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The Diary Of Av Actor
Got this thru some website..it really show the other side of japan AV than we thought..those AV actress look glory but behind they had their hard time too..some of them become sex toy and been gang-rape by japanese gangster,some actress are 性冷感..Just share ,dunno brothers here read this before or not
今天是投身av界的第一天,經理人安排了一部大製作給我。 當然以我的年資,是絕對不會與女主角激戰三十分鐘。 我的工作只是自慰和射精。 甚麼? 若果你有看過佐籐江梨花的七十七人斬,你就知道我的工作真的只是自慰和射精。 對新手來說,這是最簡單不過的工作。 到了片場,大明星佐籐坐在她專屬的休息室,而一眾男優則堆在一起,閒話家常。我只是站在一旁,一來自幼生性 怕羞,二來心情緊張,加上人生路不熟,所以甚麼話也沒有說過。 導演簡介了我們那埸戲的流程:毎人獲發一個編號,然後順序1234地出來,向佐籐的臉射精,每人在鏡頭前有 三十秒的時間射精。 我獲發了34號,我一直在想:「跟住第三十三個,然後三十秒內射精,很簡單,很簡單..... .」 「Camera!」 開始了!佐籐坐在那塾上,一個又一個男優向著她射精。 場外的提示牌一直在轉, ...17,18,19,20... 「跟住第三十三個,然後三十秒內射精...」 ...29,30,31... 「跟住第三十三個,然後三十秒內射精...」 ...33,34...34! 到我了,我提着小弟弟走到佐籐面前,右手不斷上下地套弄着。 我看着佐籐,回想起年頭我才在家裏看她的片,現在竟然當着她的臉自慰,其間又勾起了這些日子的苦況,一路想 ,一路想... 然後,過了三十秒,我甚麼也射不出來。 又於導演要營造出一個緊接一個射精的埸面,過了三十秒下一個就要上來, 錯過了三十秒,你不能甚麼也不做就轉身走人, 也不能靠剪接剪走你,唯有重拍一次。 由於無人想過男優射不出精,導演喊停的時候,全埸鴉雀無聲, 然後被精液弄得開不了眼的佐籐憤怒地說了一句: 「精都射唔出,學咩人做男人!」 這下我崩潰了。 世上有什麼羞辱得過自己最引以為傲的技能被人評爲垃圾? 射精?我十二歲就學懂了,然後每星期也反覆練習,弄得出神入化, 三十秒射精根本算不上什麼。 可惜我就是射不了。 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
他拍了拍我,對我說了幾句安慰的說話,然後叫我回家好好休息。 我換了衣服,坐在片場外的小食部,一直回想剛才的事情,又想起我在此圈的前途 ... 「你就是剛才的那個男優?」 一把聲音把我拉回現實世界。 「你就是剛才的那個男優?」穿著浴袍的佐籐向我問道。 「是。」 「剛才語氣重了多少,對不起。」 話雖如此,她向來高傲的面孔絲毫沒有半點歉意。 「不要緊。」 「不用怕,朱古力波第一天拍片時, 也是甚麼也做不出來。」 說罷,向我拋了一罐汽水。 「當是請你喝的,加油吧。」 她的面孔依舊沒有表情。 這段對話多少有點使我重拾自信,經理人亦安排了第二天的工作, 我想我會堅持下去。 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Interesting. Upz u!
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
作為新手,動作戲還不到我份兒,這天經理人安排了我參加「口交大會」。 就是那種找一大堆女優來比賽口技,最快令男優射精就勝出的片子。 今次我的對手是星野明。 「找個技術好的,要你快點射出來,哈哈哈!」經理人語帶譏諷地說。 星野明的片子我看過不少,技術好不在話下,最要命的是那雪白無比的肌膚配合着妖豔非常的眼神,這次我很有信 心很快就射出來。 到了片埸,這次工作人員開始認識我了。 互相打招呼後,他們對我說「好好加油!要射出來哦!」 放心吧。 依舊導演會簡介流程: 星野替兩名演員口交, 替第一位男優口交時不能用手套弄, 第二位可以。 我是第二位。 在等待拍攝的途中,星野坐在休息室觀看其他女優的戰蹟, 有的總共用了十七分鐘,她便取笑 「這麼慢倒不如引退吧!」 我也一起觀看着,現在榜上的第一名是佐籐,用了九分鐘。 正當我暗暗稱奇時, 星野站了起來,在我耳邊輕輕說了一句, 「我五分鐘就能讓你射。」 下戰書是吧? 「試試看吧。」 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
seldom see chinese de.. camping here..
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
interesting , camping for more
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
第一位男優進入鏡頭,星野開始替他口交。 除褲,啜一下龜頭,然後整個放入口, 再不斷前後套弄,期間不時發出呻吟聲和含情脈脈地望着男優。 這些動作在電腦看了百多次,還不夠現埸的震撼。 片場特意掛了一個大鐘,以鼓勵女優努力口交,男優對抗早洩。 可惜第一位男優在分針移動了一下後就射了。 星野一邊撥開精液,一邊對着鏡頭說:「太快了吧~」。 到我了。 去片場前還懷著享受的心情,現在則是背負著男人的尊嚴而戰! 星野重覆了那些動作,這次舌頭更加靈活快捷,不停地在龜頭打圈。 「一定要撐過五分鐘!」我心想。 舌頭離開了龜頭,向枝幹前進,又下去了袋底,不停遊走。 「一定要撐過五分鐘!」 這次她可以用手,結果使出了手在上面套弄,口在下面遊走的經典招數。 這招實在經典,我想再過三十秒便要射。 我看一看鐘,才過了三分鐘。 「要射吧?」 在等待享受著射精的一剎間,我看見了佐籐。 她也看見了我,用食指曲了一曲,形成9字。 「9?」 「九分鐘?」我看着鐘的方向,再回望她, 她點點頭。 在與她隔空對話的過程,我射精的感覺失去了, 小弟弟也開始習慣星野的招數。 自此我便越吸越耐力,星野的速度也逐漸慢下來, 不時用手輕壓下巴。 正當大鐘踏向十五分鐘的時候, 星野突然起身,走向導演說不拍了。 十七分鐘便要引退,換着我也會發點小脾氣,擺些架子。 她說今天不再狀態,要換一個快一點的男優,不然就不拍了。 星野是名牌女優,失去了她便賣少很多片子,導演便對我說: 「走吧,星野要求換角。」 這時佐籐走來對導演說: 「一是她走,要換角就我走。」 兩位名牌女優,爲我起爭執? 想得美了,只是為了自己的臉子。 十五分鐘絕對可以成為女優間的經典笑話, 尤其是星野這種霸道女優。 最後我換了另一名不知名女優, 人很好,樣很醜,技術差。 ;星野也換了另一名男優, 結果更慢了,十六分鐘。 佐籐笑不攏嘴,星野無奈接受。 從中作梗?天知道。 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Glad some bro like it..later on it got more action with AV actress that we really familiar with,like kaeda,mihiro,麻美...
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Today is my first day i entered into the AV industry, my manager has arranged a major production for me. Based on my income, it is almost impossible for me to fuck the main actress for the whole 30 minutes. My role is just to masturbate and ejuaculate. You do not understand? If you ever seen a Sato Erika being bukakke by 70 man, you will understand my role is just purely masturabate and ejaculate on the actress. That is the most easy role for newbies like me. At the production scene, the main actress is resting at her designated room. And a bunch of man just gathered at one corner, chatting anything under the sun. I stood at one corner, keeping quiet as afterall i am pretty shy and i do not know anyone. The director briefly go through the whole sequence. Everyone was given a number and asked to queue up in ascending order to ejaculate on the actress's face. Everyone was only given 30 second to complete the deed. And i am given no. 34. In my mind i am thinking, just follow the one in front of me and masturbate and shoot within 30 seconds should be very easy. [camera!] Starto! the erika is sitting on the couch, one after another went onto her face and ejaculated. And outside the scene the queue is moving. ....17,18,19,20.... (just follow the one in front, masturbate and shoot within 30 secs) ....29,30,31.... (just follow the one in front, masturbate and shoot within 30 secs) ....33,34...34!! Is my turn, I walked towards... hold on to my 2ic and my hand non stop stroking it. Looking at her face, my mind couldn't help by keep thinking half a year ago, I was viewing her AV and now I am right in front of her masturbating and going shooting my cum on her, with that i also thought of many unhappy moments and this went on and on. The time is up ! And i could not even shoot. As the director wanted to film a non stop cumming series, anyone who failed will be quickly replaced by the next one. If u missed your 30 secs. You cant do nothing and walk away, neither you can depend on video editing. The only solution is to reshoot the whole film again. No one has ever thought that male actor would failed in ejaculating, when the director shouted STOP! The whole studio and crew were shocked. And Erika whose face is covered with thick semen shouted at me angrily! [Can't even cum, how to be a MAn!] I was desvastated. At that point of time is the most embarassing moment in my life when cumming should be man's most proud of. But I am being mocked for not able to do it, when I already know how to do it when i was 20 years old, and i practised it almost every week. 30 secs to cum is actually nothing to me. But in the end i just could not cum. |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
thanks for translating
too many small chinese words... too late in the nite and too much chinese to digest
Fashion fades, only style remains the same. ~Coco Chanel <3 |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
thank bro nobody for translation
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
Thanks for sharing
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
The translation helps....otherwise nobody is gonna read it.
An interesting thread...never mind if it is true or fiction. Keep it cumming!!! |
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
nice thread! sorry but my chinese no good. hehe
Re: The Diary Of Av Actor
This is a wonderful thread. It is definitely like reading the diary of an AV actor. Some of the scenes are so funny.
Can understand the stress both male and female AVs go through in order to earn the money. Imagine having a rough partner or a whole bunch of men or women staring at you while you sex away. Sure is uncomfortable for some, not to mention newbies. |
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