Originally Posted by purepulp
According to ancient kamasutra studies and various traditional ancient chinese TCM remedies, to recover in the quickest time for another round of sex you have to do the follow steps:
1) Stand on ONLY your left leg and hold your balance.
2) With your right hand, hold your left testical.
3) With your left hand, hold your right ear.
4) Stick out your tongue as far as it can go.
5) Keep your right eye open and close your left eye.
With all these steps, you should recover for a 2nd round within 7 minutes…
I used Cialis, just for fun, and I can recover in 10 minutes .. with the girl starting to stimulate me with her friend helping
ah, without Cialis, it takes like 20 mins, but still with stimulation
minus stimulation ? no idea bro
Best Plan B, keep some porn movie and after round 1, see, it can aourse you faster