Thanks to Rainman for the info. Will try out these few places and will post FR.
Thanks also to ah_john for the extra info on local Indonesian gals. Yes, I do have a fetish now for China gals, but I might still try out your recommendations.
Thank you and cheers.
you can also go to Malioboro hotel at hayam wuruk street, there's a lot of high class girls, only Rp 850k (about S$100)
Most dancers are bonkerable, the going rate is 1.3million and the girl may ask you to buy them the LD which cost Rups 50k each. Some girls have the audacity to ask for 30 drinks. If you do your maths properly, after totalling the bill, it may cost you something like 2.8 juta.
I told off one of the dancers whom I took a fancy after she asked for 30 glasses of LD. I said she is more expensive than the models at Malioboro which cost only 2.25juta
Hi bro, ya I guess they should be bonkerable but their price tag should be very maha so I don't even bother to ask. Anyway, personal feel is that Sands spa is still better. Currently in Balikpapan now for 2 days and back to Jkt on Sat. I saw there is a My Place Spa near my hotel, maybe will go there tomorrow after my meeting
Member Of OSF
Member Of TNN Club
Sometimes the most UGLYEST person is yourself can you deal with it?
Hi Bro,
Couldnt agree more with your thoughts Classic has always been my regular bonking joint. Its value for $$ and occasionally u could find gems within... and most of the time service is always there.
-2nd floor. Terminal classic.
-5th floor. Terminal 2. Both 2nd floor and 5th floor have the same concepts. You pay the mamasan on the spot once you confirm the deal.
My total damage was Rupiah 400K (for the threesome), plus 55K (for the drinks with girls in the room).
Funny, I thot they go by a Card number system. My last visit, I was issued a number card strapped to my wrist. At the end of my visit, I had to pay at the Cashier with the number card (which records all your spending - including bonking any chicks). After payment, the cashier will issue you a card. You exit showing the card which will be collected by the security.
For bonking the girls u pay directly to the mummy. As for the tag is for tracking ur expenses in the club and u pay at the counter before they give u a card to leave.
wow classic seems like fun..i will be going to jakarta and staying at mangga besar..certainly gonna stop by damage for threesome is only 400k with 50k LD
Hi bro, ya I guess they should be bonkerable but their price tag should be very maha so I don't even bother to ask. Anyway, personal feel is that Sands spa is still better. Currently in Balikpapan now for 2 days and back to Jkt on Sat. I saw there is a My Place Spa near my hotel, maybe will go there tomorrow after my meeting
Good choice, MY Place, Spa has a couple of branches.
For bonking the girls u pay directly to the mummy. As for the tag is for tracking ur expenses in the club and u pay at the counter before they give u a card to leave.
Hi bro, ya I guess they should be bonkerable but their price tag should be very maha so I don't even bother to ask. Anyway, personal feel is that Sands spa is still better. Currently in Balikpapan now for 2 days and back to Jkt on Sat. I saw there is a My Place Spa near my hotel, maybe will go there tomorrow after my meeting
If you are near my place, perhaps we can meet and cheong together.
Again I'm repeating this for the sake of safety & to avoid being conned by this con artist@ aakumu/teteku/long dick/adver & God knows what other clone nicks;
I'm so glad you pointed out to me & all forumers that you're were previously on Moderation! Guys you decide whom you wish to believe ??? Con Man with previously negative (xxx) points or Seniors with many years on the forum, well respected & above all +++ points! It shows who you should trust & whom you shouldn't!!! The Mods are doing thier job to protect the forum from such con man & let's keep it safe! I agree that the choice is yours to partake or to avoid but do think twice becoz your action may result in not only lost of hard earned $ from being conned to not only pay above market prices based on past FRs but more importantly would you trust your safety to a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum??? I definatly WONT!
Originally Posted by klguylate30s
LOL now he admits after being caught~!
A word of caution if you noticed by now this is a thread started by aakumu to promote an agent which i believe it's him personally based on the manner of his/agent/clone's posting & several mistakes including postings @ whereby he forgotten he's using aakumu nick and made a mistake & posted this & since he's under moderation for his many errors he tried to do some whitewashing by coming back with the following post @ . He is a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum!!!
Be very cautious when reading postings or recommendations from this thread as it could be him/his clones (proven @ ) only to promote his fake services & be WARNED guys just imagine if you take his tour & he doesn't like your face = you may end up in BIG TROUBLE instead of being assisted! I WOULD STAY AWAY FROM THIS CON MAN SERVICES! Please read the links to judge what kind of a pretender he is! Please feel free to contact seniors with reputable points for verification instead of those with immense negative points!
The constant postings by me is because he has issued physical threats to the other tour agent even though he wasn't involved in this as a few seniors started questioning him as to why he posted a FR which was copied & edited & posted as his own! Reference of a senior who caught his mistake @ Please visit the other Jakarta thread for a non commercial@ & you may save yourself from being cheated & abused physically by this conman if he doesn't like you! I will continue to protect innocent fellow SBF members from this dangerous person!
Classic hotel have six floors of fun.
Basement have a spa. Where you choose girls locals and imported girls.
Ground floor have girls at the lounge where they play live music.
Second floor there terminal, lots of girls and also have live band.
Third floor have normal MTV with local and prc girls.
Fourth floor ktv all in, the girls you choose will have sex with in the room.
Fifth floor is terminal 5 similar to the second floor, but the second floor has a bit more girls.
Good afternoon all, just woke up from my late night yesterday. Thank you to a senior cheongster for showing me around Mangga Besar and showing what good food I can find over there. Lastly, want to thank him for bringing me a green horn who never been to CJ there. I was really an eye opener for me. Didn't know that place is so happening (crowd, live band and waitieress)
My mind is still will the girl I dance with yesterday hahahahah.
Member Of OSF
Member Of TNN Club
Sometimes the most UGLYEST person is yourself can you deal with it?
Did some research seems like Classic offers two gals for the price of Rp400K...
__________________ Shake Rattle And Roll!!!
Apologies to anyone who have already upped me and I did not return favor, please pm to let me know as I don't usually check rep pts.