Originally Posted by chinchai
Had just completed reading all your posting. Fantastic stories, well written! I must say you 没有白活. A man of your success and still have time for all this write out really 不简单. Keep up the good work... some of the junior can really pick up a tips or 2.
Not so sure of your guide line..... We all know that girls that make a living in 夜场 are hoping to make quick and easy $$. if others do not have your 条件 how can they get to bed the gals? Especially if they are not good looking or young.
Bro, I beg to differ from what you said. Let's assume that TS is really successful in his career, if he knows how to delegate the authority to his men, he can be rather free most of the time, if not all. Hence, his frequency of updates is one of the fastest the forum.
You need not be good looking or young to bed the ktv girls. They are not your regular xiao meimei in clubbing that are looking for cute guys. To bed a ktv girl by spending money is almost close to being a 'given'. The difference is only in terms of the amount of money and a little supposedly 'chemistry' they will tell you to make you feel romantic. Mind you, having money and wanting to spend money to bed a ktv girl are two separate matters altogether.