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If you want enjoying and refreshing in Jakarta..expecially having fun to the massage place & having fun with a beautifull girls... just PM me, i will be guide you with a hokkian and english language which I can speak..
When you arrived in jakarta, I can pick up you on soekarno-hatta Airport I will be guide you to many places for massage girls & many Prostitute high Class girls |
Re: Jakarta Info
Hi bro,
You could check with the senior here, and if you are in J-Town, you could check with the mamasans. A good source is bro Qibye, he could tell you if the cops are doing raids for the last two to weeks or so. I was at Travel and the girls were a bit jump....y, was there with a friend, he say that the girls wanted to quickly clean up after finish, as they are afraid if there were to be a raid, they do not want to be in a room, they rather be at the sofa; made sense to me. I personally was there when they raided Marliboro, so I can say from first hand that the cops are really doing hard core raids. Please do be careful. My humble two cents. |
Re: Jakarta's trip
Hi bro,
Police trace syndicates supplying sex industry The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Sat, 09/01/2007 2:00 PM | Jakarta The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Jakarta Police chief Insp. Gen. Adang Firman on Friday said police would crack down on the organized syndicates that are trafficking women from overseas to work in the sex industry here. The two-star police general said intelligence officers had begun investigating reports of the trafficking of women from mainland China to Indonesia. ""I cannot say what we are doing precisely. But we're trying to analyze and understand this matter,"" Adang said. Adang's statement came only a day after a pimp, Cheung Kin Chiu, alias Valen, reported to the city police that one of his ""girls"", a Chinese sex worker, had been ""kidnapped"". Valen told police on Thursday that two Chinese nationals were holding the woman against her will in an apartment in Sunter, North Jakarta. According to the report, the two men -- Wo Chun Hua, 35, and Wu Giung Ming, 34 -- booked the sex worker, Yen Wung Lan, 23, on Tuesday night. Yen was employed at a karaoke lounge in Penjaringan, North Jakarta. From the lounge, the three went to the Sunter apartment. Hua and Ming reportedly locked Yen in a room and on Wednesday one of the men phoned Valen, demanding Rp 10 million (US$1,063) ransom if he wanted to see her again unharmed. After receiving Valen's report Thursday morning, police raided the apartment. The two men attempted to flee. Police shot Hua in the leg, while Ming suffered concussion after jumping from the fourth floor to the second. Both suspects are being detained at city police headquarters for questioning. Comr. Jarius Saragih of the city police's general crimes division said as of Friday detectives had been unable to question the suspects due to the language barrier. ""Neither of them can speak Indonesian,"" Jarius said. ""We're still waiting for a translator."" Valen has yet to be questioned in connection with the women trafficking rings. Kota in West Jakarta is known for its night spots characterized by female sex work. Most of the women offer services through their pimps for more than Rp 1.5 million. Kompas daily said in its December edition that Jakarta had hundreds of sex workers who came from abroad. Many of the women come from mainland China and East European or Central Asia countries, such as Russia and Uzbekistan, the daily reported. In December, police arrested 44 female sex workers who came from mainland China and a number of male Indian and African sex workers. My humble two cents. |
Re: Jakarta's trip
About the new anti-pornography law, see this Porn law threatens traditions
Happy Bataming This is the same Batam Man, don't know why, I can't log in with my old account anymore...??! |
Re: Jakarta's trip
Hi bro,
Kompas.com Sabtu, 6 Desember 2008 | 08:37 WIB JAKARTA, SABTU — Polisi kembali mengamankan 75 perempuan yang diperdagangkan sebagai wanita penghibur, Kamis (4/12) malam. Mereka diamankan dari empat tempat hiburan malam di Jakarta. Dalam operasi bersandi ”Bunga” tersebut, delapan orang ditetapkan sebagai tersangka. Mereka adalah pengelola jaringan dan agen wanita. Dalam sebuah operasi di sebuah tempat hiburan spa di kawasan Cafe Grand Wijaya, Jakarta Selatan, polisi mengamankan 31 perempuan pemijat ”plus-plus”. Operasi dilanjutkan ke sebuah hotel spa di kawasan Jalan KH Samanhudi, Krekot, Pasar Baru, Jakarta Pusat, lalu bergerak ke sebuah hotel spa di mulut Jalan Gajah Mada, Jakpus. Menurut Kepala Satuan Remaja Anak-anak dan Wanita, Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Umum Polda Metro Jaya, Ajun Komisaris Besar Agustinus Pangaribuan, Jumat kemarin, dari kedua hotel berfasilitas ruang pijat ini, polisi mengamankan 44 perempuan yang terdiri dari 15 perempuan warga negara China dan 29 perempuan Indonesia. Operasi Bunga dilanjutkan ke beberapa panti pijat di kawasan Kebon Jeruk, Mangga Besar, Jakarta Barat. Dalam operasi itu, polisi mengamankan 10 wanita pemijat ”plus-plus”. Direktur Kriminal Umum Polda Metro Komisaris Besar Muhammad Iriawan mengatakan, selama sepekan menggelar Operasi Bunga, polisi telah mengamankan 148 pemijat ”plus-plus”, termasuk yang diamankan Kamis malam kemarin. Dari jumlah tersebut, 39 perempuan berasal dari China, Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, Mongol, serta dari beberapa negara Eropa Timur. Translated roughly, JAKARTA, SATURDAY - Police re-secure the 75 women who traded as a woman entertainer, Thursday (4 / 12) night. They safekeeping of the four nightspots in Jakarta. In the operation bersandi "Flower", the eight people defined as a suspect. They are the network managers and agents of women. In an operation in a place of entertainment in the spa area of the Grand Cafe Wijaya, South Jakarta, police secure the 31 women pemijat "plus-plus". Operations resumed to a spa hotel in Jalan KH Samanhudi, Krekot, Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta, and then move to a spa hotel in Jalan Gajah Mada mouth, Jakpus. According to the Head of Youth Unit of Children and Women, the General Directorate of Criminal detective Polda Metro Jaya, Commissioner of the purpose of Agustinus Pangaribuan, Friday, the second from the hotel berfasilitas massage room, the police secure the 44 women, which consists of 15 female Chinese citizens and 29 women Indonesia. Interest resumed operations to several massage parlors in the area of Kebon Jeruk, Mangga Besar, West Jakarta. In the operation, the police secure the 10 women pemijat "plus-plus". General Director of Criminal Polda Metro Commissioner of Muhammad Iriawan said, over the period to run the operation Flowers, the police have to secure 148 pemijat "plus-plus", including the safekeeping Thursday night yesterday. Of these, 39 women came from China, Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, Mongol, and several countries from Eastern Europe. My humble two cents. |
Re: Jakarta's trip
Hi bro,
Kompas.com Jumat, 15 Agustus 2008 | 10:15 WIB JAKARTA, JUMAT — Puluhan anak baru gede (ABG) yang dipekerjakan sebagai pemijat plus gembira ketika polisi membebaskan mereka dari sebuah hotel dan panti spa di Kompleks Niaga Latumeten, Jalan Latumeten, Jelambar, Jakarta Barat, Kamis (14/8) siang. Para ABG tersebut rata-rata terjebak tawaran bekerja di Ibu Kota dengan gaji besar. "Saya sangat bersyukur dengan digerebeknya hotel ini. Akhirnya kami bisa pergi dari sini," ujar LT (16), gadis asal Batam, sesaat setelah keluar dari tempat penampungan. Dia mengaku sudah satu bulan disekap di hotel tersebut. "Selama satu bulan itu kami dilatih memijat dan melayani tamu," katanya. Menurut LT, pengelola hotel tersebut menyatakan, LT dan puluhan ABG lainnya akan dijadikan pemijat plus. Ketika polisi menggerebek tempat penampungan itu, LT dan puluhan ABG senasib yang berusia 15-17 tahun berteriak histeris dan mengucap syukur. Mereka juga gembira karena bisa lepas dari perlakuan kejam pengelola hotel dan spa tersebut. Selama di penampungan, kata LT, pengelola hotel melarangnya berhubungan dengan dunia luar. "Barang-barang saya semuanya disita, termasuk telepon genggam yang saya bawa dari rumah," ungkapnya. Menurut LT, pengelola maupun penjaga hotel dan spa kerap berlaku kasar. "Kami tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa karena takut dengan para penjaganya," ujarnya. DW (16), rekan LT, mengaku bahagia karena bebas. "Saya tak bisa berkata apa-apa. Saya senang sekali dengan penggerebekan ini," kata warga Tangerang itu. DW mengaku terjebak di hotel tersebut. Sekitar lima bulan lalu, kata DW, dirinya ditawari pekerjaan di sebuah restoran di Jakarta dengan gaji cukup besar. Tawaran itu datang dari pengurus sebuah yayasan penyalur pembantu di dekat rumahnya di Tangerang. Karena tertarik, DW minta uang kepada orangtuanya untuk membayar biaya administrasi di yayasan. Sesampai di Jakarta, DW dibawa ke hotel dan spa di Jalan Latumeten itu dan dipaksa jadi pemijat plus. "Saya pernah mencoba kabur tapi tidak bisa," tuturnya. Sebelum diterjunkan sebagai pemijat plus, para pendatang baru seperti LT lebih dulu mengikuti pelatihan memijat. Lima bulan kemudian, mereka diminta melayani pria hidung belang. Dirampas Para wanita pemijat itu tidak mendapat gaji. Menurut RN, salah satu pemijat, uang yang ia miliki merupakan uang tip dari tamu. "Tapi, kadang-kadang uang yang kami dapat dari tamu juga dirampas," tuturnya. Dia menambahkan, pengelola hotel menyediakan makan dan tempat tinggal serta memenuh kebutuhan harian para wanita pemijat seperti dirinya. Praktik penyekapan puluhan ABG tersebut diketahui ketika polisi menerima laporan seorang warga luar Jakarta yang tak bisa membawa anaknya keluar dari hotel itu. Awalnya, orangtua si ABG itu datang untuk mengunjungi anaknya. Dia kaget karena anaknya dijadikan pekerja seks komersial berkedok pemijat. Dia lantas meminta anaknya pulang. Namun, pengelola hotel tidak mengizinkan ABG itu keluar kecuali orangtuanya menebus dengan uang belasan juta rupiah. "Dari laporan itu, kami lantas melakukan penyelidikan. Setelah memperoleh petunjuk adanya penyekapan dan kegiatan pelacuran anak-anak di bawah umur kami menggerebek hotel tersebut," kata Kanit Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak Polrestro Jakarta Barat AKP Sri Lestari kemarin. Sri yang memimpin penggerebekan itu menyatakan, petugas mendapati 37 ABG yang dijadikan PSK, dengan perincian, antara lain 22 gadis berusia di bawah 17 tahun dan 13 gadis berusia 15 tahun. Sri menambahkan, pihaknya juga menangkap tiga orang dewasa yang diduga sebagai muncikari. Sementara itu, pemilik hotel dan spa tersebut hingga semalam belum diketahui keberadaannya. Menurut Sri, polisi akan memburu pemilik hotel. "Sudah terbukti ada tempat penampungan gadis di bawah umur di tempat usahanya," ujarnya. Translated roughly, JAKARTA, FRIDAY - Dozens of children around the new (awesome party just) employed as pemijat plus delighted when the police deliver them from a hotel and spa in orphanages Commerce Latumeten Complex, Jalan Latumeten, Jelambar, West Jakarta, on Thursday (14 / 8) afternoon. The awesome party just the average bid stuck working in the capital city with a large salary. "I am very grateful digerebeknya with this hotel. Finally, we can go from here," said LT (16), girls origin of Batam, shortly after the exit from the shelter. He has admitted one month at the hotel. "During one month we trained massage and serve guests," he said. According to LT, the hotel manager said, LT and tens awesome party just the other will be pemijat plus. When police arousing shelter, the LT and tens awesome party just the same boat aged 15-17 years and hysterical, yelling thanks. They are also happy because some of the treatment and management of the hotel spa is. During the gathering, said the LT, the hotel manager melarangnya associated with the outside world. "The goods be my all, including mobile phone that I bring from home," he said. According to LT, the manager and guard the hotel and spa is often abused. "We can not do anything for fear of the guardian," he said. DW (16), LT colleagues, admitted happy because free. "I can not say anything. I'm happy with penggerebekan this," said the resident of Tangerang. DW admitted trapped in the hotel. Around five months ago, said DW, offered him a job at a restaurant in Jakarta with a salary large enough. Bids came from a foundation dealer managers in the near his house in Tangerang. Because interested, DW requested money to the parents to pay for the cost of administration in the foundation. Ahahah plus if in Jakarta, DW brought to the hotel and spa on the road and forced the Latumeten so pemijat plus. "I had tried to blur but I can not," he said. Before diterjunkan as pemijat plus, the newcomers such as LT first massage training. Five months later, they are asked to serve men masher. Seized Pemijat that women do not get salaries. According to the RN, one of pemijat, money that he have a money tip from the delegates. "But, sometimes the money we can from the delegates also seized," he said. He added, the hotel manager to provide food and shelter and daily needs memenuh women pemijat such as himself. Practices penyekapan tens awesome party just know when the police received a report outside Jakarta that can not bring their children out of the hotel. Initially, parents of the awesome party just came to visit her son. He was upset because her son to be commercial sex workers wear a mask pemijat. He then asks her son to return home. However, the hotel manager awesome party just does not allow it out unless parents compensate with money dozen million rupiah. "From the report, then we do the investigations. After the instructions of penyekapan activities and prostitution of children under the age of arousing our hotel," said Kanit Protection of Women and Children Polrestro West Jakarta PPA Sri Lestari yesterday. Sri lead penggerebekan the state, officials found that 37 awesome party just as the PSK, with the details, including 22 girls aged under 17 years old and 13 girls aged 15 years. Sri add, the arrest of three adults suspected as a matchmaker. Meanwhile, the owner of the hotel and spa is not up to the night unknown. According to Sri, the police will pursue the owner of the hotel. "A shelter under-age girls in the business," he said. (Warta Kota / toast) My humble two cents. |
Re: Jakarta's trip
Hi bro,
Kompas.com JAKARTA, JUMAT — Polda Metro Jaya kembali mengamankan 17 orang korban trafficking yang dipekerjakan sebagai karyawan spa plus-plus. Mereka terdiri atas lima warga negara asing (WNA) dan 12 warga negara Indonesia (WNI) di Malioboro Hotel dan Spa di Jalan Gajah Mada, Jakarta Pusat. Dalam penggerebekan pada Kamis (4/12) malam itu polisi juga mengamankan seorang agen berinisial MDB dan langsung ditetapkan sebagai tersangka. Hingga saat ini Operasi Bunga 2008 yang dilakukan Polda Metro Jaya untuk memberangus praktik trafficking sudah mengamankan sebanyak 148 orang korban. Dengan rincian sebanyak 39 WNA dan 109 WNI. "Warga negara asing masuk ke Indonesia dengan menggunakan visa turis," ujar Kombes Muhammad Iriawan, Direktur Reserse Kriminal Polda Metro Jaya, Jumat. Para WNA itu di antaranya berasal dari China, Vietnam, Thailand, dan Mongolia. Sementara itu, jumlah tersangka yang ditahan sebanyak delapan orang yang semuanya adalah agen. Iriawan mengatakan, para korban yang diamankan dari Hotel Malioboro dipekerjakan di spa. Namun, polisi mensinyalir mereka juga dipekerjakan sebagai pekerja seks komersial terselubung. Sebelumnya, Tim Gabungan Polda Metro Jaya, Senin (1/12) tengah malam, menangkap tiga tersangka perdagangan perempuan untuk dijadikan PSK atau pemijat. Dalam operasi tersebut polisi mengamankan 80 PSK yang berasal dari enam bangsa, termasuk Indonesia. Direktur Kriminal Umum Polda Metro Jaya Komisaris Besar Muhammad Iriawan, Selasa, menjelaskan, dari sejumlah hotel yang diperiksa, polisi menangkap tiga tersangka. Mereka adalah tersangka Ferry dan I Ketut, Manajer Hotel Nikko. Dari hotel tersebut, kata Iriawan, polisi mengamankan 14 wanita Indonesia. Dari Hotel Fashion, kata Iriawan, petugas mengungkap tiga tersangka di balik praktik perdagangan wanita ini. Mereka adalah Palito, Roby, dan Ahong. Dari tempat itu polisi menangkap 20 wanita China, 2 wanita Vietnam, 1 wanita Thailand, dan 1 Mongglia. Translated roughly, JAKARTA, FRIDAY - Polda Metro Jaya re-secure the 17 victims of trafficking in persons employed as a spa employees plus-plus. They consist of five citizens of foreign countries (WNA) and 12 citizens of Indonesia (Indonesian Citizens) in Malioboro Hotel and Spa in Jalan Gajah Mada, Central Jakarta. In the on Thursday (4 / 12) night, the police also showed the agent to secure a mdb and directly determined as suspects. Until now, Operation Flower in 2008 that made Polda Metro Jaya to suppress the practice of trafficking is to secure the 148 victims. With the details of 39 WNA and 109 Indonesian Citizens. "Residents of foreign countries into Indonesia using tourist visas," said Kombes Muhammad Iriawan, Director of Criminal detective Polda Metro Jaya, Friday. The WNA is in them came from China, Vietnam, Thailand, and Mongolia. Meanwhile, the number of suspects detained as many as eight people who are agents. Iriawan said, the victims of the safekeeping of Malioboro employed in the hotel spa. However, they point the police also employed as commercial sex workers hidden. Previously, the team combined Polda Metro Jaya, Monday (1 / 12) night, capturing three suspects of trafficking in women for PSK or pemijat. In the police operation to secure 80 PSK, which comes from the six nations, including Indonesia. General Director of Criminal Polda Metro Jaya Commissioner of Muhammad Iriawan, Tuesday, explains, from a number of hotels that were checked, police arrest three suspects. They are suspects Ferry and I Ketut, Manager of Hotel Nikko. From the hotel, said Iriawan, police secure the 14 Indonesian women. Fashion from the hotel, said Iriawan, officials reveal three suspects behind the trading practices of these women. They are Palito, Roby, and deMorningSky. From where the police arrest 20 Chinese women, 2 Vietnamese women, 1 woman in Thailand, and 1 Mongglia. Indonesian My humble two cents. |
Re: Jakarta's trip
Hi bros,
Kompas had articles on Operation Bunga, reportedly to rid Jakarta's MPs of prostitution. They raided on Friday night and Saturday night, targeting high-end Kota MPs known to have both Indonesian and foreign WGs. The report said Operation Bunga will continue. Please do be careful out there bros. As I said I will post as muck info as possible, The places that have been raided and those that have not. Some of the info are from the newspaper and some are from inside sources plus 1 is from my own experience last weekend. Hope this can help your bros here. My humble two cents. |
Re: Jakarta Info
Maybe you both could help each other, one needs help and the other offering help. My humble two cents. |
Re: Jakarta Info
How have you been, bro? My regards to Indiana and Qibye too
![]() I must kow-tow to you. U still is the Grand Master. One statement from u, and 5 points are wiped out ![]() I'll be in Jakarta, probably end of the month. Hope to catch up with you, Indiana and Qibye. BTW, I read from overseas newspapers about the raid in JKT. Serious? I do not want to go vegetarian when I am in town. Drinks will be on me ![]() Have funz |
Re: Jakarta's trip
Never break 4 things in life - Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart cos when they break, they dont make noise but pains a lot.. |
Re: Jakarta's trip
well, they can draft new laws, enforcing it will be another matter all together.
such laws really just give those rouge police officers another channel for corruption. some update on my jkt trip. red square is hot. booze is reasonably priced, good fire performance, brillant music. the new red square is on the second lvl and larger floor space. many nice chicks also. some normal ladies out to have fun and some semi-pro ones. CJ - quality is getting real bad there. the pretty ones there are the normal girls who go there with friends to relax. |
Re: Jakarta's trip
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Re: Jakarta's trip
Re: Jakarta Info
Aby brothers can comfirm this news I got?
Fiscal to go up to 3 juta? from January?
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day ![]() For INCOMPLETE LIST OF MASSAGE CENTRES IN BATAM See link below http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...6580&page=1281 |
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