An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
(i) One party rule has gone on for too long. Its time for SG to catch up with the times.
(ii) PAP has become incomptent, ineffective and there have been too many screw ups ranging from housing defects to train breakdowns
(ii) PAP wants to play dirty using by exploiting the grassroots organizations and the mass media to work against the people and the opposition in particular. Time to send a clear message that such tactics cannot be tolerated anymore.
(iv) Continued use of lawsuits, IMH detention, shows PAP has not changed. Even LKY did not jail a 17yo boy, as horrible a person and awful leader to our country as he already was in his time.
(v) Its time to let a plurality of ideas and opinion flourish and not have everything dictated by one party. Related to point (i)
(vi) Need to send a clear message again that Singaporeans remain extremely pissed over foreigners and crumbling infrastructure. Related to point (ii)
(vii) Arrogant, condenscending and obnoxious pricks who only know how to shed crocodile tears and give empty apologies come election time don't deserve anyone's vote
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