An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Wayne Allyn Root hosted and appeared on the biggest tv and radio news networks like FOX News Channel, FOX Business Network, CNBC, Glenn Beck....etc...... he is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee............he said.......
''According to Obama, we were Columbia University classmates, both Pre Law and Political Science majors in ’83. I also ran against Obama in 2008 on the Libertarian Party Presidential ticket.
I returned from my 30th Columbia University reunion with ex-classmates except Barack Obama. I couldn't find any classmates who knew him. Obama is “the Ghost of Columbia University”. He may have registered and graduated from Columbia, but he was rarely if ever seen.
Obama had skeletal proof that he was there (one photo, one roommate, one professor, one friend)…but never seen in a class, never on anyone’s radar screen, almost invisible. Obama’s college records are sealed yet he never had a problem ripping open sealed records of his political opponents. Every step of his career Obama has beaten his opponents by having sealed documents publicly exposed by anonymous sources. But Obama's records are never leaked.
Did he attend Columbia as a foreign student? The only photo of Obama from Columbia was in his off-campus apartment with a Pakistani room-mate. If you’re a foreign student, you live in housing off-campus with other foreign students.
Professor Henry Graff, the legendary and most honored professor ever at Columbia University is emphatic that there are no Obama footprints at Columbia. Graff answered questions from students about Obama at Columbia. Graff said, “I have my doubts he ever went here.”
Graff said, “I taught at Columbia for 46 years. I taught every significant American politician that ever studied at Columbia. Between American History and Diplomatic History, they all had to come through my classes. Not Obama. I never had a student with that name in and I never met him, never saw him, never heard of him.”
Even more importantly, Professor Graff knew the other history and political science professors. “None of the other Columbia professors knew him either” said Graff.
A promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's literary agency, Acton & Dystel, touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."
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