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Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
I have heard from locals that these pickpockets and kids from 新疆. They do have a law that protect them. Even if they do kill someone they will be release unharm. So even pickpockets they will be brought back to police station and probably release the next day. its got to do with some Act, with the unification of xinjiang to mainland, its one of the priviliges they received. Not sure whether is it rite or wrong. But bros out there just keep a look out for your wallet and bags. Another thing is I hate those kids that stuff those supposedly airlines cards with phone numbers in your face. ![]() cheers nongho |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
Best regards Superfriend |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
So Bros there do need to be careful.
但愿好运赶紧降临,笑傲江湖指日可待 ![]() |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
首先,我要解释一下,我并不是要说你对还是我错。但是我认为人在彼邦,待人处事都要以和为贵,做人要收敛一 点。作为新加坡人,感到自豪并没错,但不应该自傲。正所谓,过江龙敌不过地头蛇。 或许我的经验已过时了,我也很替你高兴,到目前为止,你的方式还有效。不过,千万要适可而止,不然物极必反 。你想一想,如果有老外在新加坡以这种态度对你的话,你能接受吗?所以,己所不欲,勿施于人。 因此,我觉得,而且我相信很多在沪的新加坡同仁也同意,既然在异乡,有时保持低调一点还是比较妥当。小心驶 得万年船,切记!切记! 我再强调一次,我并无恶意,只是说出我的意见罢了,望海涵。 ![]()
但愿好运赶紧降临,笑傲江湖指日可待 ![]() |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
No problem, Bro Tionggoklan; thanks for your kind advise. Some of my friends (from SIN) were also worried for me when I started to lecture the locals whenever they made mistakes, as they said one day I might be "blanket party" by the local Chinese since I am always so vocal and harsh...
As I said, there is no absolutely right or wrong in term of survival skills in China, anyway, I believe in educating many of the locals in China (especially in SHA when these people always think they are on top of the world because of the booming economy) that although the economy in China is red hot now, however, the behavior and civic conduct of these people are still far from acceptable in the eyes of international community... Note : I am just contributing my view as on how I survive in SHA so far, not trying to teach anyone what to do when they are working in CN. Cheers. ![]() Quote:
Best regards Superfriend |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
I was pretty cautious towards the 3 of them being the very distinctive 'Xin Jiang' look & their dressing they r in. Just as I was out from the Convenient Store, I saw the little gal trailing a 'Ang-Moh' lady, picking her purse as the Ang Moh lady both hands are occupied with a big bag...not knowing her purse is simply dangling out from her handbag! The little boy was walking beside the little gal, with the man right behind the 2 of them. I wanted very much to shout at them but there again, the thought of Xin Jiangs natives are permitted to carry weapons with them....put me off to do so. I felt really bad after watching what happened right before my eyes, wanted to do something very much yet not able to do so. Really puzzles me to why the Central Government of China are so lenient to the Xin Jiangs natives, allowing them to do so, worst still giving them the advantage of being a 'Self Governing Province' status...sigh....the mere reasons given was that the Xin Jiangs natives are cosidered as minority tribes so they are free to do anything as long they dun extinct! What a joke man....!!! So to all bros whom came recently to China, beware & just ignore it if u do see such cases occuring infront of your very eyes! Ultimately, we are foreigners here, so better be safe than sorry! Aslso, if the Central Government of China are not even bothered with such ppl, who are we to say our piece or even do something to it right? Best regards to all bros.
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man Living life simple is a true blessing ![]() 所谓性爱..就是有性才能有爱 |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
Me too shared your sentiments towards telling the locals whenever the situation permits. But there again, as the old Chinese saying goes 'the leopard will never changes its spots' (similiar)....after being here for coming 5 years, I've simply choose to keep to myself. Even the locals themselves have been telling me, dun bother to tell them or other locals what to do. Not that they chose not to improve or to learn for the better but rather they are deep into the ancient culture of 'Big Wok Rice' mentality....why be bother with anything or excel to be better as whatever or however they excel, they will still be paid the same wage every month, holding the same position. They even said to me it's been 5,000+ years of culture for them to be this way, who are we to change them??!! Most of all, look at matters at a better perspective for being here, if they are that willing to improve, to learn having positive attitude towards everything they do, will we, the overseas chinese still be needed here? We might have packed up our bags & long gone home by now if they are so well mannered, so positive in attitude right bro? Above are my 1 cents worth of opinion, very personal & individual. Hope other bros whom see matters diff from me won't flame me though...apologies. Cheers. Best regards to all,
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man Living life simple is a true blessing ![]() 所谓性爱..就是有性才能有爱 |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
Bro SGPSH69; U have hit the jackpot of the main point that shared by one of my HKG colleagues when I first arrived in SHA !
After few weeks in SHA, I was so frustrated by many silly mistakes made by my local staff, of course, most of them gotten big bashing from me. When I started sharing this unpleasant experience with my HKG peer, he told me the same thing that; if these people are so good, or as good as us, why do we have to be in China ? Why do our company needs to spend tons of money to pay expats come and manage these local people ? With that refreshing enlightening, I have changed my attitude towards my local peers... However, as I am still considered "newbie" in China as compared to many other bros in this forum, I am still very harsh and sometimes brutal and loud when making comments towards the local Chinese whenever I see something unacceptable; such as : * healthy mother carrying baby and begging for money * restaurants that do not automatically provide "public" or "common" spoon * no washing of hands after using toilet * cut queue May be I will be seasoned after a few more years..... ![]() Quote:
Best regards Superfriend |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
Indeed what your HKG peer said is very true bro! Perhaps in 5-10 more years from now, it would be the very time for us, the overseas Chinese to pack up & go bro.... So for now bro, do treasure the present situtaion & make the very best out of it! As what you mentioned on the 4 major points on scenes you couldn't simply tolerate, i.e. 'Common' larder or spoon or chopsticks for picking up idshes at a round dining table, woman carrying a baby begging for hand-outs, even worst still, begging along main roads, risking being knock down by traffic, jumping queues, etc....These scenes you mentioned herein are simply daily scenes we all encountered. These are also scenes that only in China, the present 'Big Mighty Dragon of the East' has to offered to the whole wide! All I can say & share with you on these scenes bro is only a mere word to describe it all...'Welcome to China' bro! Let's all hope that eventually our effort in 'giving' here to the China pays off....be it whether we pack & go or to stay! Cheers.
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man Living life simple is a true blessing ![]() 所谓性爱..就是有性才能有爱 |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
Dear Bro SGPSha69 and SF,
Glad to see that you are sharing your experiences on dealing with locals. I agree with what both of you have said. Over here, everyday is a learning process. I used to complain alot as well but since I cannot change it, I have to learn to accept it. These days, I mostly complain whenever the service does not meet their specified standard/quality but not against any particular individual. 对事不对人。Unless the fella is really unreasonable... Anyway, when dealing with people, respect each other is very important.Also as Big Bro always said, be humble. After all, this place is not our home. Make your life happier by not making other more miserable. Just sharing my little experience, no offence! |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
As for those beggers, can u believe that some of them are even richer than us ! No joke !!! As for the after using da toilet, really no comments ! haha... complicated people, isnt it ? haha Ahh, cuting q, nowadays i also like that, esp in bank ! yes BANK ( the cashier cant be bother, so are da people, then i might as well join in if not im always last in the Q ) !!! when waiting for taxi also, maybe u got to be tough like e locals... sadly sometimes i have to behave like a local !!! but come to think of it, it really makes me a stronger person... u have to get ur things done. I mean in china do u believe in gentlemen ? im not dishing out at the local people or da expats in PRC, as Bro SGPShanghai69 have pointed out, its da 5000 years of culture, how to change them !! Some of the middle east people I met are even more aggressive than da locals… Maybe its da way we are bought up….. hmmmm…… damn… im not being paranoid but this is China. Even thou had being station here coming to 3 years, some acts by the local people I also cannot tahan… . hahaha… Ie spitting, anyhow urine on the road sides… China is like 无奇不有 !! And im starting to love the history of China ! LOL… Well, most of da times, I just have a laugh a about it… And im kinda used to it now… Not starting a flame war but just some sharing of information in China. Well, lastly have Fun and stay chill always Brdgs China china ![]()
.The world of Commodities. U name it. They have it. |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
Actually, the chinese are very smart and fast in thinking!! oh, there's another that i encounter every now and then from the chinese, when they said 很麻烦的,不好搞, they are actually being 含蓄 !! YES 含蓄... Also, most of them will not tell us directly their meanings... We just have to guess what's their qoute's.... hmmmm....
.The world of Commodities. U name it. They have it. |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
Hi Snr Bros,
I am going to say my view at the risk of being screwed but I feel an opinion must give ( my 1 sen worth) After a short stay in China ( been here almost 5 years) I cannot but agree with all the views and comments on the people and culture of China. But how many of us can say we really understand them..in fact the locals themselves do not fully understand themselves. Actually all these situations are the same wherever we go. Back home we also have the same rude cabby , dirty/unhygienic food centres , the spitting cab drivers , urine in the lift and staircase..... etc. Just learn to live and let live lah... all here to make a living only..not change the world. Just fuck and forget lah. As for acting like some of the brothers here, it can be quite hazardous to your health , had a friend who was bundled into a car, driven to some god forsaken place and beaten the hell up , forced to withdraw cash from the ATM , stripped naked and left on the street. The triads here in China is worse than back home so just be a bit cautious. Life in China ...well it is cheap. Me humble suggestion is to lay low and try to blend in .... you will see life in a different perspective. cheers shanghian |
Hi there Shanghai bros! It's been a while.... and boy am I surprised when I logged back into this thread... GREAT STUFF!!
哥们写诗真不错, 条条有理好不过, 小弟在此鞠个躬, 请求大哥教教我。 小弟现在本无聊, 写一小段让哥看, 要是不好别介意, 指点我吧谢谢您。 Let me try.... ![]() 上海是个好地方, 苗条美女看到慌, 地方虽好陷阱多, 小心不要玩出火。 美女都有故事说, 不是租金就是祸, 说要改邪而归正, 最好有钱生意做。 有些哥们心肠好, 听了故事睡不着, 想帮美女好人做, 有日娶回当老婆。 不怪哥们心太软, 只怪美女很会算, 看到心软这一点, 能赚一点是一点。 小弟好话不会说, 有时太直又啰嗦, 只想提醒再提醒, 别知陷阱又陷进。 Just my 0.2 cents worth.. guess most bros would have already known about such things and are more than capable to "handle" such issues... I'm just getting old and naggy... hahahaha.... Your patience is very much appreciated... Cheerio~! ![]()
Boring, Lifeless, A Nostalgic Doofus |
Re: Shanghai "In Conversation" Views, News & Reviews
Bro Shengge, I fully agree with u on to learn to accept life as it is here. I have chose to be here so just have to accept the act that life's such here, be it the people or the environment! You mentioned a very important point herein, and that is being humble. We are foreigners, overseas chinese for that matter so it's only wise for us not to be too harsh or brute in manners to the locals. Politeness begets politeness...maybe some bros might say to hell with it, why show politeness to the locals??!! But I've experienced many a times that being polite to the local do get things done your way too! Take for instance at the bank counter, many friends complaint the bank tellers are very rude, yet I've tried many times to asking questions politely & in return they replied back just as nice and most of all, good service. Maybe I'm lucky but to me, the true fact is to be humble & nice. Even though the other party can be nasty, but when he/ she actually encountered the other party that is polite, nice in manners, they will eventually feel otherwise. Also, taking a cab here is quite a hassle, and a bad experience for many. Yet, till now I've encountered not more than 10 times of bad manners cab-driver hence, my coming 5 years stay here. Many atimes, the cab driver when knew that I'm from SGP, they would asked alot & say nice things as like SGP ppl are courteous & nice, well mannered, etc. and say that they, PRCs would take a long time to catch up with ppl of our well-mannered culture.....not that they are not aware of the fact that they are very 'behind times' in terms of culture & mannerism as compared to the world outside, just that it takes time to change for the better, as a cab driver said to me. He even estimated it might take another 2 generations b4 they can be better as compared to now and not comparing to the world yet. Just take a look at all major traffic junctions, needing one adult to ensure the rest of the adults crossing road like our Primary Schools kids?? They are not even close to our Primary Schools' kids attitude for the matter man! A simple knowledge of crossing the road when the traffic light shows "Green Man" is such a big task to them here to learn, so how can we expect them to do more regulated & common sense things??? Is these the 'International Metropolitan City' has to offer to the whole wide world comes 2008 Olymnpics & 2010 World Expo?! Yet being so, China still get things her way as they are huge & mass in terms of land, wealth, population and most of all, mass opportunities! I guessed end of the day, it's all about tolerance & acceptance of life, especially in such rapidly 'developing' country. As I mentioned earlier, I simply ignore whatever the locals for what they are knowing that one can't be change for who they are after so many years of 'deep & rich' culture, utilise whatever they have to offer, and get thru daily routine as it is. Just my cents worth of opinions.... Cheers to all bros..... Best regards
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man Living life simple is a true blessing ![]() 所谓性爱..就是有性才能有爱 |
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