給她, 那雙手好像曾在哪裡摸過。 「怎麼了?一個人喝悶酒?」 她問我。 「與女友分手了,想找她卻找不到。 妳呢?」 「生日沒人陪伴,便自己一個到酒吧慶祝。」 咦?! 「妳是昨天生日的?」 「不,今天。」 「生日快樂。」 「多謝。」 「不用客氣。」 「你為什麼跟女友分手了?」 「我沒有...」 她衝上前,在欄杆旁嘔了出來。 「妳沒事吧?」 她搖一搖手。 過了一會兒,她扶着欄杆離開。 「對不起。」 我在她背後叫道。 「為什麼?我嘔不關你的事, 不用道歉。」 「我沒有陪妳過生日。」 「你又不是...」 她這刻看着我, 雙眼突然復活過來, 繼而淚如泉湧。 「你不是在台灣嗎?」 「不,特意過來找妳。」 說罷,我衝上前攬着她。 她伏在我肩上,哭着說: 「我昨晚真的很傷心, 一個人在家裡,想着你在台灣, 與她一起,自己則獨自看着電視機, 我真的忍受不了。」 「我現在便在這裡,不是嗎?」 「你怎會在酒吧?」 「昨天我在妳家找不到妳, 又不知去哪裡找妳,便索性去酒吧, 亂喝一通,第二天再算。 想不到就在這裡遇到妳。」 「昨晚在酒吧裏,我以為真的沒有人再理會我了, 看來,至少還有你。」 也許,全世界我也可以忘記。 就是不願意,失去你的消息。
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Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
English translation #36
At least I have you I had gone to 櫻心美 house instead of going to Taiwan. [Boom ... boom ...] [Anybody home? Is me.] No one answered. [Don't avoid me, pls come out.] [She had just left.] A neighbor came out and said. [Thanks.] I called her, but no one answered. Since I was not going to Taiwan, I went to the bar with 小寶. [Why are you going to the bar with us?] [Recently things not going well, go to bar to chill.] [Well, I do that too and go to the bar to chill, get yourself drunk, wake up tomorrow and the solutions are there.] [I hope so.] That evening, 小寶 and party were having all the fun. I drank alone at the bar counter. Acting cool? No, I am simply in no mood to play. I knocked out after drinking 7 cans of beer. The next morning, 小寶 and friends leave to eat breakfast, I sat on the steps in front of the bar to take a little rest. [Miss, we are closing, we are sending you out the door.] The woman was thrown out of the door. I lighted a cigarette, and watch the coastline drowsily. [You have a cigarette?] The woman woke up and asked me. [Yes.] I turned and handed a cigarette to her, and her hands seem familiar. [How? Drinking alone?] She asked. [Broken off with my girlfriend, looking for her but couldn't find. What about you? ] [No one to celebrate my birthday, so come to a bar to celebrate alone.] Huh? ! [Your birthday yesterday?] [No, today.] [Happy Birthday.] [Thank you.] [You're welcome.] [Why are you broken up with your girlfriend?] [I did not ...] She rushed forward, and vomitted at the railing. [Are you alright?] She shake her hand. After a while, she walked away, using the railing for support. [I'm sorry.] I called after her. [Why? I vomit is none of your business. Don't have to apologize.] [I did not accompany your birthday.] [You're not ...] She looked at me this moment. Suddenly her eyes brighten and then burst into tears. [You're not in Taiwan?] [No, I came specifically to look for you.] I rushed forward and hugged her. She leaned on my shoulder, and cried: [I am really sad last night, one person at home, thinking of you in Taiwan with her, and I am all alone watching TV, I really can't stand it.] [I am here, isn't it?] [How can you are at the bar?] [I could not find you yesterday in your home and don't know where you are, so I simply go to the bar to get myself drunk. Worry only when next day comes. Did not expect that I will meet you here.] [Last night at the bar, I thought no one really cares for me, At least there is you now] Maybe I can forget the whole world. but I am not willing to lose you. --- 3 more episodes left ---
Xchange welcum. Min 5 pointers pls Latest post at http://www.sammyboyforum.com/search....duser&u=335759 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Next episode in Chinese (3rd episode from END)
成熟 「喂?是誰啊?」 「是我,麻倉。」 「怎麼了?」 「很久沒聯絡了,便打給你看看。」 「那又怎樣了?」 「沒有,只是想打給你。」 「現在是午夜三點半啊!」 「嘻嘻,就是三點半才打給你。」 「妳不用睡覺的嗎?」 「剛剛才拍完片,見沒事做才打給你。」 「噢,是嗎?那對不起。」 「不說了,明天還要繼續拍。」 「拜拜。」 「拜拜。」 麻倉憂真的很紅,接片接過停不了手, 基本上每隔一陣子,就會看見她的片發行, 有時還會看見她在電視節目出現。 她初入行時,每次拍片前都會跟我聯絡, 但是隨著她拍片越來越多, 現在真的很少聯絡。 「咦?那個不就是麻倉憂?」 佐藤指着電視說。 「大家好!我是麻倉憂, 今天帶大家到...」 「想不到她已經這麼紅了。」 「你認識她嗎?」 「是啊,她的職前訓練便是我教的。」 「看看她現在上電視了, 你還是坐在這裡和我看電視。」 「不好嗎?」 「說說而已。」 「記住,每人都有其適合的位置, 差別只在於你能否發掘出。 現在我們去下一個...」 「喂?」 「大事不妙了,快點回來公司。」 經理人焦急地說。 「怎麼了?」 「今天大山組和麻倉一同拍戲!」 我立即趕回公司,沿途打給麻倉。 「喂?」 「嘻嘻,怎麼了? 想擾亂我睡覺嗎?」 「妳今天要拍片嗎?」 「是呀。」 「要和岡井大山拍片?」 「對啊。」 「妳知不知道他是甚麼來頭?」 「不知道,不過就算是黑社會我也不怕。」 「為什麼?」 「在街上我也不怕, 更何況拍片時我含着他的小弟弟, 他用槍指著我的話,我便一口咬下去, 那時他一定跪地求饒。」 真的這麼簡單? 這時,他們剛剛拍完一埸戲, 演員出來休息。 麻倉從門口出來,大聲叫道: 「我要買可樂!」 「喂。」 「怎麼你會在這裡?」 「我怎能不在這裡?」 「不用拍,我剛才已經想了一個辦法。」 「是什麼?」 「不告訴你,你會告訴他們, 然後一起捉我走。」 「怎麼會?」 「放心吧。」 如是者,我在通道上等待。 「今天很累哦。」 麻倉與助手一起出來。 「我跟妳走吧。」 「不行,別人會以為你們在一起。」 「但是...」 「放心吧, Born to be Porn, 你說的。」 她沒等我說話,轉身離開。 我立即追上去,但被一幫人拉着。 「不關你的事,給我坐下。」 「放手!」 「又是你。」 大山出來,眾人讓開。 「你這幫禽獸!」 「看見美女有衝動,是天生的吧。 難道你不會?」 我沒說話。 「你,你,看着他, 十五分鐘後到停車場。」 說罷,眾人離開。 我試圖擺脫他們,但不成功。 「好了,我不走了,坐下總行吧。」 他們放手,很兇的推了我往梳化上。 正當我感到絕望之際,一把聲出現。 「Hi !」 是穿著浴袍的Julia。 「Hi !」 「他們是你的朋友嗎?」 他們瞪着我。 「嚴格上說是。」 「你們好。」 Julia俯身給我一個擁抱, 輕聲說: 「十秒後跑吧。」 未等我弄清是甚麼意思, 她除下了浴袍,全裸的站了起來。 「唉呀,怎麼鬆了?」 她蹲了下來,那兩個男人看得目瞪口呆。 我拔腿就跑,那兩人過了一會兒才回神過來。 我一邊跑,一邊叫: 「麻倉不要走!」 我看見了大堂門口,立即衝上去。 在街上,第一聲傳來的是尖叫。 但那不是危難的尖叫。 「麻倉!麻倉!麻倉!麻倉!」 「我們特別來看你的!」 「多謝,多謝。」 麻倉被粉絲重重包圍, 基本上無人接近了她, 更不可能被人捉走, 因為這樣會被粉絲打死。 我四處張望, 在一樓的窗口裡, 站着一群男子, 他們就這樣看著獵物坐在計程車離開。 「喂?」 「喂?」 「很聰明。」 「當然了,這麼多人, 看他們動也不敢動。 但是你還真的不追上來, 那時在門口,我轉身望, 只有大山那一幫人,幸好我叫了粉絲來看我。 不然我現在是幫他們口交呢!」 「我被人捉了,最後我不都是來了嗎?」 「算你有良心,不說了, 遲些再聯絡。」 第二個電話打來: 「喂?」 「是我,Julia。」
Xchange welcum. Min 5 pointers pls Latest post at http://www.sammyboyforum.com/search....duser&u=335759 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
English translation #37
Mature [Hello? Who is it?] [Is me, 麻倉。] [How?] [Long time no contact, so now calling you.] [So what's up?] [No, just wanted to call you.] [It is half past three in the morning ah!] [hee hee, that is, its after half past three that I call you.] [You don't have to sleep?] [had just finished filming and I am free to call you.] [Oh, is it? then I'm sorry.] [ok. I have to continue filming tomorrow.] [Bye.] [Bye.] 麻倉憂 is really popular, film after film, non-stop. Basically every now and again, you will see the release of her film. Sometimes saw her appear on television. When she first joined this industry, she will always call me when she starts filming. But as she starting making more films, she had lessen her contact with me to the point of being rare. [Huh? Isn't she 麻倉憂?] 佐藤 said, pointing at the television. [Hello everybody! I am 麻倉憂. Today I am bringing us to...] [Did not realise that she is so popular now.] [Do you know her?] [Yes ah, her pre-service training was taught by me.] [She's on TV now, join me here and watch her on TV] [Remember, everyone has their appropriate place, the only difference is whether you can discover and nurture. Now we go to the next channel...] [Hello?] [Something's wrong, pls hurry back to the company.] manager said anxiously. [How?] [Today, the 大山 group and 麻倉 are filming!] I immediately rush back to the company, and call 麻倉 on the way. [Hello?] [hee hee, what's up? Want to disturb my sleep?] [Are you filming today?] [Yes.] [With 岡井 from the 大山 group?] [Yes.] [Do you know his background?] [Don't know, but I am not afraid even if he is from a triad.] [Why?] [I am not afraid while on the street. Moreover, when I am filming, his little brother is in my mouth. If he point his gun at me, I will bite. He will surely go on his knees and beg for mercy.] His gun at me, I will bite, Then he must kneel for mercy.] Really that simple? At this time, they had just finished one scene and taking a break. 麻倉 came out and shouted: [I want to buy a coke!] [Hello.] [How come you are here?] [Why I can't be here?] [Don't worry, I had already thought out a way out.] [What is it?] [Not telling you. You will tell them, and then conspire to take me away.] [How will I do that?] [Don't worry.] I waited at the corridor. [Oh, very tired today.] 麻倉 walked out together with her assistant. [Let me leave with you.] [No, people would think that I am with you.] [But ...] [Rest assured, Born to be Porn, you said so.] She did not wait for me to respond and turned to leave. I immediately try to catch up, but was blocked by a gang. [None of your business and ordered me to sit down.] [Let me go!] [Is you again.] 大山 came out and the gang parted to make way. [You are a bunch of animals!] [Its natural to be sexcited when seeing a beauty.. Don't you not?] I did not speak. [You, and you, keep an eye on him, go to the parking lot fifteen minutes from now.] When he finished, everyone left. I tried to get away from them but failed. [Well, I am not trying to get away, can I sit down then?] They let go, and pushed me on to the sofa. While I was feeling desperate, I heard a sound. [Hi!] Is Julia, wearing a bathrobe. [Hi!] [Are they your friends?] They stared at me. [Strictly speaking yes.] [Good.] Julia leaned over to give me a hug, and whispered: [Run after ten seconds.] Before I figure out what that meant, She let the bathrobe dropped to her feet. [Oh, how it come loose?] She kneel to pick the bathrobe, and the two men stared lustfully. I started to run, then they came to their senses after a while. I screamed as I ran: [麻倉 don't leave!] I springed for the the exit door. Out on the streets, the first sound I heard is that of screaming, but not screams of distress. [麻倉!麻倉!麻倉!麻倉!] [We are here to see you!] [Thank you, thank you.] 麻倉 was surrounded by fans. Basically, no one can come close to her, even less likely to be whisked away, Because the fans will beat them to death. I looked around, At the first floor window, a group of man was standing, watching helplessly as the prey slipped into a taxi and leave. [Hello?] [Hello?] [Very smart.] [Of course, so many people, they dare not make any moves. But you couldn't catch up, At the door, I turned and look and can only see the 大山 gang, but fortunately I called my fans to come. Otherwise now I will be performing oral sex on them!] [I was caught, but I finally make it out the door!] [You are a consciencious man, I will contact you later.] The second phone call: [Hello?] [Is me, Julia.] _________Two more episodes to go _______
Xchange welcum. Min 5 pointers pls Latest post at http://www.sammyboyforum.com/search....duser&u=335759 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Next episode in Chinese (2nd last episode)
最後的陰謀 「有甚麼事?」 「喝杯東西吧。」 「為什麼?」 「那天我幫了你,請一杯飲品, 不是很過分吧?」 「不。」 「那就約定,明天公司咖啡室見吧。」 「好的。」 「喂?」 「是我,小丸子。」 「怎麼了?」 「明天有事做嗎?」 「有啊,和Julia喝咖啡。」 「為什麼?」 「本身我要跑去救麻倉憂,但被大山組攔阻, 她幫我解圍,現在便請她喝咖啡, 當是感謝她。」 「你一個人去?」 「是啊。」 「和麻倉憂一起去吧,Julia也救了她, 一起去感謝Julia吧,況且你自己一個去, 我怕喝咖啡後還有下文。」 「那...」 「不要說了,這是禮貌。」 「好吧。」 第二天,我便和麻倉一起去咖啡室, 等待Julia來到。 「HI !來了很久嗎?」 Julia很怱忙地打了招呼。 「不,坐吧。」 「那不如來一份三人甜品吧, 我一直很想嘗試, 但份量太多,一個人吃不下。」 等待甜品的時候,兩位女孩子很快熟絡起來, 無所不談。 「幸好他當時提醒了我,否則我現在就不能在這裡, 和妳談天說地。」 「哈哈哈,若果不是我,妳現在就不能吃巧克力香蕉。」 「妳也對,巧克力香蕉真的是我最愛,嘻嘻。」 吃完甜品後,Julia提議去公園散步, 我和麻倉也沒事做,便一起去了。 散步途中,我想起了剛才咖啡室的對話, 突然間,有一個問題出現。 她們正談得興高采烈之際,我問Julia: 「為何妳知道當天妳救的是麻倉? 其實當天妳只是見過我,麻倉基本上 都被粉絲包圍。」 她靜默了,麻倉也靜默了。 「那很簡單吧,我也說你提醒了我, Julia便知道你當天要救的人是我。」 麻倉說。 「就是這樣了。」 「噢....原來如此。」 兩位女孩子繼續暢談言歡,我也繼續欣賞公園景色。 一直到了黃昏,Julia提議去她家吃飯。 「好啊,我想看看妳那支香水是怎樣的。」 「那走吧。」 此時佐藤打來: 「買些東西回家吃吧。」 「九點回來,好嗎?」 「好的。」 說罷,Julia的橋車便到來接我們。 「嘩!很豪華啊!」 這款車就是平日在電影中看見的, 那種暴發戶才有的超長橋車。 一上車,我們兩人便比人用麻布袋罩着。 我們一直坐在車上,彷彿過了三個晝夜。 「嗙!」 不知過了多久,我比人摔在地上, 從麻布間透過的光逐漸消失, 看來我被人關在房裡。 一直都沒有人理會我, 我便開始回想起今天發生過的事。 是Julia主動提出喝咖啡, 是Julia主動逛公園, 是Julia主動邀請我們... 對!一切都是Julia做的。 然後,問題來了, 為何Julia要這樣做? 此時,有人解開了麻布袋。 「你是誰?為何要這樣做?」 「是我。」 Julia冷冰冰地回答。 「為什麼?」 「你想知嗎?」 「當然。」 「你想想那天我為何會突然出現?」 「幫我。」 「算是。」 「那又怎樣?」 「製造機會。 那天大山那幫人捉不了麻倉憂, 便順勢借我幫你解圍, 繼而我便有機會要求你倆人出來答謝我, 再捉你們。」 「妳是大山的人?」 「不關你事。」 「妳無故捉了我, 還說不關我事!」 「啪!」 她打了我一巴掌, 高跟鞋踩着我的小弟弟。 「不要吵! 你有資格說話嗎?」 我痛得說不出話。 過了幾分鐘,她轉身離開。 「喂!妳是怎知麻倉也跟我一起?」 我用盡最後一口氣問她。 「問問妳女朋友。」 說罷,關上了門。 「和麻倉憂一起去吧,Julia也救了她, 一起去感謝Julia吧,況且你自己一個去, 我怕喝咖啡後還有下文。」 是櫻心美? 不,不會的。 櫻心美這女人怎會害我? 難道一切也是演戲的? 「嗙!」 有人開門。 「喂!」 「真的是妳!」 那人就是櫻心美。 「現在才知道,很可惜吧。」 「妳怎會...」 「對!我就是和大山一夥的, 我和你之間一切都是演戲的, 打從我認識你開始, 就是一個陷阱。」 「什麼?」 「醒醒吧!漂亮如我的女人, 怎會沒有夜生活?難道真的看1Q84?」 「為什麼花這麼多精神時間, 哄我入局?」 「為了一個男人。」 「誰?」 「岡井大山。」 這一刻,就如萬箭穿心。 「值得嗎?」 「為我喜歡的男人做事,不值得嗎?」 「他真的這麼討厭我?」 「你三番四次破壞他的計劃, 他恨不得把你殺死。」 「那為何捉我來這裡?」 「要你親眼看着他們強姦麻倉憂。 本來是佐藤的,但一直沒有機會。」 「那妳來幹嗎?」 「採集精液。 大山要你性功能衰退,以後也做不了男優, 更加留不了後代。」 說罷,她開始替我口交。 一個在你面前作賤自己的女人, 一個無故全裸的女人, 一幫極度瘋狂的男人, 費盡心思,為的只是仇恨。 此時此刻,還能說甚麼?
Xchange welcum. Min 5 pointers pls Latest post at http://www.sammyboyforum.com/search....duser&u=335759 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
English Translation #38 - 2nd last episode
The final evil plot [What happened?] [Drink something.] [Why?] [That day I helped you, asking you for a drink isn't too much right?] [No.] [Let's meet at the company cafe tomorrow.] [ok.] [Hello?] [Is me, 小丸子.] [What's up?] [Are you free tomorrow?] [I am having coffee with Julia.] [Why?] [I have to run to save 麻倉憂, but was blocked by 大山 group. She helped set me free, now I am buying her coffee to thank her. [You're going alone? ] [Yes lah.] [Go with 麻倉憂 to thank Julia together as she had also saved her. Moreover, if you go alone, I'm afraid there will be part 2 after coffee. [That ... ] [Don't say anymore, it is courtesy to do that.] [Okay.] The next day, I went to the cafe with 麻倉憂, waiting for Julia to come. [Hi! been here long?] Julia greeted us hurriedly. [No, please take a seat.] [I had always wanted to try the dessert for three, but the portion is always too much for one person. Why don't we order this since there are 3 of us?] While waiting for dessert, the two girls were soon in deep conversation. Can talk anything. [Fortunately, he had reminded me, or else I can't be here now chatting with you.] [Ha ha ha, if not for me, you won't be eating chocolate banana now.] [You are right, chocolate banana is my favorite, hehe. ] After dessert, Julia proposed a walk in the park. 麻倉 and I have nothing better to do, and so we went. While walking, I thought of the dialogue in the cafe. Suddenly, there is a problem. They were talking excitedly as I interjected and asked Julia: [Why you know the lady you saved that day is 麻倉? In fact, you had just seen me that day, 麻倉 were surrounded by fans. ] Julia fell silent. So does 麻倉. [It is very simple, and I also said that you had reminded me, Julia will know that you wanted to save is me.] 麻倉 said. [That's it.] [Oh .... I see.] The two girls continue to chat happily, and I would continue to enjoy the park. Evening comes and Julia proposed dinner at her house. [Well, I want to see how her fake sticks of perfume.] [Then let's go.] 佐藤 called: [Buy something to eat at home.] [Back at nine, okay?] [Yes.] When he finished, Julia's car drove up to fetch us. [Wow! very luxurious ah!] The car is normally seen in the film, the long stretched limousine. Once the two of us got up the car, our heads were immediately covered with a sack! We had been sitting in the car, as if over three days and nights. [Bang!] I do not know how long, I fell to the ground. The light that seeps in through the linen sack gradually disappeared. It seems that I was locked alone in a room. and no one has bother me. I began to recall what happened today. Julia offered a cup of coffee, Julia suggested going to the park, Julia took the initiative to invite us ... Yes! Julia did everything. Then comes the question, Why did Julia do all these? At this point, someone untied the sack. [Who are you? Why?] [Is me.] Julia replied coldly. [Why?] [You want to know?] [Sure.] [Why do you think I suddenly appear on that day?] [Help me.] [Can say so.] [So what?] [Creating opportunities. The 大山 group could not catch 麻倉, so they use me to help free you from hostage. Then I have opportunity to ask both of you out to thank me, and then catch both of u.] [You are 大山 people?] [None of your business.] [You caught me without giving a reason, how can that be none of my business!] [Smack!] She gave me a slap in the face, and with her high heels stepping on my little brother. [Stop talking! You don't have the right to speak] I am in pain and speechless. After a few minutes, she turned to leave. [Hey! how you know 麻倉 is with me?] I've tried my last breath to ask her. [Ask your girlfriend.] When she finished, shut the door. [Go with 麻倉 together, Julia also saved her Go and say thanks to Julia. Moreover, if you go yourself, I'm afraid there is part 2 after coffee.] Is 櫻心美? No, can't be. 櫻心美 will not set me up like this. Don't tell me everthing is just acting? [Bang!] Someone open the door. [Hey!] [Really is you! 櫻心美] [Now then you know, what a pity] [How can you ...] [Yes! I am with the 大山 group, Everything between you and me is acting, It is a trap right from the very start.] [What?] [Wake up! As beautiful as I am, How can I have no nightlife? Really just watching 1Q84?] [Why spend so much time and effort for me to trap me?] [Do it for a man.] [Who?] [Well 岡井大山.] At this moment, a thousand arros piercing my heart. [Worth it?] [Do things for the man I love, not worth it?] [He really hate me so much?] [You foiled his plans again and again. He wished to kill you.] [Then why catch me here?] [They want to rape 麻倉 and let u watch live. It was meant to be 佐藤 originally, but has no chance.] [Then what are you doing here?] [Collect semen. 大山 want your sexual prowess to decline, and can't be an av actor. Can not even leave future generations.] When she finish saying that, she started to perform oral sex on me. One woman that degrades herself in front of me, One woman that becomes totally naked for no rhyme or reason, One gang that is a bunch of extremely crazy man, Some more effort, only because of hatred. At this moment, what can I say?
Xchange welcum. Min 5 pointers pls Latest post at http://www.sammyboyforum.com/search....duser&u=335759 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Is this story real or imaginary ??
Vote for Worker's Party |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Imaginary but author certainly has insights into the av industry to pen this diary. U can google for many of the names of the av stars mentioned and see their pictures too.
Xchange welcum. Min 5 pointers pls Latest post at http://www.sammyboyforum.com/search....duser&u=335759 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Hey guys, I've been reading this thread and I create a site just for this diary.
I redo the translation myself though. http://japansex.co.uk I just started this translation recently and I will try to update as much as possible. I'm thinking maybe my site can serve as a backup just in case some of the people here want to have other alternative to read it. My english is not so good but I'm trying to keep it simple and to minimal grammatical mistake. Kudos to those who translate it in here |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Thanks for reading and best wishes for your new website.
Xchange welcum. Min 5 pointers pls Latest post at http://www.sammyboyforum.com/search....duser&u=335759 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Interesting stories.
Thank you for the different perspectives. |
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