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Serious HK power 7th Month Ghost killed BF in Haunted House Thame Park by Coffin Lid
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%AD%...221112469.html 中大男鬼屋迷路 遭棺材板擊斃 [星島日報] 星島日報 2017年9月17日 上午6:11 「活埋凶間」發生事故後,場區已即時封閉。 【星島日報報道】海洋公園一年一度的哈囉喂活動,昨發生如電影「死神來了」真實版。一名中文大 學男生,進入 被形容驚慄程度爆燈的鬼屋「活埋凶間」遊玩,其間疑誤闖後勤設施區域,遭控制下降棺材木板擊中 頭部,重傷昏 迷,在外等候的女友向職員查詢,經一番擾攘才有人入內查看揭發意外,惜傷者送院證實不治,機電 署即時勒令停 止相關設施操作,並調查意外原因。 九十後青年玩鬼屋「活埋凶間」離奇遭棺材木板擊斃。現場為海洋公園的萬聖節活動「哈囉喂」鬼屋 區,正式入場 由下月五日開始,本月十五日至十七日只開放受邀請企業客戶作包場活動。消息稱,二十一歲大學生 張朝傑的女友 阿Queen,因認識一些友人取得入場遊玩券,昨日兩人前來參與活動。 昨午一時五十分,阿傑和女友同到「活埋凶間」鬼屋遊玩,惟因女友怕鬼,臨時放棄進入鬼屋,阿傑 卻拍心口嘗試 勇闖。在外守候的女友,見其他入場人士陸續出來,但不見阿傑,心覺不妙,一度向駐守的職員查詢 ,至近下午二 時,有職員入內查看後慌張大叫有人昏迷,地上還遺下一攤鮮血,事主女友證實阿傑出事,園方報警 將傷者送往律 敦治醫院搶救,惜告不治。 經警方及園方初步調查,懷疑阿傑躺於棺材道具滑往下一層後,感到緊張,加上燈光昏暗,誤闖一處 後勤設施區域 ,遭控制下降棺材木板擊中頭部,因未及時發現疑失救喪命。死者父母認屍後指阿傑頭部近頸有瘀痕 ,全身發紫, 猜測是遭重物撞過或壓過。 警方調查後認為案件無可疑,死者遺體稍後將剖屍檢驗,以確定死因,相信要召開死因庭研究。 海洋公園行政總裁李繩宗事後會見傳媒,對事件表示非常悲痛,即時向機電工程署通報,有關設施已 關閉,園方會 配合各部門調查,並向死者的家人提供協助。 海洋公園指出,該後勤設施是一般工作人員進入維修的地方,正常不會有遊人進入。「活埋凶間」是 一個滑梯設施 ,遊戲設計經由專業工程師負責,並經機電署審核設計圖則,亦通過測試,獲機電署批准才開放供遊 客使用。 海洋公園強調就有關設施已取得娛樂牌照,做足相關機動遊戲所需的安全措施,惟事件成因有待調查 。 機電署表示對事深表難過,署方已即時派員到場了解事發原因,初步認為事故並不涉及機件故障。署 方又指,「活 埋凶間」的機動滑梯屬於機動遊戲機,滑梯長度約四點五米、高度約二點五米。該機件於使用前曾經 由獨立檢測員 作全面測試,並於本月十四日由該署發出機動遊戲機許可證。 睇更多 https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E5%A5%B3%...221111224.html 女友哭如淚人:早知唔帶佢入去 [星島日報] 星島日報 2017年9月17日 上午6:11 查看相片 星島日報相片 【星島日報報道】「早知我唔畀佢入去 。」死者張朝傑的女友哭如淚人,兩人拍拖四年已認定非君不嫁,想不到玩了一次「活埋凶間」,男 友便踏上不歸 路,最傷心是阿傑的父母,兩老見兒子剛考入大學,以為將來學有所成,生活可獲改善,豈料造物弄 人,其中張母 不堪喪子之痛,一度腳軟須坐輪椅休息。 四口家剛團聚 阿傑考入中大 人稱阿傑的張朝傑,在街坊眼中是沉默上進的可愛小胖子,中學時認識女友,拍拖四年,相互認定是 終生伴侶,兩 人去年更拍下結婚照,並上載至facebook,一度被誤兩人結婚,惟阿傑澄清未有這樣快,又 謂婚姻是人生 大事,要考慮清楚。而這對小情侶極為恩愛,不時上載拍拖甜蜜照,又戴情侶戒指和穿上情侶裝,羨 煞旁人。 家住牛池灣彩雲 的阿傑,有一段低潮的人生路,自小父母離異。父親做兼職侍應,母親是泰國人,患有糖尿病及眼疾 ,行動不便, 靠綜援過活,而胞弟則智障,仍有讀書。家中經濟環境不好,但阿傑發憤苦讀,本年九月考入中文大 學機械工程學 系。 張父稱,與妻子約於十年前離婚,兩子被安排入住中途宿舍,交由社工照顧。三年前,阿傑年滿十八 歲要搬離中途 宿舍,偕胞弟搬回與父同住,阿傑勸母與父和解,其後母親亦跟隨阿傑返家,一家四口團聚。 意外發生前,阿傑和女友及一些友人,到海洋公園試玩,因為女友怕鬼,臨時放棄未有進入「活埋凶間」,一度想勸男友陪她,但見阿傑很想入內,故沒有阻止,事後她哭 說:「早知我唔畀佢入去 。」 執業大律師陸偉雄稱,海洋公園應購有保險,惟園方有責任安排安全的環境供遊人玩樂,若證明出事 與公園的疏忽 有關,死者家人可提出民事索償,當然這種索償要有專家證供,實際上的確不容易。本報記者 要聞 http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/...loween-9223470 Man dies after accident in Hong Kong's Ocean Park Halloween attraction Screengrab from Ocean Park Hong Kong's website. 17 Sep 2017 12:25AM (Updated: 17 Sep 2017 12:30AM) Share this content HONG KONG: A 21-year-old died inside a Halloween-themed attraction at Hong Kong’s Ocean Park on Saturday afternoon (Sep 16), according to local media reports citing police. The attraction called Buried Alive – which consists of a haunted house and a slide – has been closed to facilitate an investigation into the incident. According to South China Morning Post (SCMP) quoting the park’s spokeswoman, the man named Cheung had ventured “by mistake” into a backstage area of the attraction after he finished the slide and entered the haunted house. The area where he was found was supposed to be “a place for our staff to carry out some maintenance work”, said Eva Au Yeung Yee-wah, the park’s director of events and entertainment. The department believed Cheung was hit by “moving parts of the slide” in an area normally closed off to visitors and that the accident did not involve mechanical failure, according to SCMP. Police said they were alerted at about 2pm on Saturday and confirmed that a man surnamed Cheung had been certified dead at Ruttonjee Hospital. Advertisement He was reportedly knocked unconscious in the staff-only area, reported RTHK. Au-yeung said the case was under investigation. The park has closed the attraction to facilitate an investigation into the incident by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. Priscilla Leung, chairwoman of the Legislative Council’s justice and legal services panel, believed the park had more to answer for than saying Cheung entered the area “by mistake”. Ocean Park CEO Matthias Li said medics at the park had administered first aid to Cheung and called an ambulance as soon as they found him. A spokesman added it was saddened by the accident. “We will get to the bottom of the exact cause, and ensure that this particular attraction as well as all others are maintained and operated at the highest level of safety. We’ll have to go through and investigate, and do a thorough review,” RTHK cited Todd Hougland, executive director for operation and entertainment, as saying. The park is not allowed to reopen the attraction until the department lifts its suspension order. According to Ocean Park's website, the Buried Alive ride was "temporarily suspended". The death marked the first fatal accident at the attraction since it was introduced in 2001, reported SCMP. Source: CNA/ek Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com. |
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