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Old 09-11-2016, 10:23 AM
robbintoh robbintoh is offline
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My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

The below is my first attempt at writing a FR with my personal opinion so please pardon me if there is anything you do not agree with or i am incorrect.

Checked out Lolithas and Kasalong at about 5pm. Both are side by side only. The girls are quite a letdown at Lolithas and Kasalong is slightly better. I am a very strong sucker for good looks and slim pretty SYT. I guess its just me but I would rather skip than to settle for a girl i find not physically appealing. Settled for a 2X year old ish rather sweet looking girl at Kasalong, the only one there that caught my eyes. Went upstairs into a room, there is a small sink to wash our willy and she got to it immediately after that. Opt for a CBJ and she was quite surprised as she mentioned most customer wants BBBJ. Pay 800B and a tip after. Later at night, i walked around Soi Cowboy first. It is very subdued now as compared to last time, no front neon lights are on and music is much softer generally. There are less girls outside the bars pulling guys in too. Went to CH and nothing much there to see. The temporary police post manned by maybe 5 police was very near to CH. Was told the bars here all closed at 12 midnight. Walked over to Thermae about 1030pm where it is my first time there. Immediately have to pay for 100B for beer once u walked in. No other charges beside. Wow there is a lot of girls here and mostly Jap guys. The standard of girls are diverse from 5/10 all the way to 8/10 in my opinion. Girls stand around trying to make eye contacts and the really attractive ones get pick up very fast too. Saw a few girls rejecting ang-mo who tried to chat them up. Jap guys are obviously preferred by the girls here. As this is my first time here, although i saw maybe one or two girls i like, i feel quite intimidated to walk up to them, especially when they are standing so close side by side with their friends and the girl can reject customers they do not like. A lot of girls are in groups and talk to each other while waiting to be approached and they generally do not appraoch any guys, beside a very few girls who tried to touch your hand when u walk past to get your attention. 100% No LB inside Thermae while there are some LB standing outside. Eventually i talked to a slim 22 years old (she claimed) sitting by herself near the entrance. ST is 2500 and LT is 5000, seem like a standard rate here and not really negotiable when i asked further. Took the plunge and Went for short time in another hotel nearby as the one on top of thermae is full house. Great GFE and service overall. Gave her some tips too. My very first FL experience in BKK.

Walked around to the street to Wood Bars and Chrome Bar (previous Dr BJ i think) about 930pm. The girls sitting outside are quite matured looking so i just moved on. Saw a quite ladies outside Eden club too. Nothing much at this soi beside these 3 and some bars around here. Went over to Nana Plaza for a while. It was really crowded there in most Gogo bar and a lot of LB outside some bar trying to pull you in. Asked for a seat at Twister and Spankys but no good seats available as it was very full then. Went back to Thermae and again paid 100B for the beer. Today got even more girls than yesterday. Sawe a girl i really like but she is with a groups of friends and i am too timid to approach her blatantly. Saw her reject about 2 ang-mo the whole night while no jap guy approach her. Waited all the way until 1am where they turn on the lights and ask everyone to get out. All the remaining girls there then go stand outside Thermae while some went back home. "Danger" now is the real girls are mixed side by side with LB so if you want real girls, have to make sure she did appear inside Thermae just now else you have some risk of landing a LB. My girl stood outside for a while and about 125AM, she went off with a friend. Although i make eye contact numerous times with her whole night, i am still too chicken to walk up to her, both cos of shyness and fear of rejection. I finally gathered up all my courage and approach her while she is walking away then. She is ok for ST (yay) and we went to the hotel on top of Thermae. This is a much much much better hotel than the one i went yesterday, with a toilet with translucent glass and a nice clean big bed. Hotel rate is the same, 600B for up to 2 hours. Had a good experience too and was kind of burned into the GFE, guess i am still a newbie at this. Gave her a big tip and promised to look for her again. She pass me her line contact.

Went to check out the famous MITU massage today in the early evening. Its quite a deep walk in from the main street. This place closed quite early like about 10pm ? Was given a big ipad with photos of all available girls. More side liners than gold or platinum class girls. The picture on their main website is also outdated and i cannot see any girl on their website under the "no hand massage" being available today. Wanted to try out Pino as shared by a few bros here but she no longer here. I previously hear some bros mentioned that are few photos of each girl here in the ipad but there is only one photo for each girl (front view) n you cannot select the girl you are keen to see more photos of her. None of the photos caught my eye so i left. I walked to Soi 7 Beer Garden. The inside looks full of ang-mo and not so much ladies, just like a regular bar. Went over last stop to Som Heaven but again did not see any girl that caught my eye so back to hotel. No action for me tonight.

Today i got some time during the day so i check out the Soi 33 Dream Heaven massage. First time at this branch although i tried another branch long time ago. There are about 6 girls when i reach there at about 12 noon. The girls are quite visually attractive with their very short schoolgirl skirt and open white blouse. The girls listed in the website are also totally outdated as comfirmed by the reception lady, who is also quite sweet looking. Decide to try a threesome for the very first time in my life and choose 2 of them. Paid 4500B with free use of VIP room for 90 mins. The girls showered together with me. There is a tranparent plastic chair you can sit on in the shower, like those in jap soapland. A lot of rubbing action front and back all the way both in shower and the Jacuzzi. It is really quite an experience. Next move on to massage on the bed and it is really a body to body massage. They use theirs boobs and pussy to rub against my back at the same time for quite a while. Provide CBJ (i did not asked for BBBJ) and i started doing missionary on one girl while the other girl keep massaging my balls from behind. Its an indescrible experience for me and i came intensely after a short while. They washed me up and start to massage me while trying slowly to get me to start round 2. I told the girls i may not be able to do 2 rounds back to back but they insist on trying first, thumbs up for their enthusiasm. I took a short while to get hard again as they step up very intense kissing and body licking together on me and they are really good at it. The second girl started to ride me after cap and i came after 10-15 minutes. One of those rare times i can cum twice in a short time interval and they looked quite satisfied with their own performance to get me to cum 2 shots. Gave them tips each before i left. Strongly suggest bros who have not yet tried threesome to try at least try once. However, the girls must be very comfortable with each other though to get the best experience so i guess i am quite lucky. Feeling very drained and zzz the afternoon away.

As this is my last night here tonight, i decided to make the best of it. I went to Nana first at about 8pm. It was not crowded at all, maybe still early and its a monday. I went in to Billboard first and sat near the revolving carousel area as there are about 5 girls in the Jacuzzi area and they do not look very appealing at first sight. Beer cost 160B. there are many girls on top, maybe about 20 ? However, only one or two are really attractive, going by the high standard set for Gogo girls. They all wear black string bikini. Left after 30 mins and i went into Twister. The girls here are actually quite attractive and i can pick out at least 5 or more stunning looking ones. Super tight and curvy body and very sexy dancing with pole. Wanted to buy a LD for one of the girl but was beaten to it by an ang-mo. Left after 30 mins too and went over to Soi Cowboy. Comparatively, CH and Bacarra is so much more crowded and full of guys as compared to the Gogo bars at Nana for some reasons. Girls at CH and Bacarra are only so-so (after i have seen the girls at Twister) in my humble opinion. No topless or nude dancing at CH and they are not even wearing a full thin string bikini. Left shortly and tried to look for Climax bar. Did not manage to find the place using google map and i saw lot of construction going on near by there. Msg the girl i pick up at Thermae few days ago and she agreed for ST. I did msg her the last few days but she usually replied with one word or one sentence answer. Waited for her to arrive at hotel above Thermae and this is my very last session for this trip. Gave her 500B tips and told her i hope to see her again when i do come back Bangkok. She seem very impersonal about it though, which is normal i guess. I have grown quite attached to her. She did not ask for any additional money beside those we agreed on for both ST sessions.

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Pls up my points if you enjoy reading thanks !
Old 09-11-2016, 11:40 AM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

bro do u rem the name of hotel u went on top of Thermae? thks
Old 09-11-2016, 12:33 PM
robbintoh robbintoh is offline
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

Originally Posted by banana81sg View Post
bro do u rem the name of hotel u went on top of Thermae? thks
Its Ruamchitt Plaza Hotel
Old 09-11-2016, 01:23 PM
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Talking Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16


You deserved my humble 3 points for extensive report! I agree with you, Thermae has many attractive young girls these days! If members have questions regarding Thermae, send me a PM!
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BOYCOTT Arab owned bars in Soi Cowboy!
Old 09-11-2016, 03:31 PM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

Today is 9-11-16. Nov.16 is next week.
Old 09-11-2016, 04:58 PM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

Originally Posted by chameleon589 View Post
Today is 9-11-16. Nov.16 is next week.
I believe he meant Nov '16
Old 09-11-2016, 04:59 PM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

Good read and thanks for the time to construct your FR.

I think for a freshie, you were on a rampage! hahaha i dont think I could release so many times. That aside, it's not always easy to go solo on such runs especially when you are unfamiliar with them so kudos to you.
Old 09-11-2016, 05:44 PM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

Originally Posted by norice View Post

You deserved my humble 3 points for extensive report! I agree with you, Thermae has many attractive young girls these days! If members have questions regarding Thermae, send me a PM!
thanks bro
Old 09-11-2016, 05:45 PM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

Originally Posted by smile_santa View Post
Good read and thanks for the time to construct your FR.

I think for a freshie, you were on a rampage! hahaha i dont think I could release so many times. That aside, it's not always easy to go solo on such runs especially when you are unfamiliar with them so kudos to you.
thanks bro ! i did a bit of research here and there before i went on this trip
Old 09-11-2016, 08:39 PM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

Wa. You power, I at most go club and pick up working girls only
Old 09-11-2016, 10:06 PM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

Originally Posted by robbintoh View Post
thanks bro ! i did a bit of research here and there before i went on this trip
great FR bro! upped you! heheh!
Old 09-11-2016, 10:14 PM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

bro robbintoh,

regarding approaching girls at thermae right, when i was there for the first time i also felt conscious of what will happen if i kena rejected etc etc and then because of this, i let 2-3 chio ones and totally type kind got away (those japs are really fast!). climaxx is actually very near thermae. anyway, while i was at climaxx, i also saw ang mohs being rejected by the working girls. probably they think their white dicks are too big and will be quite a painful session for them. i still remember my xmm syt at climaxx, i danced with her for a while and bought her 1-2 drinks, but she got quite drunk and while i have the intention to up her at my hotel but it suddenly dawned upon me that she might be underaged, so i didn't. in the end brought back a FL instead (who didn;t charge me anything) but we didn;t do anything back in my hotel as she started crying saying she got bf and she;s a prostitute. in the end, brought her downstairs, hailed a taxi for her, gave her some money (300 baht?) and sent her home.

then i went back up and showered and zzzz coz fucking tired already, almost 5am. what a night! hahaha it was one of those nights which i never fucked a girl, but yet i had great fun doing my dirty dancing and drinking and partying. haha
Old 09-11-2016, 11:06 PM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

Originally Posted by anikisan View Post
bro robbintoh,

regarding approaching girls at thermae right, when i was there for the first time i also felt conscious of what will happen if i kena rejected etc etc and then because of this, i let 2-3 chio ones and totally type kind got away (those japs are really fast!). climaxx is actually very near thermae. anyway, while i was at climaxx, i also saw ang mohs being rejected by the working girls. probably they think their white dicks are too big and will be quite a painful session for them. i still remember my xmm syt at climaxx, i danced with her for a while and bought her 1-2 drinks, but she got quite drunk and while i have the intention to up her at my hotel but it suddenly dawned upon me that she might be underaged, so i didn't. in the end brought back a FL instead (who didn;t charge me anything) but we didn;t do anything back in my hotel as she started crying saying she got bf and she;s a prostitute. in the end, brought her downstairs, hailed a taxi for her, gave her some money (300 baht?) and sent her home.

then i went back up and showered and zzzz coz fucking tired already, almost 5am. what a night! hahaha it was one of those nights which i never fucked a girl, but yet i had great fun doing my dirty dancing and drinking and partying. haha
thks for the points bro ! Look like you had a rather unique experience at Thermae. Unbderage is a serious offence, great that you got check.

I failed to locate Climax using google map, will find out more directions to there next time. Is Climax similar to Thermae also and any cover charge ? Quite keen to explore Climax on my next trip
Old 10-11-2016, 06:59 AM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

great FR. up'ed you bro
Old 10-11-2016, 07:37 AM
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Re: My First Trip Report in Bangkok Nov 16

Originally Posted by blurdood View Post
great FR. up'ed you bro
thanks bro !
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