An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
SINGAPORE: There were 23,805 citizen marriages last year, making it the second-highest “in more than a decade”, said Senior Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Josephine Teo on Saturday (Feb 13).
In her blogpost, Mrs Teo said the number was slightly lower than in 2014. There were 24,000 marriages that involved at least one Singaporean in that year, according to statistics from the National Population and Talent Division (NPTD).
“My congratulations to each and every couple! I hope that they have a happy and fulfilling marriage,” she wrote.
The Senior Minister of State, who helps oversee the NPTD, cited three highly successful marriages, including the late founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his wife, saying that they are all characterised by “steadfast loyalty, commitment and devotion”.
“A fairy-tale wedding is nice, but it certainly does not guarantee a lasting marriage. Neither is it necessary,” Mrs Teo wrote.
She also said finding love and entering a marriage starts with “making time to find someone to build a relationship and to share your life with”.
She recounted her meeting with two groups of tertiary students last month to hear their dating experiences and challenges. One female student commented that there was no harm in being proactive so that “we can give fate a chance to work its magic”, Mrs Teo said, quoting the student.
“What about those of you who are single? Have you reached out to find that special someone? Remember, you need to be proactive – to give fate a chance to work its magic,” she suggested.
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