Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Yes, I'll need ur guidance as I hv no experience in KC-ing SYTs, especially non-WLs. There r many websites in China. Just 百度一下。I hv also placed ad all over...I hv been getting ctc of at least 1 chio SYT of my type to BY every 2-3 days. Many r non-WLS. But most of them want me to BY them where they go to school or work in China. I'll try to bring some of them to SG. Cheers! Quote:
CL is different from all other gals/women I hv ever met. She is very young n very, very naughty. BUT she wants my undivided attention around the clock, keeps sending QQ msg n inviting me to do video calling whenever she is awake n able to do so. She often wakes up at 2-3 AM China time to send me msg n nude photos. I hv only very limited time for her. She says she is very sad n dreams abt me... Yesterday, She had waited to chat w/ me from 2AM until 2:30 PM her time (11:30 PM Gotham time). I purposely refused to answer her, hahaha. When I excused myself at 12 midnight to go to sleep, she won't let me! Later shes was angry n sad...n cried! Is she crazy or mentally n emotionally sick? I just want to make love to her n I dun want any trouble...I may not want to meet her in BJ. I heard from JK that u had a minor accident. I'm sure that you're perfectly fine now. Take care, bro. Hope to c u in BJ! Cheers! .................................................. .................................. Good morning! Hef of Playboy fame is my No1 role model. He is old enuff to be my dad! And I'm a lao chi ko pek! Finding, connecting w/ n proposing BY to chio SYTs make me young. It's too much fun. Also, going after more than a dozen gals at the same time keeps my mind sharp n prevents me from getting KC-ed. I use push-pull technique. When my heartthrob CL wanted me to go to Dalian instead, I said No n ignored her completely, she then came begging me...I hv many options. I did a video calling w/ TC (my good luck charm) n saw her older sis. Wow, quite pretty. Aged 24, 163, 50 kg. I jokingly told them I would BY both of them! She wants to come to SG on singer permit n is hoping to be BY-ed by a rich bro. She will forward her recent photos to me. Any bro interested? I also requested TC to send me an up-to-date closeup pic of her very pretty abalone. I said I needed it to PCC so that I wont hv to look for other pussies, hehe. She said OK. That's all folks. Cheers! Bro WB |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
I think you have enough experience to do that without my guidance already... Anyway, young gals, especially non-WLs, can be very possessive especially if you have taken care of them for a period of time. Which is why I normally stay clear of those under 20 years old. The young ones seriously give me big problems every time. For CL, I think judging from her behavior now, you have to monitor her closely before deciding whether to meet up with her or whether to BY her at the end of the day. I have a feeling that she is going to be very possessive once you BY her. My gut feeling is that she feels that you are a big fish waiting to be hooked and she is trying all means to do so.
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Ths so much for ur expert advice n warning. I'm having lots of good clean fun w/ her. I won't be hooked easily though, hehehe. Cheers! Quote:
I'm careful. I hv distanced myself from her. BTW, there is a 22 yo recent uni graduate from Shanghai who appears quite pretty. She is 166 n slim. She is asking 4W a month for BY. Could u meet her n "audition" her for me? She has agreed to meeting u. If so, I'll PM her ctc no. Cheers! Bro WB |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
I have moved over to SZ, and am no longer in SH. Even if I were to be in SH, though, I would suggest you not ask another brother to audition your women. Tastes in women vary tremendously from men to men, and it is not nice to be disappointed when a brother gave a "bells and whistles" report, but she is not exactly the type that clicks with you. Vice versa, a case may occur where a brother is totally disgusted with the girl, but whom may actually be your type. It is best to meet up and get the feeling yourself. So, are you bringing her to SG, or going over to SH? |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Good advice. I'll try to import her to SG...if I really like her. A successful BY depends on many factors. Then there r the imponderables... Regards, n thank you, Bro WB 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。 Good morning! I never rely solely on OKTs for good reasons. I leave no stone unturned. "Picking up" can also occur in cyberspace, hehe. Now I hv too many potential GFs/Lovers/mistresses/er nai...both in PRC, SG n Gotham City...I'm getting luckier n luckier. Are all gals work in bank loan Dept.? They want to give u loans when u don't need them. Likewise, they seem to offer their pussies when u dun need them! "IT'S LIKE THEY'RE COMING OUT OF THE WOODWORK" A guru sent me the following just days ago: I was talking to a friend of mine recently, who brought up a certain infamous phenomenon that I think just about all of us can relate to. "You know, when you're not getting a whole lot of dates it seems like it's next to impossible to get a woman to show any interest whatsoever...let alone make the first move. But now that I've got a girlfriend I really like, I'm noticing that ALL KINDS OF WOMEN are sending very clear attraction signals my way. It's this just 'dumb luck'?" Hmmm. I told him that my educated guess was that "luck" had nothing to do with it. In fact, there was likely a very rational explanation for what he was noticing. It's like this. In the sales world, it's a well-known and long-established fact that people buy on the approval of others. In other words, if NOBODY seems to want a certain product it'll be MUCH harder to sell to any given prospect. However, if LOTS of people want it, a "snowball effect" is likely to start where soon EVERYBODY will want it. This is a big reason why customer testimonials are so valuable and why large companies are willing to pay big bucks for celebrity endorsements. You can actually test this principle out for yourself. The next time you're hanging with a friend at some sort of store, wait until you have several strangers around and then pick up something off the shelf that you already have or point out some snack that you've already tried. In a voice that's just loud enough to be overheard, tell your friend how unbelievably great it is. Maybe give one quick detail in support of that, and then casually move on. Next, pay attention out of the corner of your eye. Almost invariably someone nearby will pick up the item you were just discussing. This is all part of human nature. If something is worth having, someone probably already has it. Taken to an extreme, this is one reason why some (admittedly dysfunctional) people get off on dating ONLY people who are already married. But even well-meaning people with a healthy mindset towards relationships with MOTOS (members of the opposite sex) tend to consider someone who someone else already considers attractive all the more attractive themselves. Add it all up, and when you have an adoring girlfriend more girls tend to adore you. But wait a second. Sure, the explanation I just gave is more than logical. In fact, you may actually have heard it the whole story before. Still, it really doesn't explain how or why you can suddenly start attracting women like wildfire when you're no longer single--even when your girlfriend ISN'T THERE WITH YOU. Heck, it's altogether possible women will even be showing interest in you who are TOTAL STRANGERS and have no way of knowing whether you're single or not. So how does THAT work? Obviously, there's more to it in that case than ye olde "people buy on the approval of others" factor, right? Indeed. What's likely the case is that you're carrying yourself in a way that says you don't NEED to find a woman, whereas in the past "desperation" may have been written all over your face--whether you realized it or not. Moreover, when you DO interact with women nowadays--even attractive ones--there's nothing really "at stake" for you. In other words, because you don't WANT ANYTHING from the women around you, your need for "approval" from them is almost non-existent. It's as if what they think of you is sort of beside the point, given the fact that you have a girlfriend already. As such, perhaps ironically, you're getting a first-hand look at the sheer, raw power of what we talk about around here ALL THE TIME as being an all-important mindset, regardless of your "relationship status". When you've ALREADY got a woman who likes you, there's not as much fear of how other women will respond to you (or not). After all, in your world it no longer matters as long as you've got a great woman who truly digs you. So then, since conversations with other women aren't seen as "competitions" leading to either "acceptance" or "rejection", you are more at ease, more confident and--frankly--more attractive. Simply put, when you don't NEED approval from women, you tend to GET it from them. No matter what the reason for it, having lots of women suddenly show interest in you can be super frustrating when you're in an exclusive relationship. That's especially true if you've jumped into that arrangement rather quickly after a long time without female companionship. But nevertheless, there's no reason to get bummed out by what's a very natural human phenomenon. Remember, if you're with the RIGHT woman then you'll WANT to be in that steady relationship with her. You can rest assured you have the greatest woman of all no matter who else shows interest. But on the other hand, even if seeing interest on the part of other women proves to be far too intriguing to you, that can still be a good thing. Maybe it's a clear signal that you should "raise the bar" instead of getting into a committed relationship with the woman you're currently with. At the very least, you should be able to rest assured that should your current relationship ever end, you'll have plenty of other excellent options...as long as you can harness the mindset you CURRENTLY have and transform it into habit. And if you're NOT seeing that one woman exclusively? Well...let's just say that what I've shared with you today is a HUGE reason why guys who are seeing one woman usually find it LOTS easier to start dating others as well. Be Good, Mr. XXX |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Good morning to all samsters,
I'll be very busy for the next several wks. Please continue to share your experiences n insights in "picking up" n in BY-ing. Cheers, Bro WB |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Will wait for your return...
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
身材娇小爆乳娘! 声音甜美技术强, 哪怕官人色如狼, 不到天亮不起床! 求包养,会捆绑, 身形矫健气质郎! 阅片无数耐力强, 即便太太两鬓霜, 夜夜回春人激昂! 求包养 会灌肠 身段妖娆赛美娘 菊花一紧会锁阳 即便倾是灰太狼 夜夜笙箫忘母狼 求包养 会滚床 滴蜡调教我在行, 技术一流前戏长。 日日都做七次郎, 能攻能受才叫强! 求包养,技术强 不问庄家女或郎 前有铁棍耐力长 后有美菊静候郎 口技舌技美名扬 求包养,身材壮, 血气方刚火力旺! 技巧无数不重样, 不论主人啥状况, 坚决陪到心花放! 求包养,会弄枪 夜战千次心不慌 日理万鸡[关键词屏蔽]强 芙蓉凤姐亦不拒 只怪老子性欲强 求包养,精飞扬。 刚去韩国壮了阳! 又为练手爆伪娘! 闲来无事扶扶墙! 一条白光射向梁! 求包养,火力旺 夜战百次力气长 国际标准来认证 勃大精深才叫强 夜夜欢声闹春宵 人送外号不倒枪 求包养,美周郎, 金链男子白玉床。 战罢娇娘三百万, 江湖人称不倒枪, 银镯宓妃常留寝, 夸我活好耐力强。 嘿,耐力强! 求包养,机关枪 样样技巧皆在行 气势可比虎狼猛 劲力可以穿铁墙 哪怕你人老珠又黄 也包你春宵好风光 嘿,好风光! 求包养,腹黑王 面善心狠皮鞭长 不吃素,菊花狂 玉米黄瓜火腿肠 哪怕姑娘性如狼 日日震塌三栋房 求包养,我管粮, 翻云覆雨功夫强, 教主身高不忧伤, 银镯扔掉入洞忙。 最怕日时露真相, 哟嘿! 咆哮一声马哥狂。 求包养 中指长 直入后山出入忙 桃源深处诉衷肠 银月枪 裆内藏 夜深方显好儿郎 云入雨出愈发亮 一柱青天撒星光 求包养 [关键词屏蔽]棒 舌头温暖湿又长 秘密武器金刚枪 尺寸超长是保障 蒙面出入日租房 业务电话喷墙上 夜入天堂不上当 欢迎预约到邮箱 求包养 软饭郎 久经沙场经验广 堪称配种老山羊 百般前戏均会耍 提枪上阵耐力良 夜夜出力不叫苦 家庭和睦本领强 岳父攻我也不怕 改天服务丈母娘 求包养,娇羞藏。 二八年华娇羞藏, 曼妙婀娜身段佳 柔荑凝脂颜如玉。 金丝碧玉鸳鸯床。 鸳鸯床上鸳鸯飞, 夜夜笙歌凤求凰, 春宵含箫曲未了, 香津玉液舌尖绕, 佳人含箫不能语。 双目频送秋波言。 待到花露渐浓处, 银枪深舞摧红颜, 颜色渐乱枝渐颤, 及至天明花已残。 曾有言 春光无限好, 只是哪堪摧残。 屋外海棠压梨枝,娇香欲滴。 小猫它喵喵叫。 求推倒,体力好。 无论弟媳或大嫂。 搞完请吃豆腐脑。 不管萝莉外国佬。 完活之后包搓澡。 不怕抓来不怕咬。 能推油来能按脚。 从来不嫌给钱少。 微笑服务卫生好。 常年穿着小棉袄。 增高鞋垫是个宝。 叫床声音极为巧。 闹太套,闹太套。 |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Bro WB
Enjoyed reading yr candid encounters and really appreciate yr generous sharing spirit. I have gained much insights on the mystique of BY from yr postings. A most lively topic judging from the active contributions from so many seasoned players ! Just wonder if there is a high risk of the BYer being blackmailed by the gal when he stops the arrangement (assuming a sticky girl), and how should one minimize this as presumably the gal would have a fair idea of the BYer profile and contacts ? Thanks ! |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Wah Bro Warbird, if I have an opportunity to meet up with you when you're in Beijing, I definitely must. Your adventures and insights are something I definitely need to learn from.
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Guidelines are as follows: 1) Never tell her your real name only alias 2) Never tell her where you stay always lie! 3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. Better still, if you have a chick who is goin back, ask her for her PP sim card since she cant use it in PRC, i have a few liao, damn useful haha 4) Never tell her where you work or stay 5) Never show her your IC or Business Card 6) Always bring her to places you hardly go, if you stay east, bring her to westmall jalan jalan, if you stay west, bring her to parkway parade or tampines mall walk walk 7) Meals are very important, always bring her to very quiet places where you and your family hardly ever go, my personal fav is millenia walk, very quiet and discreet place wif good restaurants and kopi joints 8) If need to screw, always bring her to ulu places, not the HOT ZONES These r wat i can think of for now, but this would leave her wif no way of ever blackmailing you for anything!
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Bro TD,
Hopefully quite soon... Ths bro besafe. Quote:
I believe in sharing n in win-win-win-win-win situations. Never give ur real names or work/residence address...see post by mr. Chairman below. A jilted mistress can be very spiteful n vindictive! I always try to make our parting amicable. But a few still hate me... Quote:
Hope to meet up w/ u. Quote:
Ths for ur contribution n insights. Cheers! .................................................. ................................ Good morning! Just a quick update. I hv arranged for two current high school students, both non-WLs to meet up w/ me in PRC. They hv done video calling w/ me n know that I'm a lao chi ko pek! They hv to take a leave of absence. Unfortunately, one of them (XB) already said no BJ or painting, but kissing is fine. I'm betting that when she is hving multiple orgasms, she will say yes to everything, hehe. The other is CL who has said okay to my kissing n licking/sucking every cm of her lovely body...I'm thinking of doing 双飞 w/ them. Recently, I hv discovered that, in PRC, there r many, many chio n tall SYTs, non-WLs, aged 17-19, who r in high schools or uni, who want to be BY-ed by the right MAN. Why get fxked by boys their age for free? These boys can't even give them orgasms, hehehe. SG is a very boring place compared w/ PRC...unless I can import some of these SYTs. Cheers! Bro WB |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Thanks to Mr Chairman and bros for your kind advice. . .
"Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ 3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. " For regular phone contacts with MM in PRC, are there any cheap pre-paid cards in the market that don't cost an arm and a leg like those prepaid from Singtel ? Appreciation City slicker |
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