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Old 19-05-2011, 07:13 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

i love your story of you and your aunt dude. keep it up! ill be waiting.. ^_^
Old 19-05-2011, 10:29 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

shit, i can't sleep...i have to know the story..i'm staying all night camping for your story.
Old 19-05-2011, 11:50 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Wow, thank you so much for all your very kind comments and effusive praise. Really paiseh, paiseh. Again, would like to thank the following brothers for giving me precious Reputation points:

Giman + 5 points
Eeemen +7 points
A bro who left the comment “Awesome”.

Allow me to continue and Bro Wicky, please go and sleep after this!

After dinner, the guide advised us not to wander around at night on our own. If we needed anything, he would be nearby. He was sleeping alone in one of the longhouses. My auntie and I returned to our longhouse. Being alone with my auntie again somehow caused my heart to start fluttering again. My auntie told me that she wanted to shower. She would shower first and then it would be my turn. She gathered her clothes and went out of the hut. I remained inside to sort out the things in my bag. I noticed that my auntie had taken out her clothings and put them on her mattress. Once I believed my auntie had gone into the bathroom which was just outside, I quickly looked through what she had brought. I was hoping to find her red lacy underwear. I saw it stacked at the bottom of the small pile of clothes. As I reached for it, I heard my auntie screamed.

Stunned, I turned round, expecting to surely get hell this time from my auntie. But she was not there. I then realised that the scream had come from outside. I quickly got out of the longhouse and in my haste, almost tripped and fell off the steps. Instinctively, I shouted for my auntie. She answered me from inside the bathroom. I asked whether she was all right. She said yes, but I could tell from her voice that she was not. She sounded angry. When I enquired further, my auntie told me that the elderly Chinese man had tried to open the door of the bathroom! Immediately, I could feel my heckles rising. The bloody lao chi ko pek (Hokkien for Dirty Old Man) peeping Tom! My auntie told me that the door latch within was broken and thus the door could be opened by anyone from the outside. I told my auntie that I would go and look for the chi ko pek. She told me not to, saying that he had apologised to her, claiming that he did not know that the bathroom was occupied as the door was ajar. His wife was using the bathroom and he thought he could use this one outside our longhouse. He had quickly scampered off after saying sorry to my auntie.

I then told my auntie that I would stand guard outside the bathroom while she continued to bathe inside. I could hear the relief in my auntie’s voice as she thanked me for being her bodyguard. I stood outside the bathroom with my back to the door, my arms crossed, facing whoever would dare to come and peep at my auntie. They would have to do it over my dead body!

I was quite pissed off when I thought of the old man – first he touched and rubbed my auntie’s sexy white foot earlier in the day. Then he came to open the bathroom door when she was bathing inside. I wondered what he saw. Did he manage to see completely my auntie’s naked sexy body. Although it was dark outside, there is a small light bulb hanging from the top in the bathroom which was surprisingly bright for its small size. The bloody old man must have seen my auntie’s firm nubile body! Idiot! The thought made me want to rush into his longhouse and bash him up. If his wife were much younger, I would have gone to peep at her too to even things up! My teenage mind then was certainly not thinking clearly.

I could hear my auntie splashing up a storm inside the bathroom. I could hear the water running over her lovely pointed breasts and down her white flat belly onto her curvy shapely thighs and long legs. I turned my head and realised that the bathroom door was slightly ajar. From where I stood, I was looking straight into a mirror inside the bathroom. I had not noticed that there was a mirror in the bathroom when I used the bathroom that morning when we first arrived. I heard a rush of water and then caught a glimpse of my auntie’s shoulder in the mirror. For an instant, her beautiful face flashed across the little screen. I was looking straight at her but she did not seem to notice. If only I was a few inches taller, I might be able to see the lower part of her body being reflected. I stood on tiptoes but the image was gone. To my horror, I realised that I was actually trying to peep at my auntie bathing! Was I any different from the lao chi ko pek?

I thought I heard my auntie said “Oh Dear.” I asked her whether there was anything wrong. She said yes, she had not brought in her bath towel. Would I be a dear to go and get it for her from her bag? My auntie did not sound too worried about it. In fact, from my static-filled mind, there seemed to be a smile in the voice. Certainly, I replied.

I ran up the steps into the longhouse, opened her bag, grabbed what appeared to be a big bath towel and went back out and walked right up to the bathroom door, which was now half open, holding the towel in front of me. The door swung further open and my auntie reached out to take it. She was smiling and as her hand moved towards it, the top of her body followed slightly, just enough so that the whole of one beautiful glistening white breast with brown nipple appeared. I sucked in an involuntary breath and felt the perspiration break out around my eyes. Then my auntie had taken it and was gone.
Old 20-05-2011, 12:24 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

Gd one... camping here
Old 20-05-2011, 12:32 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

wwoooooo.....i shall dream of it tonight. thank you so much. (tmr going wake up with wet pants )
Old 20-05-2011, 01:38 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

People, this should be model material for a textbook on how to write a sexy story and get everybody transfixed..

Damn good description....Bro Grouchycabi you can be a scriptwriter or an adult novelist
Why you up me?
Why you zap me also?
Why you so preoccupied with the points?
Why you so like dat?
Old 20-05-2011, 03:09 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

Please please cont.
You can fall from the trees or fall from the sky
But the best place to fall is in love with me
Old 20-05-2011, 05:20 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

Wah.. ts.. your story is super solid I have to come out from my silence to say Smth.. I'm glad I only found out about your thread an hour ago.. if its in 09 I would have died waiting. Superb story u have here.. best of all its a milf topic! My favourite.. Haha
Old 20-05-2011, 06:18 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

Great Story... Please cont...very exciting. I would up point but don't know how.
Old 20-05-2011, 08:22 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

great story bro..pls continue!
Old 20-05-2011, 08:32 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

Reading bro's story is like watching cat3 moive but tis can't forward... bro pls carry on asap...!!
Old 20-05-2011, 08:33 AM
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Re: My auntie and I


Your story writing skill is absolutely wonderful...but at the same time speed has been a big concern...

You started this story in 2009 (15 Feb 2009) then went MIA and until today 20 May 2011, its been 2 years, 3 months and 5 days you have only been able to peek in bedroom and bathroom and touch croch band...hmmm.. with this speed I presume you might cross your teenage before ......

Well, I hope you learnt from chi ko pek. Look at him in just few days he touched and peeked at your aunty... I guess he had much better view than you ever had until today. And I wont be surprised if he went on to do something else before you...

Anyway, I cant do much except rewarding you my +4 points for your excellent writing skills but not for your speed. And wait for you to continue...
Old 20-05-2011, 09:13 AM
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Re: My auntie and I

Originally Posted by chatlovers View Post

Your story writing skill is absolutely wonderful...but at the same time speed has been a big concern...

You started this story in 2009 (15 Feb 2009) then went MIA and until today 20 May 2011, its been 2 years, 3 months and 5 days you have only been able to peek in bedroom and bathroom and touch croch band...hmmm.. with this speed I presume you might cross your teenage before ......

Well, I hope you learnt from chi ko pek. Look at him in just few days he touched and peeked at your aunty... I guess he had much better view than you ever had until today. And I wont be surprised if he went on to do something else before you...

Anyway, I cant do much except rewarding you my +4 points for your excellent writing skills but not for your speed. And wait for you to continue...

it's like the long waiting for Starwars..........7yrs later...
Old 20-05-2011, 12:18 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Originally Posted by dumboyz View Post
Worth every of my minutes to read through all the pages... Kudos to TS for your art of writing Tension builder and emotion manipulator..u had done it to perfection.. Looking forward evryday for ur update!!!
Originally Posted by Bangster View Post
People, this should be model material for a textbook on how to write a sexy story and get everybody transfixed..

Damn good description....Bro Grouchycabi you can be a scriptwriter or an adult novelist
Wow, many many thanks for your kind comments. I am not worthy! :-)
Old 20-05-2011, 01:22 PM
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Re: My auntie and I

Originally Posted by grouchycabi View Post
Wow, many many thanks for your kind comments. I am not worthy! :-)
u are too humble bro...

thanks for sharing..

upz u my humble 2pts..

look forward to your next update...

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