Have rtm this girl many times, did review before and wanted to do a follow up review.
Looks 8.5/10 syt pretty and cute with long hair. Those who never visit her before dont know what u have missed.
Body: 8.5/10 slim and firm b natural boobs. Nice to hug. Youthful body and those pair of slim legs, i not sure if i had seen better ones (maybe ting zi and xiao bao but xln legs really slim).
Massage: 7/10 tried a few times and i think she did improve in terms of technique and strength. Not her best service to offer but she tries.
Sensual: 8.5/10 personally enjoy this. Who doesnt like a syt beside u performing hj. Gentle voice and hands makes you cum in no time.
Overall: 8.5/10 like her personality. Cute and friendly, always smiling. Full one hour service everytime. Can chat well too but YMMV.
Pure vanilla with no additional service with limited roaming. Rtm so many times coz she is really cuteness overload for me and cannot resist the temptations to return for more sessions.
Personal ranking must try among recent visits (all are pretty vanilla babes. Not a fair ranking since i never visit a lot of others yet.
1. Xln - 8.5
2. Xiaobao - 8.4
3. Ting zi - 8.3
4. Xiao xi - 8
5. Tutu - 8
6. Ek -7.8
Hope to try xiao han and some other pretty ones in the future.
Anyway saw the price of a HJ now hit record high!
$150 was wow. Till I saw another $160.
Originally Posted by kombust
for this pricing, high chance is FL.
Very accurate observation bro. The last few years have been like this. When hj rates are super high, usually means they are FLs who are setting a trap for easy silly Roberts to upsell to their fj rates or higher. And by the looks of things, there are many generous Roberts and easy targets for them to employ this ruse.
Originally Posted by anime83
fl $300 tt....
There you go. Case in point. Actually seen her FL ad in TT for quite a while now. I guess she realised coming to slg has even more opportunities because punters here are more than happy to part with their money.
Though I only visited her twice when she first came a few years ago, I remembered Mango to be gentle, reserved, and very feminine. I really can't imagine her to have a SM side lol.
Though I only visited her twice when she first came a few years ago, I remembered Mango to be gentle, reserved, and very feminine. I really can't imagine her to have a SM side lol.
Can go recce lol?I have good memories of her but I dunno how is she now.