An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has just released a survey result today claiming that the level of satisfaction with healthcare institutions are the best ever in 2014 since 2004.
Screenshot of MOH report
Screenshot of MOH report
However, there is no mention of survey sample size, survey questions asked and survey profiles. The MOH report has only shown statistics only in percentage and simple diagrams.
You may read the rest of MOH’s report here.
In 2014, there was a hospital bed crunch and patients had to be hospitalized in make-shift tents. The hospital bed crunch is a result of the disparity between the increasing Singapore population and the number of public healthcare facilities. The Singapore Government has been on a population drive and intend to grow the current population to a further 6.9 million according to its published White Paper.
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