An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Good news! The indians have been tamed!
The indians have stopped playing cricket and soccer on manicured garden and common areas. Toddlers can enjoy the garden in peace. Elderly can walk on the footpath without fear of getting hit by cricket balls or soccer balls.
I have an indian neighbour who spoke with me after the condo AGM in Apr. He lamented that singaporeans dont understand them. He said that his son likes to play cricket and soccer but cant book the multi purpose court as he was always late for the booking and so he resorted to playing cricket and soccer on the walking path and garden area.
I told him that Mandarin Gardens is a condo and have ample facilities. If his son cant wake up early to book the facilities, he shd not play cricket or soccer on common areas like the footpath or manicured garden as there are toddlers and aged people who use these common areas. He didnt agree with me. But at least illegal cricket and soccer has stopped.
Singaporean Mandarin Gardens owners have successfully stopped the indians from abusing what is common condo property. Other condos must do likewise and not accept bad foreigners' behaviours.
We can do the same to the pap...stop the pap from abusing what belongs to Singaporeans!
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