Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
We shall see.......who is the actual wolf.............hahahahaha
cheers |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
. 本人相貌丑陋,三岁习武,七岁学文,上知天文地理,下知鸡毛蒜皮, 每外出行走,常引帅哥回头,美女跳楼,心地善良,和蔼可亲, 乐于助人,乐善好施不可枚舉,其优点多得有如滔滔江水 连绵不绝,又如黃河泛滥一发而不可收拾,实乃旷世奇才。 人在新加坡, 心在常平 中国美女那么多,可惜我人在新加坡
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
wah liao all the gals so chio one leh...
how come i never see so chio one in CP???? u guys must bring me around man....... I aiming to go again on deepavali holiday.... BTW is it far to go CP from guangzhou airport from tigerairway? how is it compare to CP from shengzhen???? i know sheng zhen is nearer lah.... but the timing is like..... 19:00~23 flight there!!!! AND 23:30~3:30 flight..... back!!!!! wah cow... wat to do so late???? and want to do till the flight back????? SO LATE also..... |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Thats all for today liu!!
. 本人相貌丑陋,三岁习武,七岁学文,上知天文地理,下知鸡毛蒜皮, 每外出行走,常引帅哥回头,美女跳楼,心地善良,和蔼可亲, 乐于助人,乐善好施不可枚舉,其优点多得有如滔滔江水 连绵不绝,又如黃河泛滥一发而不可收拾,实乃旷世奇才。 人在新加坡, 心在常平 中国美女那么多,可惜我人在新加坡
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
hahahahaha thanks bro ahh boi......you're the man
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
tentively n 7nov to 12nov lah...... |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Not zoo just in wolfs den. Here all 色 wolfs. But only one 'young" wolf that look like a lamb, and one "lua hero" wolf that dare to eat tiger. All the other 色wolfs 無膽
I say that give the old hero wolf a tiger beer.
無業游民 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Bro berber........Nov I'm getting married. Dec CP big parties, let's cheong in Dec
Hahahahahaha let's give that man a TIGER |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
bro, this one look like under age leh... be careful later on the gong-an give you the "long staying permit" in china...
shenzhen is about 1 hour, rmb200 per car per trip. bro, you reminds me my 成名曲﹐ 餓狼傳說... will sing for you end of this month... hehehehe...
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Wei wei wei, you guys please STOP POSTING PRETTY GALS' PHOTOS!!!, cause that will lead to very bad consequences one lar, after seeing all so chio one here and set high benchmark, later visiting DG will be very hard to get gals already ... Unless, someone tell me, :"Hey, you are wrong, XXX from XXX is really look like this! Here is her phone numbers xxxxxxxxxxxx." Hahahahahaha
Ngek ngek ngek ngek... Hey all brothers here, who will be in DG on 14-18 Sept? I already bought the air ticket, please IM if you are there during that period. I will be more than happy to meet you guys! P/S: Bro, any more photos to share?
JustSomeFun |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
bro 3dee, reach CP at 12midnite can do wat????
Waste 1 nite hotel stay leh.... all the bro going to CP using tigerairway, wat's the norm ah????? and wat to do after check out time and flight time which is like 11 hours..... wah liao.... don't know how to plan liao.... hahahah i tempt 2~3 frens to go CP with me.... hahahah |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Might be going to CP the next 2 weeks,will keep in touch with u guy
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Boi ! why u post the girl all my taste one huh
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Buy you a tiger on tiger airways,
Clear and swee bo?
無業游民 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Next potential happening place: GuiZhou (GuiYang)
Summary for those who cannot read chinese, guangzhou will start the construction of the express train that connected to guiyang, reachable in 3 hours, project completion is estimated in 2010. (note: Guizhou is a province, Guiyang is a city; just like guangdong and guangzhou) For those who is looking for investment opportunity, this could be one consideration, things in guizhou are still relatively cheap compare to guangdong. Just one point to take note, guizhou is a province that full with minority races, and the popular one is Miao (苗族). If you read/watch hongkong comics, novel or movie (武俠小說, 漫畫), you should know that Miao is well known with kong-tao (蠱毒), so be a bit careful you are not meeting with granddaughter of 五毒姥姥 hehehehe . (For who not aware, the minority races family name could appeal a bit strange, I have met the girls where the surname is "皮", " 托") 广州将有一半老板去贵州买房 2007年08月11日03:35 2010年,广州乘快速火车到贵州只要3个多小时。那时广州可能会有一半的老板去贵州买房子,作为夏天渡 假用。昨天上午,贵州省省委副书记王富玉亲自挂帅,在亚洲国际大酒店举行的多彩贵州旅游推介会上滔滔 不绝。 多数景区是喀斯特地貌 你要说瀑布,我们贵州有黄果树瀑布;你要说溶洞,我们不仅有面积达740平方公里的世界上最大的溶洞,还 有长达110公里、世界上最长的溶洞;你要说漂流,我们贵州的976条河流,有800条可以开发做漂流项目 ,王富玉侃侃而谈,今年6月27日,我们贵州荔波与云南石林、重庆武隆共同组成的中国南方喀斯特世 界自然遗产申报项目获全票通过,成功地跻身于世界自然遗产之列。在贵州,喀斯特地貌占整个国土面积的70% 以上,贵州80%以上的景区都在喀斯特地貌中,闻名中外的黄果树瀑布、龙宫、织金洞、万峰林、马岭河峡谷等 景区景点都是喀斯特地貌所赐,贵州是名副其实的绿色喀斯特王国。 在谈到世界遗产喀斯特的开发时,王富玉说,必须把保护放在第一位,在开发旅游项目时坚决先做环境,冒烟 、流水的工厂要逐步关掉,荔波现在就已经关闭了80多个小煤窑。 2008年前,采石场要全部关闭。 据介绍,赴贵州旅游的广东游客数量每年以39%的速度递增,2006年有360多万广东游客到贵州旅游。此 外,每年经白云机场中转到贵州旅游的外国游客数量一直名列国内各中转机场的前茅。广东省省委常委、组织部部 长胡泽君表示,去年贵州到广东旅游的游客人数达到92万人次。 广州至贵阳高速铁路10月开建 目前,贵州省正在利用世界银行6000万美元的文化、自然遗产地基础设施建设贷款项目,对贵州自然、文 化遗产地基础设施建设进行规划、开发和建设,目前已进入实际操作阶段。此外,贵州省还正在申报三叠纪世界地 质公园,一旦申报成功,贵州将有7个市、州、地直接受益。 记者会上获悉,继广州至贵阳的高速公路定于10月开建后,高速铁路也将于10月开工建设,2010年前全部 通车,乘快速火车到贵州只要3个多小时。那时广州可能会有一半的老板去贵州买房子,作为夏天渡假用。贵 州省委副书记王富玉说。据介绍,目前国家有关部门已经批准,该高速铁路还将连接重庆和兰州,届时广州贵 阳重庆兰州将被高速铁路连成一线。(夏令、张昊)
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
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